Some personal habits (yours should differ)
A silly example of pipes:
Generate a normal sample, exponentiate, and take the resulting mean three ways:
# # 1:
sam <- rnorm(1000) # 1,000 standard normal random variates
esam <- exp(sam)
## [1] 1.606366
mean(esam, trim = 0.1) # trim 10% from each end
## [1] 1.188872
Bonus Question: Why did ‘trim’ make a big difference?
# # 2:
## [1] 1.657761
mean(exp(rnorm(1000)), trim = 0.1)
## [1] 1.250043
# # 3:
library(spida2) # or just: library(magrittr)
rnorm(1000) %>% exp %>% mean
## [1] 1.646945
rnorm(1000) %>% exp %>% mean(trim = 0.1) # you can add arguments
## [1] 1.194628
# Could also do:
1000 %>% rnorm %>% exp %>% mean # but that's getting silly
## [1] 1.685241
1000 %>% rnorm %>% exp %>% mean(trim = 0.1)
## [1] 1.25778
Question: How would you make this ‘reproducible’ to get the same result each time.
Suppose we want the population to have:
It’s tempting to generate the two variables, but then what?
We can use a package ‘mvtnorm’ but we’ll do it from scratch.
N <- 3000
dd <- data.frame(x = rnorm(N) * 3 + 68)
## x
## 1 69.54928
## 2 69.27920
## 3 68.03191
## 4 69.95720
## 5 67.15944
## 6 67.96604
We can generate y by working out the equation of the population regression line and the distribution of the error term.
We know:
\[ \begin{aligned} \operatorname{Cov}(X,Y) & = \rho_{XY} \sqrt{\operatorname{Var}(X)\operatorname{Var}(Y)} \\ & = 0.6 \times 9 \\ & = 3.6\\ \beta_{Y|X} & = \operatorname{Cov}(X,Y) / \operatorname{Var}(X) \\ & = 3.6 / 9 \\ & = 0.6 \\ \operatorname{Var}(Y|X) & = \operatorname{Var}(Y) - \frac{\operatorname{Cov}(X,Y)^2}{\operatorname{Var}(X)} \\ & = 9 - \frac{3.6^2}{9} \\ & = 7.56 \end{aligned} \]
The ‘error terms’ are independent of \(X\) so we can generate them with
dd %>% within(
e <- rnorm(N) * sqrt(7.56)
y <- 68 + 0.6 * (x - 58) + e
e <- NULL # we never know e in real data
) -> dd
## x y
## 1 69.54928 72.54836
## 2 69.27920 72.59332
## 3 68.03191 75.43821
## 4 69.95720 75.71101
## 5 67.15944 76.08974
## 6 67.96604 72.39187
xqplot(dd) # uniform quantile plot
xqplot(dd, ptype = 'n') # normal quantile plot
xyplot(y ~ x, dd) # plots
pl <- xyplot(y ~ x, dd, asp = 1) # doesn't plot
pl # does plot
fit <- lm(y ~ x, dd)
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x, data = dd)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -8.7965 -1.8189 -0.0617 1.8553 10.0598
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 33.67938 1.15854 29.07 <2e-16 ***
## x 0.59297 0.01702 34.85 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2.771 on 2998 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2883, Adjusted R-squared: 0.288
## F-statistic: 1214 on 1 and 2998 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
# How did this compare with
dd$fit <- predict(fit)
pl + xyplot(fit ~ x, dd, type = 'l', col = 'red') -> pl # creates new plotting object
pl # plots it
pl + layer(, lwd = 5, radius = c(1,2,3),col = 'purple')) # play with this
# then assign it to pl if you plan to add more
pl + layer(, lwd = 1, radius = c(1,2,3),col = 'red')) -> pl
# Add the SD (standard deviation line) that goes through the point of means
# and has slope equal to SD(Y)/SD(X)
dd %>% within(
sdline <- local(
xm <- mean(x)
ym <- mean(y)
xs <- sd(x)
ys <- sd(y)
sd.slope <- ys/xs
ym + sd.slope * (x - xm) # as in all R function the last object gets returned
) -> dd
## x y fit sdline
## 1 69.54928 72.54836 74.91999 75.70201
## 2 69.27920 72.59332 74.75985 75.40375
## 3 68.03191 75.43821 74.02024 74.02625
## 4 69.95720 75.71101 75.16188 76.15252
## 5 67.15944 76.08974 73.50289 73.06270
## 6 67.96604 72.39187 73.98118 73.95351
pl + xyplot(sdline ~ x, dd, type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 'green') # play to get this the way you want it
pl + xyplot(sdline ~ x, dd, type = 'l', lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = 'green') -> pl
update(pl, key = list(
space = 'right',
lines = list(col = c('green','red'), lty= c(2,1), lwd = c(2,1)),
text = list(c('SD line', 'Regression line'))))
library(car) # 'car' stands for 'Companion to Applied Regression'
## Loading required package: carData
help(p=carData) # some interesting data sets you can play with
xqplot(Prestige) # uniform quantile plot (classroom photo)
# diagonal is uniform
# normal is (reverse?)-S shaped
xqplot(Prestige, ptype = 'n') # normal quantile plots
# diagonal is normal
# uniform is (reverse?)-S shaped
Question: How would you describe the skewness and/or kurtosis of these variables?
dd <- Prestige # dd is easier to type
dd$linc <- log(dd$income)
dd$lwomen <- qlogis(dd$women/100) # turn proportions into log odds
xqplot(dd, ptype = 'n')
graphics::pairs(dd) # scatterplot matrix (more than one package has a function names 'pairs')
## Attaching package: 'corrgram'
## The following object is masked from 'package:latticeExtra':
## panel.ellipse
## The following object is masked from 'package:lattice':
## panel.fill
graphics::pairs(dd, diag.panel = panel.density, lower.panel = panel.ellipse)
car::scatterplotMatrix(dd) %>% try # oops. seems to conk out after 1st column, 'try' prevents error from stopping execution
## Warning in smoother(x[subs], y[subs], col = smoother.args$col[i], log.x =
## FALSE, : could not fit smooth
## Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) :
## NA/NaN/Inf in 'y'
# Example of very important tool: lapply applies a function to each element of a list
# and return the list with each element transformed.
# Assigning back to 'dd[]' instead of 'dd' preserves dd's structure as
# a data frame and avoids turning it into a simple list.
dd[] <- lapply(dd, function(x) { # set infinite values to NAs
x[!is.finite(x)] <- NA
scatterplotMatrix(dd) # now it works! NAs were okay but not Infs
scatterplotMatrix(~education+income+women| type, dd)
Explore the R Graph Gallery
The AVP (added-variable plot, known in SAS PROC REG as the ‘Partial Regression Leverage Plot’) and the ‘Partial Residual Plot’, also known as the ‘component-plus-residual plot’ are often confused. They look similar but they often convey very different information.
I’ll show how to produce them with the ‘car’ package using the ‘smoking’ data as an example.
## Loading required package: rgl
## Attaching package: 'p3d'
## The following object is masked from 'package:car':
## Identify3d
## The following objects are masked from 'package:spida2':
## cell, center, ConjComp, dell, disp, ell, ell.conj, ellbox, ellplus,
## ellpt, ellptc, ellpts, ellptsc, elltan, elltanc, na.include, uv
dd <- Smoking2 # I'm a bad typist so short names with repeated letters work well for me
## X Country Cig.pAdult.pYear GDPpCapita Year HE.pCap HE.pcGDP LE.all
## Albania 1 Albania 1201 4030 2011 569 6.8 77.41
## Algeria 2 Algeria 577 5244 2011 437 5.4 74.02
## Angola 3 Angola 397 5148 2011 183 3.3 38.20
## Argentina 4 Argentina 1014 10941 2011 1062 7.4 76.95
## Armenia 5 Armenia 2083 3305 2011 224 3.8 72.68
## Australia 6 Australia 1130 60642 2011 3365 8.5 81.81
## LE.male LE.female LE.all2 LE.male2 LE.female2 Continent
## Albania 74.82 80.30 76.4 73.4 79.7 Europe
## Algeria 72.35 75.77 72.3 70.9 73.7 Africa
## Angola 37.24 39.22 NA NA NA Africa
## Argentina 73.71 80.36 75.3 71.6 79.1 Americas
## Armenia 69.06 76.81 72.0 68.4 75.1 Asia
## Australia 79.40 84.35 81.2 78.9 83.6 Oceania
## Region LE HE Smoking GDP
## Albania Southern Europe 77.41 569 1201 4030
## Algeria Northern Africa 74.02 437 577 5244
## Angola Middle Africa 38.20 183 397 5148
## Argentina South America 76.95 1062 1014 10941
## Armenia Western Asia 72.68 224 2083 3305
## Australia Australia and New Zealand 81.81 3365 1130 60642
xqplot(dd) # uniform quantile plot (classroom picture plot)
dd$Cigarettes <- dd$Smoking/365.25 # cigarettes/day is a better unit than cigarettes/year
dd$Life <- dd$LE
dd$Health_Exp <- dd$HE
Plot3d( Life ~ Cigarettes + Health_Exp | Continent, dd)
## Continent col
## 1 Africa blue
## 2 Americas green
## 3 Asia orange
## 4 Europe magenta
## 5 Oceania cyan
## Use left mouse to rotate, middle mouse (or scroll) to zoom, right mouse to change perspective
fg() # brings 3d window to the foreground in Windows. Don't know what it does for Macs.
spinto(phi=15, theta = 10)
rglwidget() # creates a plot that can be manipulated in html output
AVPs and CPRs provided 2D views of high D data
fit <- lm(Life ~ Cigarettes + Health_Exp, dd)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Life ~ Cigarettes + Health_Exp, data = dd)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -27.895 -3.099 1.483 5.226 11.113
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 6.386e+01 1.169e+00 54.62 < 2e-16 ***
## Cigarettes 1.546e+00 3.753e-01 4.12 7.17e-05 ***
## Health_Exp 3.009e-03 5.179e-04 5.81 5.66e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 7.221 on 115 degrees of freedom
## (111 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared: 0.4096, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3993
## F-statistic: 39.89 on 2 and 115 DF, p-value: 6.937e-14
Interpretation? One extra cigarette a day adds 1.546 years to your life!
Regression diagnostics:
Four important plots
plot(fit, ask = F)
Added variable plots
Good for:
avPlots(fit, ellipse = T) # default uses 'robust' ellipses so centre is not necessarily mean
avPlots(fit, ellipse = list(robust = F))
CR plots
crPlots(fit, ellipse = T) # default uses 'robust' ellipses
## Warning in plot.window(...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
## Warning in plot.xy(xy, type, ...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
## Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "ellipse" is not a
## graphical parameter
## Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "ellipse" is not a
## graphical parameter
## Warning in box(...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
## Warning in title(...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
## Warning in plot.window(...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
## Warning in plot.xy(xy, type, ...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
## Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "ellipse" is not a
## graphical parameter
## Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "ellipse" is not a
## graphical parameter
## Warning in box(...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
## Warning in title(...): "ellipse" is not a graphical parameter
Contrast with AVPs
avPlots(fit, ellipse = list(robust = F))
And ‘marginal’ plots
xyplot(Life ~ Cigarettes, dd)
xyplot(Life ~ Health_Exp, dd)
fit1 <- lm(Life ~ Cigarettes, dd)
fit2 <- lm(Life ~ Cigarettes + I(Cigarettes^2), dd)
dd$fit1 <- predict(fit1, newdata = dd)
dd$fit2 <- predict(fit2, newdata = dd)
dd <- sortdf(dd, ~ Cigarettes)
td(pch = 16)
pl <- xyplot(Life ~ Cigarettes, dd, groups = Continent, auto.key = T) +
xyplot(fit1 ~ Cigarettes, dd, type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 'blue') +
xyplot(fit2 ~ Cigarettes, dd, type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 'red')
update(pl, key =
title = 'Model',
space = 'left',
lines = list(
lwd = 2),
text = list(
xyplot(Life ~ Health_Exp, dd, groups = Continent, auto.key = T)
The ROC curve shows how a classifier performs over the range of possible cutoffs.
An example of a ‘classifier’ is the process in which
Let’s draw the ROC curve for a test of H0: \(\mu = 0, \sigma = 1\), versus HA: \(\mu = 1, \sigma =1\), using a sample size of 4.
The test is based on the sample mean that has a normal(0, \(\sigma = 1/2\)) distribution under the null hypothesis and a normal(1, \(\sigma = 1/2\)) distribution under the alternative.
Let’s take the critical values as ranging from -5 to 5
data.frame(cval = seq(-5, 5, .01)) %>%
alpha <- pnorm(cval, mean = 0, sd = 1/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
beta <- pnorm(cval, mean = 1, sd = 1/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
) -> dd
xyplot(beta~alpha, dd, type = 'l', xlim = c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), asp = 1)
# focusing on the left edge near alpha = .05
xyplot(beta~alpha, dd, type = 'l', xlim = c(0,.1)) +
layer(panel.abline(v= .05)) +
layer(panel.abline(h=.64)) # the power is approx. .64 (I got this by trial and error)