This version rendered on September 16 2023 16:28 Based on scripts created for J. Fox and S. Weisberg (2019) An R Companion to Applied Regression, 3rd Edition

library("car") # loads car and carData packages
  Loading required package: carData

1 Data Input

1.1 From a package

The Davis data set on measured versus reported height

  [1] "data.frame"
  200 x 5 data.frame (195 rows omitted)
      sex weight height repwt repht
      [f]    [i]    [i]   [i]   [i]
  1   M       77    182    77   180
  2   F       58    161    51   159
  3   F       53    161    54   158
  . . .                                 
  199 M       90    181    91   178
  200 M       79    177    81   178
xqplot(Davis) # uniform quantiles

xqplot(Davis, ptype = 'n')  # normal quantiles

# if not installed: install.packages('alr4')
data("Challeng", package="alr4")
  23 x 7 data.frame (18 rows omitted)
           temp pres fail   n erosion blowby damage
            [i]  [i]  [i] [i]     [i]    [i]    [i]
  4/12/81    66   50    0   6       0      0      0
  11/12/81   70   50    1   6       1      0      4
  3/22/82    69   50    0   6       0      0      0
  . . .                                                 
  11/26/85   76  200    0   6       0      0      0
  1/12/86    58  200    1   6       1      0      4

1.2 From vectors

cooperation <- c(49, 64, 37, 52, 68, 54, 61, 79, 64, 29,
    27, 58, 52, 41, 30, 40, 39, 44, 34, 44)

(condition <- rep(c("public", "anonymous"), c(10, 10)))
   [1] "public"    "public"    "public"    "public"    "public"   
   [6] "public"    "public"    "public"    "public"    "public"   
  [11] "anonymous" "anonymous" "anonymous" "anonymous" "anonymous"
  [16] "anonymous" "anonymous" "anonymous" "anonymous" "anonymous"
(sex <- rep(rep(c("male", "female"), each=5), 2))
   [1] "male"   "male"   "male"   "male"   "male"   "female"
   [7] "female" "female" "female" "female" "male"   "male"  
  [13] "male"   "male"   "male"   "female" "female" "female"
  [19] "female" "female"
rep(5, 3)
  [1] 5 5 5
rep(c(1, 2, 3), 2)
  [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3
rep(1:3, 3:1)
  [1] 1 1 1 2 2 3

1.2.1 Creating a data frame

Guyer1 <- data.frame(cooperation, condition, sex)
  20 x 3 data.frame (15 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition    sex
             [n]       [c]    [c]
  1           49 public    male  
  2           64 public    male  
  3           37 public    male  
  . . .                               
  19          34 anonymous female
  20          44 anonymous female
Guyer2 <- data.frame(
  cooperation = c(49, 64, 37, 52, 68, 54, 61, 79, 64, 29,
                  27, 58, 52, 41, 30, 40, 39, 44, 34, 44),
  condition = rep(c("public", "anonymous"), c(10, 10)),
  sex = rep(rep(c("male", "female"), each=5), 2)
identical(Guyer1, Guyer2)
  [1] TRUE

The structure of a data frame:

  • a list in which each element has the same length
  'data.frame': 20 obs. of  3 variables:
   $ cooperation: num  49 64 37 52 68 54 61 79 64 29 ...
   $ condition  : chr  "public" "public" "public" "public" ...
   $ sex        : chr  "male" "male" "male" "male" ...
  [1] "cooperation" "condition"   "sex"        
  [1] "data.frame"
   [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1.3 From a text file

From a remote site:

Duncan <- read.table(
brief(Duncan)  # first 3 and last 2 rows
  45 x 4 data.frame (40 rows omitted)
             type income education prestige
              [c]    [i]       [i]      [i]
  accountant prof     62        86       82
  pilot      prof     72        76       83
  architect  prof     75        92       90
  . . .                                         
  policeman  bc       34        47       41
  waiter     bc        8        32       10

I’m going to download this text file from John Fox’s website to illustrate what it looks like when reading a local file


Duncan <- read.table("Duncan.txt", header = TRUE)
  45 x 4 data.frame (40 rows omitted)
             type income education prestige
              [c]    [i]       [i]      [i]
  accountant prof     62        86       82
  pilot      prof     72        76       83
  architect  prof     75        92       90
  . . .                                         
  policeman  bc       34        47       41
  waiter     bc        8        32       10

# use: ?Duncan for more information

1.4 From an Excel file

See the ‘readxl’ package and the function ‘read_excel’

The Hadleyverse uses ‘tibbles’: data frames with extra information and an aversion to factors and rownames

library("tidyverse")  # loads all of the tidyverse packages -- takes a long time
  ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ───────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
  ✔ dplyr     1.1.2     ✔ readr     2.1.4
  ✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
  ✔ ggplot2   3.4.3     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
  ✔ lubridate 1.9.2     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
  ✔ purrr     1.0.2     
  ── Conflicts ─────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
  ✖ readr::cols()      masks spida2::cols()
  ✖ dplyr::filter()    masks stats::filter()
  ✖ ggplot2::labs()    masks spida2::labs()
  ✖ dplyr::lag()       masks stats::lag()
  ✖ purrr::map()       masks spida2::map()
  ✖ dplyr::recode()    masks car::recode()
  ✖ purrr::some()      masks car::some()
  ✖ lubridate::years() masks spida2::years()
  ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
Duncan.tibble <- as_tibble(Duncan)
print(Duncan.tibble, n=5)  # note print() method
  # A tibble: 45 × 4
    type  income education prestige
    <chr>  <int>     <int>    <int>
  1 prof      62        86       82
  2 prof      72        76       83
  3 prof      75        92       90
  4 prof      55        90       76
  5 prof      64        86       90
  # ℹ 40 more rows
  # A tibble: 45 × 4
     type  income education prestige
     <chr>  <int>     <int>    <int>
   1 prof      62        86       82
   2 prof      72        76       83
   3 prof      75        92       90
   4 prof      55        90       76
   5 prof      64        86       90
   6 prof      21        84       87
   7 prof      64        93       93
   8 prof      80       100       90
   9 wc        67        87       52
  10 prof      72        86       88
  # ℹ 35 more rows
  45 x 4 data.frame (40 rows omitted)
     type income education prestige
      [c]    [i]       [i]      [i]
  1  prof     62        86       82
  2  prof     72        76       83
  3  prof     75        92       90
  . . .                                 
  44 bc       34        47       41
  45 bc        8        32       10

1.5 Referring to variables in a data frame

Data frames have two personalities:

  • list of variable (each of same length)
  • matrix of entries like a spreadsheet so entries can be referred to by row and column
  'data.frame': 45 obs. of  4 variables:
   $ type     : chr  "prof" "prof" "prof" "prof" ...
   $ income   : int  62 72 75 55 64 21 64 80 67 72 ...
   $ education: int  86 76 92 90 86 84 93 100 87 86 ...
   $ prestige : int  82 83 90 76 90 87 93 90 52 88 ...

1.5.1 Fully qualified name

Duncan$prestige     # using the '$' (select) operator
   [1] 82 83 90 76 90 87 93 90 52 88 57 89 97 59 73 38 76 81 45 92
  [21] 39 34 41 16 33 53 67 57 26 29 10 15 19 10 13 24 20  7  3 16
  [41]  6 11  8 41 10

3rd row, 4th columns

Duncan[3, 4]
  [1] 90

All rows, 4th column

Duncan[ , 4]
   [1] 82 83 90 76 90 87 93 90 52 88 57 89 97 59 73 38 76 81 45 92
  [21] 39 34 41 16 33 53 67 57 26 29 10 15 19 10 13 24 20  7  3 16
  [41]  6 11  8 41 10

1.5.2 Refer to column by name

Duncan[ , "prestige"]
   [1] 82 83 90 76 90 87 93 90 52 88 57 89 97 59 73 38 76 81 45 92
  [21] 39 34 41 16 33 53 67 57 26 29 10 15 19 10 13 24 20  7  3 16
  [41]  6 11  8 41 10

Using the ‘with’ function so names are interpreted within the data frame

with(Duncan, prestige)
   [1] 82 83 90 76 90 87 93 90 52 88 57 89 97 59 73 38 76 81 45 92
  [21] 39 34 41 16 33 53 67 57 26 29 10 15 19 10 13 24 20  7  3 16
  [41]  6 11  8 41 10
with(Duncan, mean(prestige))
  [1] 47.68889

1.5.3 Using a formula

Formulas are particularly important for modeling functions. But they are widely used in more recent software.

Fitting a least-squares model:

Formulas contain the ‘~’ symbol. Usually, variable names on the left and dependent variables and names on the right are predictor variables.

The names in the formula are interpreted within the data frame that is provided as the ‘data’ argument. If the variable can’t be found in the data frame, then the ‘lm’ function looks outside.

mod.duncan <- lm(
  prestige ~ income + education, 
  data = Duncan)
  lm(formula = prestige ~ income + education, data = Duncan)
      Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
  -29.538  -6.417   0.655   6.605  34.641 
              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
  (Intercept) -6.06466    4.27194  -1.420    0.163    
  income       0.59873    0.11967   5.003 1.05e-05 ***
  education    0.54583    0.09825   5.555 1.73e-06 ***
  Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  Residual standard error: 13.37 on 42 degrees of freedom
  Multiple R-squared:  0.8282,  Adjusted R-squared:   0.82 
  F-statistic: 101.2 on 2 and 42 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

1.6 Basics about missing data

Large US metropolitan areas in 1968

  110 x 4 data.frame (105 rows omitted)
              population nonwhite density crime
                     [i]      [n]     [i]   [i]
  Akron              675      7.3     746  2602
  Albany             713      2.6     322  1388
  Albuquerque         NA      3.3      NA  5018
  . . .                                             
  York               316      2.0     220  1062
  Youngstown         528      9.2     513  1698

head(Freedman$density, 20)  # first 20 values
   [1]  746  322   NA  491 1612  770   41  877  240  147  272 1831
  [13] 1252  832  630   NA   NA  328  308 1832

Dealing effectively with missing data is NOT something to be done mechanically. It’s easy to make the symptom go away without dealing with the underlying problems.

library("mice") # multiple imputation by chained equations (you might need to install this package!)
  Attaching package: 'mice'
  The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
  The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
      cbind, rbind
md.pattern(Freedman, plot=FALSE)
      nonwhite crime population density   
  100        1     1          1       1  0
  10         1     1          0       0  2
             0     0         10      10 20
tablemissing(Freedman)  # in spida2

        population nonwhite density crime Total
  1              1        1       1     1   100
  2              0        1       0     1    10
  Total         10        0      10     0   110

Some function have an argument to ignore NAs

  [1] NA
median(Freedman$density, na.rm=TRUE)
  [1] 412
  [1] NA
mean(Freedman$density, na.rm=TRUE)
  [1] 765.67

Question: Why are the mean and mediam so different?

with(Freedman, {
    plot(density, crime, main="US Metropolitan Areas (1968)")
    showLabels(density, crime, labels=row.names(Freedman),
        n=8, method="x")

  Jersey.City    New.York    Paterson      Newark     Detroit 
           42          59          65          60          26 
      Chicago      Boston Los.Angeles 
           17          11          49

look up ?showLabels

1.6.1 Examples of missing data in functions and arithmetic

log(c(-1, -.5, 0, 1, 10, NA, 100), base=10)
  Warning: NaNs produced
  [1]  NaN  NaN -Inf    0    1   NA    2


log(c(-1, -.5, 0, 1, 10, NA, 100)+0i, base=10)
  Warning: NaNs produced in function "log"
  [1]  0.00000+1.364376i -0.30103+1.364376i     -Inf+     NaNi
  [4]  0.00000+0.000000i  1.00000+0.000000i      NaN+     NaNi
  [7]  2.00000+0.000000i

Using within and non-standard variable names

logs <- data.frame(x = c(-1, -.5, 0, 1, 10, NA, 100)) 
logs <- within(logs, {  # an expression surrounded by curly braces
  logx <- log(x)
  logz <- log(x+0i)
  Warning in log(x): NaNs produced
        x                logz     logx
  1  -1.0  0.000000+3.141593i      NaN
  2  -0.5 -0.693147+3.141593i      NaN
  3   0.0      -Inf+0.000000i     -Inf
  4   1.0  0.000000+0.000000i 0.000000
  5  10.0  2.302585+0.000000i 2.302585
  6    NA                  NA       NA
  7 100.0  4.605170+0.000000i 4.605170

1.6.2 Arithmetic with NA’s

c(1, NA, 3, 4) * c(2, 3, 4, NA)
  [1]  2 NA 12 NA
  [1] NA

But NA is treated intelligently in logical expressions and some arithmetic expressions

c(TRUE, FALSE) | c(NA, NA) 
  [1] TRUE   NA
c(TRUE, FALSE) & c(NA, NA) 
  [1]    NA FALSE
1^c(-1, NA, 1)
  [1] 1 1 1
0^c(-1, NA, 1)
  [1] Inf  NA   0

To find NA’s in a vector you can’t use ‘==’

c(1, 2, 3, NA, 4) == 2

1.6.3 Logic with NAs


c(1, 2, 3, NA, 4) == NA
  [1] NA NA NA NA NA

You need to use ‘’

### More on NAs ####, 2, 3, NA, 4))
  plot(log(density, base=10), crime, main="(b)")
  lm(crime ~ log(density, base=10), data=Freedman),
    lty="dashed", lwd=2)
good <- with(Freedman, complete.cases(crime, density))
    lines(lowess(log(density[good], base=10), crime[good],
        f=1.0), lwd=2))
legend("bottomright", legend=c("ols", "lowess"),
       lty=c("dashed", "solid"), lwd=2, inset=.02)

lm(crime ~ log(density, base=10), data=Freedman)
  lm(formula = crime ~ log(density, base = 10), data = Freedman)
              (Intercept)  log(density, base = 10)  
                   1297.3                    542.6
good <- with(Freedman, complete.cases(crime, density))
head(good, 20)  # first 20 values
Freedman.good <- na.omit(Freedman)
  100 x 4 data.frame (95 rows omitted)
             population nonwhite density crime
                    [i]      [n]     [i]   [i]
  Akron             675      7.3     746  2602
  Albany            713      2.6     322  1388
  Allentown         534      0.8     491  1182
  . . .                                            
  York              316      2.0     220  1062
  Youngstown        528      9.2     513  1698
NA == c(1, 2, NA, 4, NA)
  [1] NA NA NA NA NA, 2, NA, 4, NA))
  [1] 20
  [1] 0 <- 100*Guyer$cooperation/120

remove("") # from the global environment
Guyer$ <- 100*Guyer$cooperation/120
brief(Guyer)  # first 3 rows and last 2 rows
  20 x 4 data.frame (15 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition    sex
             [n]       [f]    [f]       [n]
  1           49 public    male    40.83333
  2           64 public    male    53.33333
  3           37 public    male    30.83333
  . . .                                         
  19          34 anonymous female  28.33333
  20          44 anonymous female  36.66667
Guyer$cooperation <- with(Guyer,
    log( -
  20 x 4 data.frame (15 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition    sex
             [n]       [f]    [f]       [n]
  1   -0.3708596 public    male    40.83333
  2    0.1335314 public    male    53.33333
  3   -0.8079227 public    male    30.83333
  . . .                                         
  19  -0.9279868 anonymous female  28.33333
  20  -0.5465437 anonymous female  36.66667

1.7 Creating categories from a continuous variable

Guyer$coop.4 <- cut(Guyer$, breaks=4)
  (22.5,33.3] (33.3,44.2]   (44.2,55]   (55,65.9] 
            6           7           5           2
Guyer$coop.thirds <- with(Guyer, cut(,
     quantile(, c(0, 1/3, 2/3, 1)),
     labels=c("low", "med", "high"),
   low  med high 
     7    6    7
(Guyer$coop.2 <- Recode(Guyer$,
    ' lo:50="low"; 50:hi="high" '))
   [1] "low"  "high" "low"  "low"  "high" "low"  "high" "high"
   [9] "high" "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low" 
  [17] "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"
set.seed(12345)  # for reproducibility
(sample.20 <- sort(sample(nrow(Womenlf), 20))) # 20 random cases
   [1]   2  10  38  40  51  75  86  93  94  96 103 142 152 160 208
  [16] 209 216 218 220 256
Womenlf[sample.20, ]  # 20 randomly selected rows
        partic hincome children   region
  2      13  present  Ontario
  10      23  present  Ontario
  38  fulltime      20   absent  Ontario
  40  parttime       6   absent Atlantic
  51  parttime      10  present  Prairie
  75      17  present  Ontario
  86  fulltime      27   absent       BC
  93  parttime       9  present  Ontario
  94  parttime       9  present  Ontario
  96      17  present  Ontario
  103      15  present Atlantic
  142      14  present  Ontario
  152 fulltime      13   absent       BC
  160 fulltime      15   absent  Ontario
  208 fulltime      11   absent   Quebec
  209       9  present   Quebec
  216 parttime      17  present   Quebec
  218 parttime      15   absent   Quebec
  220 fulltime      16   absent   Quebec
  256       9   absent   Quebec
(seed <- sample(2^31 - 1, 1))
  [1] 1403451174

1.8 Recode in two ways:

Womenlf$working <- Recode(Womenlf$partic,
    ' c("parttime", "fulltime")="yes"; ""="no" ')
Womenlf$working.alt <- Recode(Womenlf$partic,
    ' c("parttime", "fulltime")="yes"; else="no" ')
Womenlf$working[sample.20]  # the 20 sampled cases
   [1] no  no  yes yes yes no  yes yes yes no  no  no  yes yes yes
  [16] no  yes yes yes no 
  Levels: no yes
with(Womenlf, all(working == working.alt))  # check
  [1] TRUE
Womenlf$fulltime <- Recode(Womenlf$partic,
    ' "fulltime"="yes"; "parttime"="no"; ""=NA ')
Womenlf$fulltime[sample.20]  # the 20 sampled cases
   [1] <NA> <NA> yes  no   no   <NA> yes  no   no   <NA> <NA> <NA>
  [13] yes  yes  yes  <NA> no   no   yes  <NA>
  Levels: no yes
Womenlf$region.4 <- Recode(Womenlf$region,
    ' c("Prairie", "BC")="West" ')
Womenlf$region.4[sample.20]  # the 20 sampled cases
   [1] Ontario  Ontario  Ontario  Atlantic West     Ontario 
   [7] West     Ontario  Ontario  Ontario  Atlantic Ontario 
  [13] West     Ontario  Quebec   Quebec   Quebec   Quebec  
  [19] Quebec   Quebec  
  Levels: Atlantic Ontario Quebec West
Womenlf$working.alt.2 <- factor(with(Womenlf,
    ifelse(partic %in% c("parttime", "fulltime"), "yes", "no")))
with(Womenlf, all.equal(working, working.alt.2))
  [1] TRUE
husbands.income <- c(10, 30, 50, 20, 120) # imagine in $1000s
wifes.income    <- c(15, 20, 45, 22,  90)
ifelse (husbands.income > wifes.income,
    husbands.income, wifes.income) # larger of the two
  [1]  15  30  50  22 120
pmax(husbands.income, wifes.income)
  [1]  15  30  50  22 120
Womenlf$fulltime.alt <- factor(with(Womenlf,
    ifelse(partic == "fulltime", "yes",
        ifelse(partic == "parttime", "no", NA))))
with(Womenlf, all.equal(fulltime, fulltime.alt))
  [1] TRUE
with(Womenlf, all(fulltime == fulltime.alt))
  [1] NA
remove(Guyer, Womenlf)

brief(Guyer.male <- Guyer[Guyer$sex == "male", ],
    rows=c(2, 1))
  10 x 3 data.frame (7 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition  sex
             [n]       [f]  [f]
  1           49 public    male
  2           64 public    male
  . . .                             
  15          30 anonymous male
brief(Guyer.female <- Guyer[Guyer$sex == "female", ],
    rows=c(2, 1))
  10 x 3 data.frame (7 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition    sex
             [n]       [f]    [f]
  6           54 public    female
  7           61 public    female
  . . .                               
  20          44 anonymous female
brief(Guyer.reordered <- rbind(Guyer.male, Guyer.female))
  20 x 3 data.frame (15 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition    sex
             [n]       [f]    [f]
  1           49 public    male  
  2           64 public    male  
  3           37 public    male  
  . . .                               
  19          34 anonymous female
  20          44 anonymous female
brief(Guyer.reordered <- cbind(Guyer.reordered,
    pctcoop=round(100*Guyer.reordered$cooperation/120, 2)))
  20 x 4 data.frame (15 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition    sex pctcoop
             [n]       [f]    [f]     [n]
  1           49 public    male     40.83
  2           64 public    male     53.33
  3           37 public    male     30.83
  . . .                                       
  19          34 anonymous female   28.33
  20          44 anonymous female   36.67

1.9 Some operation on data frames

  51920 x 14 data.frame (51915 rows and 11 columns omitted)
            idNum . . . policePrecinct    neighborhood
              [f]                  [i]             [f]
  6823  17-000003                    1 Cedar Riverside
  6824  17-000007                    1 Downtown West  
  6825  17-000073                    5 Whittier       
  . . .                                                    
  60837 17-491480                    2 Marcy Holmes   
  60838 17-491482                    5 Lowry Hill East


  84 x 8 data.frame (79 rows and 4 columns omitted)
          neighborhood population . . . poverty collegeGrad
                   [c]        [n]           [n]         [n]
  1   Cedar Riverside        8247         0.060       0.258
  3   Phillips West          5184         0.042       0.211
  4   Downtown West          7141         0.057       0.551
  . . .                                                         
  98  Columbia Park          1699         0.058       0.418
  100 Marshall Terrace       1587         0.063       0.409

MplsStops %>% group_by(neighborhood) %>%
    summarize(nstops = n(),
        ntraffic = sum(problem == "traffic"),
        nNoCitation = sum(problem == "traffic" &
          citationIssued == "NO", na.rm=TRUE),
        nYesCitation = sum(problem == "traffic" &
          citationIssued == "YES", na.rm=TRUE),
        lat = mean(lat),
        long = mean(long)) -> Neighborhood

  # A tibble: 87 × 7
     neighborhood    nstops ntraffic nNoCitation nYesCitation   lat
     <fct>            <int>    <int>       <int>        <int> <dbl>
   1 Armatage            77       12           5            0  44.9
   2 Audubon Park       554      348          76           15  45.0
   3 Bancroft           134       21           7            4  44.9
   4 Beltrami           211      158          33           30  45.0
   5 Bottineau          377      281          55           19  45.0
   6 Bryant              96       19           7            1  44.9
   7 Bryn - Mawr        125       47          13           10  45.0
   8 Camden Industr…     34       22           9            2  45.0
   9 CARAG              559      325          95           18  44.9
  10 Cedar - Isles …    153       99          26            3  45.0
  # ℹ 77 more rows
  # ℹ 1 more variable: long <dbl>
Neigh.combined <- merge(Neighborhood, MplsDemo,
  84 x 14 data.frame (79 rows and 9 columns omitted)
     neighborhood nstops ntraffic . . . poverty collegeGrad
              [f]    [i]      [i]           [n]         [n]
  1  Armatage         77       12         0.050       0.622
  2  Audubon Park    554      348         0.053       0.440
  3  Bancroft        134       21         0.053       0.443
  . . .                                                         
  83 Windom          404      221         0.050       0.543
  84 Windom Park     461      303         0.058       0.499
    %in% MplsDemo$neighborhood)]
  [1] Camden Industrial        Humboldt Industrial Area
  [3] Near - North            
  87 Levels: Armatage Audubon Park Bancroft Beltrami ... Windom Park
Neigh.combined.2 <- merge(Neighborhood, MplsDemo,
    by="neighborhood", all.x=TRUE)
  [1] 87 14

MplsStops.2 <- merge(MplsStops, Neigh.combined.2,
  51920 x 27 data.frame (51915 rows and 23 columns omitted)
        neighborhood     idNum . . . poverty collegeGrad
                 [f]       [f]           [n]         [n]
  1      Armatage    17-354249         0.050       0.622
  2      Armatage    17-156263         0.050       0.622
  3      Armatage    17-263998         0.050       0.622
  . . .                                                      
  51919  Windom Park 17-111453         0.058       0.499
  51920  Windom Park 17-127035         0.058       0.499

head(OBrienKaiser, 2) # first two subjects
    treatment gender pre.1 pre.2 pre.3 pre.4 pre.5 post.1 post.2
  1   control      M     1     2     4     2     1      3      2
  2   control      M     4     4     5     3     4      2      2
    post.3 post.4 post.5 fup.1 fup.2 fup.3 fup.4 fup.5
  1      5      3      2     2     3     2     4     4
  2      3      5      3     4     5     6     4     1
  [1] 16
OBK.L <- reshape(OBrienKaiser, direction="long",
    v.names="response", idvar="subject")
  [1] 240
head(OBK.L, 16) # first measurment for each subject
       treatment gender time response subject
  1.1    control      M    1        1       1
  2.1    control      M    1        4       2
  3.1    control      M    1        5       3
  4.1    control      F    1        5       4
  5.1    control      F    1        3       5
  6.1          A      M    1        7       6
  7.1          A      M    1        5       7
  8.1          A      F    1        2       8
  9.1          A      F    1        3       9
  10.1         B      M    1        4      10
  11.1         B      M    1        3      11
  12.1         B      M    1        6      12
  13.1         B      F    1        5      13
  14.1         B      F    1        2      14
  15.1         B      F    1        2      15
  16.1         B      F    1        4      16
ord <- with(OBK.L, order(subject, time))
OBK.L <- OBK.L[ord, ]
head(OBK.L, 15) # rows for subject 1
       treatment gender time response subject
  1.1    control      M    1        1       1
  1.2    control      M    2        2       1
  1.3    control      M    3        4       1
  1.4    control      M    4        2       1
  1.5    control      M    5        1       1
  1.6    control      M    6        3       1
  1.7    control      M    7        2       1
  1.8    control      M    8        5       1
  1.9    control      M    9        3       1
  1.10   control      M   10        2       1
  1.11   control      M   11        2       1
  1.12   control      M   12        3       1
  1.13   control      M   13        2       1
  1.14   control      M   14        4       1
  1.15   control      M   15        4       1
OBK.L$phase <- factor(rep(rep(c("pre", "post", "fup"),
    each=5), 16))
OBK.L$hour <- factor(rep(rep(1:5, 3), 16))
head(OBK.L, 15)
       treatment gender time response subject phase hour
  1.1    control      M    1        1       1   pre    1
  1.2    control      M    2        2       1   pre    2
  1.3    control      M    3        4       1   pre    3
  1.4    control      M    4        2       1   pre    4
  1.5    control      M    5        1       1   pre    5
  1.6    control      M    6        3       1  post    1
  1.7    control      M    7        2       1  post    2
  1.8    control      M    8        5       1  post    3
  1.9    control      M    9        3       1  post    4
  1.10   control      M   10        2       1  post    5
  1.11   control      M   11        2       1   fup    1
  1.12   control      M   12        3       1   fup    2
  1.13   control      M   13        2       1   fup    3
  1.14   control      M   14        4       1   fup    4
  1.15   control      M   15        4       1   fup    5
OBK.W <- reshape(OBK.L, direction="wide", idvar="subject",
    v.names="response", drop=c("phase", "hour"),
       rep(c("pre", "post", "fup"), each=5), ".", rep(1:5, 3))))
head(OBK.W, 2)
      treatment gender subject pre.1 pre.2 pre.3 pre.4 pre.5
  1.1   control      M       1     1     2     4     2     1
  2.1   control      M       2     4     4     5     3     4
      post.1 post.2 post.3 post.4 post.5 fup.1 fup.2 fup.3 fup.4
  1.1      3      2      5      3      2     2     3     2     4
  2.1      2      2      3      5      3     4     5     6     4
  1.1     4
  2.1     1
  [1] 16
    # ignore subject in column 3 of OBK.W:
all(OBrienKaiser == OBK.W[, c(1:2, 4:18)])
  [1] TRUE

1.10 Matrices and lists

(A <- matrix(1:12, nrow=3, ncol=4))
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
  [3,]    3    6    9   12
(B <- matrix(c("a", "b", "c"), 4, 3,
    byrow=TRUE)) # 4 rows, 3 columns
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [2,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [3,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [4,] "a"  "b"  "c"
  [1] 3 4
  [1] 4 3
set.seed(54321) # for reproducibility
(v <- sample(10, 10))  # permutation of 1 to 10
   [1]  4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
  [1] 10
   [1,]    4
   [2,]    7
   [3,]    2
   [4,]   10
   [5,]    6
   [6,]    3
   [7,]    8
   [8,]    1
   [9,]    5
  [10,]    9
matrix(v, nrow=1)
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
  [1,]    4    7    2   10    6    3    8    1    5     9
(array.3 <- array(1:24,
    dim=c(4, 3, 2)))  # 4 rows, 3 columns, 2 layers
  , , 1
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,]    1    5    9
  [2,]    2    6   10
  [3,]    3    7   11
  [4,]    4    8   12
  , , 2
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,]   13   17   21
  [2,]   14   18   22
  [3,]   15   19   23
  [4,]   16   20   24
(list.1 <- list(mat.1=A, mat.2=B, vec=v))  # a 3-item list
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
  [3,]    3    6    9   12
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [2,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [3,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [4,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
   [1]  4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
v  # previously defined, permutation of 1:10
   [1]  4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
v[2] # second element
  [1] 7
v[c(4, 2, 6)]  # selected out of order
  [1] 10  7  3
v[c(4, 2, 4)]  # selecting 4th element twice
  [1] 10  7 10
v[-c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)]  # equivalent to v[c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)]
  [1] 4 2 6 8 5
names(v) <- letters[1:10]
   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
   4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
v[c("f", "i", "g")]
  f i g 
  3 5 8
v < 6
      a     b     c     d     e     f     g     h     i     j 
v[v < 6]  # all elements that are less than 6
  a c f h i 
  4 2 3 1 5
(vv <- v)  # make a copy of v
   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
   4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
vv[c(1, 3, 5)] <- 1:3  # replace elements 1, 3, 5
   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
   1  7  2 10  3  3  8  1  5  9
vv[c("b", "d", "f", "h", "j")] <- NA
   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
   1 NA  2 NA  3 NA  8 NA  5 NA
remove(vv) # clean up

A  # previously defined
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
  [3,]    3    6    9   12
A[2, 3]  # element in row 2, column 3
  [1] 8
A[c(1, 2), 2]  # rows 1 and 2, column 2 (returns a vector)
  [1] 4 5
A[c(1, 2), c(2, 3)] # rows 1 and 2, columns 2 and 3 (submatrix)
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    4    7
  [2,]    5    8
A[1:2, ]  # rows 1 and 2, all columns
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
A[ , 2]  # produces a vector
  [1] 4 5 6
A[ , 2, drop=FALSE]  # produces a one-column matrix
  [1,]    4
  [2,]    5
  [3,]    6
A[ , -c(1, 3)]  # omit columns 1 and 3
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    4   10
  [2,]    5   11
  [3,]    6   12
A[-1, -2]       # omit row 1 and column 2
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,]    2    8   11
  [2,]    3    9   12
rownames(A) <- c("one", "two", "three")  # set row names
colnames(A) <- c("w", "x", "y", "z")     # set column names
        w x y  z
  one   1 4 7 10
  two   2 5 8 11
  three 3 6 9 12
A[c("one", "two"), c("x", "y")]
      x y
  one 4 7
  two 5 8
A[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), ]  # select 1st and 3rd rows
        w x y  z
  one   1 4 7 10
  three 3 6 9 12
(AA <- A)     # make a copy of A
        w x y  z
  one   1 4 7 10
  two   2 5 8 11
  three 3 6 9 12
AA[1, ] <- 0  # set first row to zeros
AA[2, 3:4] <- NA
        w x  y  z
  one   0 0  0  0
  two   2 5 NA NA
  three 3 6  9 12

list.1  # previously defined
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
  [3,]    3    6    9   12
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [2,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [3,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [4,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
   [1]  4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
list.1[c(2, 3)]  # elements 2 and 3
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [2,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [3,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [4,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
   [1]  4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
list.1[2]        # returns a one-element list
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [2,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [3,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [4,] "a"  "b"  "c"
list.1[[2]]  # returns a matrix
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [2,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [3,] "a"  "b"  "c" 
  [4,] "a"  "b"  "c"
list.1["mat.1"]  # produces a one-element list
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
  [3,]    3    6    9   12
list.1[["mat.1"]]  #  extracts a single element
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
  [3,]    3    6    9   12
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]    1    4    7   10
  [2,]    2    5    8   11
  [3,]    3    6    9   12
list.1$mat.1 <- matrix(7:10, 2, 2)   # replace element
list.1$title <- "an arbitrary list"  # new element
list.1$mat.2 <- NULL                 # delete element
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    7    9
  [2,]    8   10
   [1]  4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
  [1] "an arbitrary list"
list.1["title"] <- list(NULL)
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    7    9
  [2,]    8   10
   [1]  4  7  2 10  6  3  8  1  5  9
  [1] 2
list.1[["mat.1"]][2, 1]
  [1] 8
  20 x 3 data.frame (15 rows omitted)
     cooperation condition    sex
             [n]       [f]    [f]
  1           49 public    male  
  2           64 public    male  
  3           37 public    male  
  . . .                               
  19          34 anonymous female
  20          44 anonymous female
   [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12"
  [13] "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20"
Guyer[ , 1]  # first column, returned as a vector
   [1] 49 64 37 52 68 54 61 79 64 29 27 58 52 41 30 40 39 44 34 44
Guyer[ , "cooperation"]  # equivalent
   [1] 49 64 37 52 68 54 61 79 64 29 27 58 52 41 30 40 39 44 34 44
Guyer[1:3, ]  # first 3 rows
    cooperation condition  sex
  1          49    public male
  2          64    public male
  3          37    public male
Guyer[c("1", "2"), "cooperation"] # by row and column names
  [1] 49 64
Guyer[-(6:20), ]  # drop rows 6 through 20
    cooperation condition  sex
  1          49    public male
  2          64    public male
  3          37    public male
  4          52    public male
  5          68    public male
with(Guyer, Guyer[sex == "female" & condition == "public", ])
     cooperation condition    sex
  6           54    public female
  7           61    public female
  8           79    public female
  9           64    public female
  10          29    public female
subset(Guyer, sex == "female" & condition == "public")
     cooperation condition    sex
  6           54    public female
  7           61    public female
  8           79    public female
  9           64    public female
  10          29    public female
   [1] 49 64 37 52 68 54 61 79 64 29 27 58 52 41 30 40 39 44 34 44
Guyer[["cooperation"]] # equivalent
   [1] 49 64 37 52 68 54 61 79 64 29 27 58 52 41 30 40 39 44 34 44
Guyer[[1]]             # equivalent
   [1] 49 64 37 52 68 54 61 79 64 29 27 58 52 41 30 40 39 44 34 44
head(Guyer["cooperation"]) # first six rows
  1          49
  2          64
  3          37
  4          52
  5          68
  6          54

1.11 Dates

c.starts <- c("02/27/2017", "02/24/2016", "05/14/1984")
c.ends <-   c("27-03-17", "3-1-17", "1-11-85")


(Dates <- data.frame(starts=mdy(c.starts), ends=dmy(c.ends)))
        starts       ends
  1 2017-02-27 2017-03-27
  2 2016-02-24 2017-01-03
  3 1984-05-14 1985-11-01
with(Dates, ends - starts)
  Time differences in days
  [1]  28 314 536
weekdays(Dates$starts, abbreviate=TRUE)
  [1] "Mon" "Wed" "Mon"
months(Dates$starts, abbreviate=FALSE)
  [1] "February" "February" "May"
quarters(Dates$starts, abbreviate=TRUE)
  [1] "Q1" "Q1" "Q2"
as.numeric(format(Dates$starts, "%Y"))
  [1] 2017 2016 1984
as.numeric(format(Dates$starts, "%m"))
  [1] 2 2 5
(time1 <- hms("17:5:3"))
  [1] "17H 5M 3S"
(time2 <- hm("7:4"))
  [1] "7H 4M 0S"
(time3 <- ms("7:4"))
  [1] "7M 4S"
time1 - time2
  [1] "10H 1M 3S"
  [1] 17
  [1] 5
  [1] 3
(date.time <- mdy_hms("7/10/18 23:05:01"))
  [1] "2018-07-10 23:05:01 UTC"

MplsStops$wkday <- factor(weekdays(MplsStops$date,
    levels=c("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"))
(tab1 <- xtabs(~ problem + wkday, data=MplsStops))
  problem       Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat
    suspicious 3021 3605 3975 3844 3783 4027 3567
    traffic    2561 3118 3833 4219 3967 4788 3612
100*round(prop.table(tab1, margin=1), 3) # row percents
  problem       Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat
    suspicious 11.7 14.0 15.4 14.9 14.7 15.6 13.8
    traffic     9.8 11.9 14.7 16.2 15.2 18.3 13.8
    Pearson's Chi-squared test
  data:  tab1
  X-squared = 162.09, df = 6, p-value < 2.2e-16
MplsStops$daynight <- with(MplsStops,
    ifelse(hour(date) < 6 | hour(date) >= 18,
        "night", "day"))
(tab2 <- xtabs(~ problem + daynight, MplsStops))
  problem        day night
    suspicious 11610 14212
    traffic    10609 15489
100*round(prop.table(tab2, margin=1), 3)
  problem       day night
    suspicious 45.0  55.0
    traffic    40.7  59.3
    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity
  data:  tab2
  X-squared = 98.361, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16

## Manipulating strings ####

download.file("http:/", 'Hamlet.txt') 
Hamlet <- readLines('Hamlet.txt') 
head(Hamlet)       # first 6 lines
  [1] "To be, or not to be: that is the question:"  
  [2] "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer"   
  [3] "The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,"
  [4] "Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,"  
  [5] "And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;" 
  [6] "No more; and by a sleep to say we end"
length(Hamlet)     # number of lines
  [1] 35
nchar(Hamlet)      # number of characters per line
   [1] 42 41 44 42 43 37 46 42 40 50 47 43 39 36 48 49 44 38 41 38
  [21] 43 38 44 41 37 43 39 44 37 47 40 42 44 39 26
sum(nchar(Hamlet)) # number of characters in all
  [1] 1454
lines.1_6 <- paste(Hamlet[1:6], collapse=" ")

  [1] "To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis" 
  [2] "nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of"   
  [3] "outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of"    
  [4] "troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No"
  [5] "more; and by a sleep to say we end"
substring(lines.1_6, 22, 41)
  [1] "that is the question"
characters <- strsplit(lines.1_6, "")[[1]]
length(characters)    # number of characters
  [1] 254
head(characters, 20)  # first 20 characters
   [1] "T" "o" " " "b" "e" "," " " "o" "r" " " "n" "o" "t" " " "t"
  [16] "o" " " "b" "e" ":"
all.lines <- paste(Hamlet, collapse=" ")
words <- strsplit(all.lines, " ")[[1]]
length(words)    # number of words
  [1] 277
head(words, 20)  # first 20 words
   [1] "To"        "be,"       "or"        "not"       "to"       
   [6] "be:"       "that"      "is"        "the"       "question:"
  [11] "Whether"   "'tis"      "nobler"    "in"        "the"      
  [16] "mind"      "to"        "suffer"    "The"       "slings"
words <- sub("[,;:.?!]", "", words)
head(words, 20)
   [1] "To"       "be"       "or"       "not"      "to"      
   [6] "be"       "that"     "is"       "the"      "question"
  [11] "Whether"  "'tis"     "nobler"   "in"       "the"     
  [16] "mind"     "to"       "suffer"   "The"      "slings"

## Substitutions and grep ####

sub("me", "you", "It's all, 'me, me, me' with you!")
  [1] "It's all, 'you, me, me' with you!"
gsub("me", "you", "It's all, 'me, me, me' with you!")
  [1] "It's all, 'you, you, you' with you!"
head(words <- tolower(words), 20)  # first 20 words
   [1] "to"       "be"       "or"       "not"      "to"      
   [6] "be"       "that"     "is"       "the"      "question"
  [11] "whether"  "'tis"     "nobler"   "in"       "the"     
  [16] "mind"     "to"       "suffer"   "the"      "slings"
word.counts <- sort(table(words), decreasing=TRUE)
word.counts[word.counts > 2]  # words used more than twice
    the    of    to   and  that     a sleep    be    we  bear 
     22    15    15    12     7     5     5     4     4     3 
     in    is    us  with 
      3     3     3     3
head(sort(unique(words)), 20)  # first 20 unique words
   [1] "-"        "'tis"     "a"        "action"   "after"   
   [6] "against"  "all"      "and"      "arms"     "arrows"  
  [11] "awry"     "ay"       "bare"     "be"       "bear"    
  [16] "bodkin"   "bourn"    "but"      "by"       "calamity"
length(unique(words))  # number of unique words
  [1] 167
grep("-", words)
  [1]  55 262
words[grep("-", words)]
  [1] "heart-ache" "-"
grep("^-", words)
  [1] 262
words <- words[- grep("^-", words)] # negative index to delete
head(sort(unique(words)), 20)
   [1] "'tis"     "a"        "action"   "after"    "against" 
   [6] "all"      "and"      "arms"     "arrows"   "awry"    
  [11] "ay"       "bare"     "be"       "bear"     "bodkin"  
  [16] "bourn"    "but"      "by"       "calamity" "cast"
grep("!$", c("!10", "wow!"))
  [1] 2
grep("^and$", c("android", "sand", "and", "random"))
  [1] 3
grep("and", c("android", "sand", "and", "random"))
  [1] 1 2 3 4
data <- c("-123.45", "three hundred", "7550",
    "three hundred 23", "Fred")
data[grep("^[0-9.-]*$", data)]
  [1] "-123.45" "7550"
data[grep("^[^0-9.-]*$", data)]
  [1] "three hundred" "Fred"
words[grep("^(the|a|an)$", words)]
   [1] "the" "the" "the" "a"   "a"   "the" "the" "a"   "the" "the"
  [11] "the" "the" "the" "the" "the" "the" "the" "the" "a"   "a"  
  [21] "the" "the" "the" "the" "the" "the" "the"
length(unique(words[- grep("^(the|a|an)$", words)]))
  [1] 164
grep("\\$", c("$100.00", "100 dollars"))
  [1] 1

1.12 Tables

                                  survived    sex     age
  Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton        yes female 29.0000
  Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor       yes   male  0.9167
  Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine          no female  2.0000
  Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Crei       no   male 30.0000
  Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessi       no female 25.0000
  Anderson, Mr. Harry                  yes   male 48.0000
  Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodos      yes female 63.0000
  Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr                no   male 39.0000
  Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Cha      yes female 53.0000
  Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon               no   male 71.0000
  Astor, Col. John Jacob                no   male 47.0000
  Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madelei      yes female 18.0000
  Aubart, Mme. Leontine Pauline        yes female 24.0000
  Barber, Miss. Ellen Nellie           yes female 26.0000
  Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry W      yes   male 80.0000
  Baumann, Mr. John D                   no   male      NA
  Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond              no   male 24.0000
  Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLa      yes female 50.0000
  Bazzani, Miss. Albina                yes female 32.0000
  Beattie, Mr. Thomson                  no   male 36.0000
  Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard        yes   male 37.0000
  Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard       yes female 47.0000
  Behr, Mr. Karl Howell                yes   male 26.0000
  Bidois, Miss. Rosalie                yes female 42.0000
  Bird, Miss. Ellen                    yes female 29.0000
  Birnbaum, Mr. Jakob                   no   male 25.0000
  Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H              yes   male 25.0000
  Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen      yes female 19.0000
  Bissette, Miss. Amelia               yes female 35.0000
  Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mau      yes   male 28.0000
  Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart          no   male 45.0000
  Blank, Mr. Henry                     yes   male 40.0000
  Bonnell, Miss. Caroline              yes female 30.0000
  Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth             yes female 58.0000
  Borebank, Mr. John James              no   male 42.0000
  Bowen, Miss. Grace Scott             yes female 45.0000
  Bowerman, Miss. Elsie Edith          yes female 22.0000
  Bradley, Mr. George (George Ar       yes   male      NA
  Brady, Mr. John Bertram               no   male 41.0000
  Brandeis, Mr. Emil                    no   male 48.0000
  Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson             no   male      NA
  Brown, Mrs. James Joseph (Marga      yes female 44.0000
  Brown, Mrs. John Murray (Caroli      yes female 59.0000
  Bucknell, Mrs. William Robert (      yes female 60.0000
  Burns, Miss. Elizabeth Margaret      yes female 41.0000
  Butt, Major. Archibald Willingh       no   male 45.0000
  Cairns, Mr. Alexander                 no   male      NA
  Calderhead, Mr. Edward Penningt      yes   male 42.0000
  Candee, Mrs. Edward (Helen Chur      yes female 53.0000
  Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Marti      yes   male 36.0000
  Cardeza, Mrs. James Warburton M      yes female 58.0000
  Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof              no   male 33.0000
  Carrau, Mr. Francisco M               no   male 28.0000
  Carrau, Mr. Jose Pedro                no   male 17.0000
  Carter, Master. William Thornto      yes   male 11.0000
  Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk            yes female 14.0000
  Carter, Mr. William Ernest           yes   male 36.0000
  Carter, Mrs. William Ernest (Lu      yes female 36.0000
  Case, Mr. Howard Brown                no   male 49.0000
  Cassebeer, Mrs. Henry Arthur Jr      yes female      NA
  Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William         no   male 36.0000
  Cavendish, Mrs. Tyrell William       yes female 76.0000
  Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller           no   male 46.0000
  Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert Fuller (C      yes female 47.0000
  Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell        yes   male 27.0000
  Chambers, Mrs. Norman Campbell       yes female 33.0000
  Chaudanson, Miss. Victorine          yes female 36.0000
  Cherry, Miss. Gladys                 yes female 30.0000
  Chevre, Mr. Paul Romaine             yes   male 45.0000
  Chibnall, Mrs. (Edith Martha Bo      yes female      NA
  Chisholm, Mr. Roderick Robert C       no   male      NA
  Clark, Mr. Walter Miller              no   male 27.0000
  Clark, Mrs. Walter Miller (Virg      yes female 26.0000
  Cleaver, Miss. Alice                 yes female 22.0000
  Clifford, Mr. George Quincy           no   male      NA
  Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy            no   male 47.0000
  Compton, Miss. Sara Rebecca          yes female 39.0000
  Compton, Mr. Alexander Taylor J       no   male 37.0000
  Compton, Mrs. Alexander Taylor       yes female 64.0000
  Cornell, Mrs. Robert Clifford (      yes female 55.0000
  Crafton, Mr. John Bertram             no   male      NA
  Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford          no   male 70.0000
  Crosby, Miss. Harriet R              yes female 36.0000
  Crosby, Mrs. Edward Gifford (Ca      yes female 64.0000
  Cumings, Mr. John Bradley             no   male 39.0000
  Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Flo      yes female 38.0000
  Daly, Mr. Peter Denis                yes   male 51.0000
  Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams          yes   male 27.0000
  Daniels, Miss. Sarah                 yes female 33.0000
  Davidson, Mr. Thornton                no   male 31.0000
  Davidson, Mrs. Thornton (Orian       yes female 27.0000
  Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian              yes   male 31.0000
  Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera       yes female 17.0000
  Dodge, Dr. Washington                yes   male 53.0000
  Dodge, Master. Washington            yes   male  4.0000
  Dodge, Mrs. Washington (Ruth Vi      yes female 54.0000
  Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald            no   male 50.0000
  Douglas, Mrs. Frederick Charles      yes female 27.0000
  Douglas, Mrs. Walter Donald (Ma      yes female 48.0000
  Duff Gordon, Lady. (Lucille Chr      yes female 48.0000
  Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund       yes   male 49.0000
  Dulles, Mr. William Crothers          no   male 39.0000
  Earnshaw, Mrs. Boulton (Olive P      yes female 23.0000
  Endres, Miss. Caroline Louise        yes female 38.0000
  Eustis, Miss. Elizabeth Mussey       yes female 54.0000
  Evans, Miss. Edith Corse              no female 36.0000
  Farthing, Mr. John                    no   male      NA
  Flegenheim, Mrs. Alfred (Antoin      yes female      NA
  Fleming, Miss. Margaret              yes female      NA
  Flynn, Mr. John Irwin (Irving        yes   male 36.0000
  Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall       no   male 30.0000
  Fortune, Miss. Alice Elizabeth       yes female 24.0000
  Fortune, Miss. Ethel Flora           yes female 28.0000
  Fortune, Miss. Mabel Helen           yes female 23.0000
  Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander        no   male 19.0000
  Fortune, Mr. Mark                     no   male 64.0000
  Fortune, Mrs. Mark (Mary McDoug      yes female 60.0000
  Francatelli, Miss. Laura Mabel       yes female 30.0000
  Franklin, Mr. Thomas Parham           no   male      NA
  Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William        yes   male 50.0000
  Frauenthal, Mr. Isaac Gerald         yes   male 43.0000
  Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry William       yes female      NA
  Frolicher, Miss. Hedwig Margari      yes female 22.0000
  Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillia      yes   male 60.0000
  Frolicher-Stehli, Mrs. Maxmilli      yes female 48.0000
  Fry, Mr. Richard                      no   male      NA
  Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath           no   male 37.0000
  Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (L      yes female 35.0000
  Gee, Mr. Arthur H                     no   male 47.0000
  Geiger, Miss. Amalie                 yes female 35.0000
  Gibson, Miss. Dorothy Winifred       yes female 22.0000
  Gibson, Mrs. Leonard (Pauline C      yes female 45.0000
  Giglio, Mr. Victor                    no   male 24.0000
  Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L             yes   male 49.0000
  Goldenberg, Mrs. Samuel L (Edwi      yes female      NA
  Goldschmidt, Mr. George B             no   male 71.0000
  Gracie, Col. Archibald IV            yes   male 53.0000
  Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith         yes female 19.0000
  Graham, Mr. George Edward             no   male 38.0000
  Graham, Mrs. William Thompson (      yes female 58.0000
  Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram      yes   male 23.0000
  Greenfield, Mrs. Leo David (Bla      yes female 45.0000
  Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin              no   male 46.0000
  Harder, Mr. George Achilles          yes   male 25.0000
  Harder, Mrs. George Achilles (D      yes female 25.0000
  Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper            yes   male 48.0000
  Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper (Myn      yes female 49.0000
  Harrington, Mr. Charles H             no   male      NA
  Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt           no   male 45.0000
  Harris, Mrs. Henry Birkhardt (I      yes female 35.0000
  Harrison, Mr. William                 no   male 40.0000
  Hassab, Mr. Hammad                   yes   male 27.0000
  Hawksford, Mr. Walter James          yes   male      NA
  Hays, Miss. Margaret Bechstein       yes female 24.0000
  Hays, Mr. Charles Melville            no   male 55.0000
  Hays, Mrs. Charles Melville (Cl      yes female 52.0000
  Head, Mr. Christopher                 no   male 42.0000
  Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry           no   male      NA
  Hipkins, Mr. William Edward           no   male 55.0000
  Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude         yes female 16.0000
  Hippach, Mrs. Louis Albert (Ida      yes female 44.0000
  Hogeboom, Mrs. John C (Anna And      yes female 51.0000
  Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar        no   male 42.0000
  Holverson, Mrs. Alexander Oskar      yes female 35.0000
  Homer, Mr. Harry (Mr E Haven)        yes   male 35.0000
  Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield         yes   male 38.0000
  Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher              no   male      NA
  Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick Maxfield (      yes female 35.0000
  Icard, Miss. Amelie                  yes female 38.0000
  Isham, Miss. Ann Elizabeth            no female 50.0000
  Ismay, Mr. Joseph Bruce              yes   male 49.0000
  Jones, Mr. Charles Cresson            no   male 46.0000
  Julian, Mr. Henry Forbes              no   male 50.0000
  Keeping, Mr. Edwin                    no   male 32.5000
  Kent, Mr. Edward Austin               no   male 58.0000
  Kenyon, Mr. Frederick R               no   male 41.0000
  Kenyon, Mrs. Frederick R (Mario      yes female      NA
  Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr         yes   male 42.0000
  Kimball, Mrs. Edwin Nelson Jr (      yes female 45.0000
  Klaber, Mr. Herman                    no   male      NA
  Kreuchen, Miss. Emilie               yes female 39.0000
  Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham)          yes female 49.0000
  LeRoy, Miss. Bertha                  yes female 30.0000
  Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J               yes   male 35.0000
  Lewy, Mr. Ervin G                     no   male      NA
  Lindeberg-Lind, Mr. Erik Gustaf       no   male 42.0000
  Lindstrom, Mrs. Carl Johan (Sig      yes female 55.0000
  Lines, Miss. Mary Conover            yes female 16.0000
  Lines, Mrs. Ernest H (Elizabeth      yes female 51.0000
  Long, Mr. Milton Clyde                no   male 29.0000
  Longley, Miss. Gretchen Fiske        yes female 21.0000
  Loring, Mr. Joseph Holland            no   male 30.0000
  Lurette, Miss. Elise                 yes female 58.0000
  Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexand      yes female 15.0000
  Maguire, Mr. John Edward              no   male 30.0000
  Maioni, Miss. Roberta                yes female 16.0000
  Marechal, Mr. Pierre                 yes   male      NA
  Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner             no   male 19.0000
  Marvin, Mrs. Daniel Warner (Mar      yes female 18.0000
  Mayne, Mlle. Berthe Antonine (       yes female 24.0000
  McCaffry, Mr. Thomas Francis          no   male 46.0000
  McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J               no   male 54.0000
  McGough, Mr. James Robert            yes   male 36.0000
  Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph               no   male 28.0000
  Meyer, Mrs. Edgar Joseph (Leila      yes female      NA
  Millet, Mr. Francis Davis             no   male 65.0000
  Minahan, Dr. William Edward           no   male 44.0000
  Minahan, Miss. Daisy E               yes female 33.0000
  Minahan, Mrs. William Edward (L      yes female 37.0000
  Mock, Mr. Philipp Edmund             yes   male 30.0000
  Molson, Mr. Harry Markland            no   male 55.0000
  Moore, Mr. Clarence Bloomfield        no   male 47.0000
  Natsch, Mr. Charles H                 no   male 37.0000
  Newell, Miss. Madeleine              yes female 31.0000
  Newell, Miss. Marjorie               yes female 23.0000
  Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster            no   male 58.0000
  Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny         yes female 19.0000
  Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest          no   male 64.0000
  Oliva y Ocana, Dona. Fermina         yes female 39.0000
  Omont, Mr. Alfred Fernand            yes   male      NA
  Ostby, Miss. Helene Ragnhild         yes female 22.0000
  Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius        no   male 65.0000
  Ovies y Rodriguez, Mr. Servando       no   male 28.5000
  Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh         no   male      NA
  Partner, Mr. Austen                   no   male 45.5000
  Payne, Mr. Vivian Ponsonby            no   male 23.0000
  Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton             no   male 29.0000
  Pears, Mrs. Thomas (Edith Wearn      yes female 22.0000
  Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victo       no   male 18.0000
  Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Vict      yes female 17.0000
  Perreault, Miss. Anne                yes female 30.0000
  Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey       yes   male 52.0000
  Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain        no   male 47.0000
  Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Al      yes female 56.0000
  Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John George       no   male 38.0000
  Rheims, Mr. George Alexander Lu      yes   male      NA
  Ringhini, Mr. Sante                   no   male 22.0000
  Robbins, Mr. Victor                   no   male      NA
  Robert, Mrs. Edward Scott (Elis      yes female 43.0000
  Roebling, Mr. Washington August       no   male 31.0000
  Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallace (       yes   male 45.0000
  Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe                 no   male      NA
  Rosenbaum, Miss. Edith Louise        yes female 33.0000
  Rosenshine, Mr. George (Mr Geo        no   male 46.0000
  Ross, Mr. John Hugo                   no   male 36.0000
  Rothes, the Countess. of (Lucy       yes female 33.0000
  Rothschild, Mr. Martin                no   male 55.0000
  Rothschild, Mrs. Martin (Elizab      yes female 54.0000
  Rowe, Mr. Alfred G                    no   male 33.0000
  Ryerson, Master. John Borie          yes   male 13.0000
  Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie           yes female 18.0000
  Ryerson, Miss. Susan Parker Su       yes female 21.0000
  Ryerson, Mr. Arthur Larned            no   male 61.0000
  Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur Larned (Em      yes female 48.0000
  Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe                yes   male      NA
  Sagesser, Mlle. Emma                 yes female 24.0000
  Salomon, Mr. Abraham L               yes   male      NA
  Schabert, Mrs. Paul (Emma Mock)      yes female 35.0000
  Serepeca, Miss. Augusta              yes female 30.0000
  Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber          yes   male 34.0000
  Shutes, Miss. Elizabeth W            yes female 40.0000
  Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victo      yes   male 35.0000
  Silvey, Mr. William Baird             no   male 50.0000
  Silvey, Mrs. William Baird (Ali      yes female 39.0000
  Simonius-Blumer, Col. Oberst Al      yes   male 56.0000
  Sloper, Mr. William Thompson         yes   male 28.0000
  Smart, Mr. John Montgomery            no   male 56.0000
  Smith, Mr. James Clinch               no   male 56.0000
  Smith, Mr. Lucien Philip              no   male 24.0000
  Smith, Mr. Richard William            no   male      NA
  Smith, Mrs. Lucien Philip (Mary      yes female 18.0000
  Snyder, Mr. John Pillsbury           yes   male 24.0000
  Snyder, Mrs. John Pillsbury (Ne      yes female 23.0000
  Spedden, Master. Robert Douglas      yes   male  6.0000
  Spedden, Mr. Frederic Oakley         yes   male 45.0000
  Spedden, Mrs. Frederic Oakley (      yes female 40.0000
  Spencer, Mr. William Augustus         no   male 57.0000
  Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus       yes female      NA
  Stahelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max            yes   male 32.0000
  Stead, Mr. William Thomas             no   male 62.0000
  Stengel, Mr. Charles Emil Henry      yes   male 54.0000
  Stengel, Mrs. Charles Emil Henr      yes female 43.0000
  Stephenson, Mrs. Walter Bertram      yes female 52.0000
  Stewart, Mr. Albert A                 no   male      NA
  Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Mart      yes female 62.0000
  Straus, Mr. Isidor                    no   male 67.0000
  Straus, Mrs. Isidor (Rosalie Id       no female 63.0000
  Sutton, Mr. Frederick                 no   male 61.0000
  Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel (Mar      yes female 48.0000
  Taussig, Miss. Ruth                  yes female 18.0000
  Taussig, Mr. Emil                     no   male 52.0000
  Taussig, Mrs. Emil (Tillie Mand      yes female 39.0000
  Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley             yes   male 48.0000
  Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Zebley (Juli      yes female      NA
  Thayer, Mr. John Borland              no   male 49.0000
  Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr          yes   male 17.0000
  Thayer, Mrs. John Borland (Mari      yes female 39.0000
  Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle       yes female      NA
  Tucker, Mr. Gilbert Milligan Jr      yes   male 31.0000
  Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E              no   male 40.0000
  Van der hoef, Mr. Wyckoff             no   male 61.0000
  Walker, Mr. William Anderson          no   male 47.0000
  Ward, Miss. Anna                     yes female 35.0000
  Warren, Mr. Frank Manley              no   male 64.0000
  Warren, Mrs. Frank Manley (Anna      yes female 60.0000
  Weir, Col. John                       no   male 60.0000
  White, Mr. Percival Wayland           no   male 54.0000
  White, Mr. Richard Frasar             no   male 21.0000
  White, Mrs. John Stuart (Ella H      yes female 55.0000
  Wick, Miss. Mary Natalie             yes female 31.0000
  Wick, Mr. George Dennick              no   male 57.0000
  Wick, Mrs. George Dennick (Mary      yes female 45.0000
  Widener, Mr. George Dunton            no   male 50.0000
  Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins             no   male 27.0000
  Widener, Mrs. George Dunton (El      yes female 50.0000
  Willard, Miss. Constance             yes female 21.0000
  Williams, Mr. Charles Duane           no   male 51.0000
  Williams, Mr. Richard Norris II      yes   male 21.0000
  Williams-Lambert, Mr. Fletcher        no   male      NA
  Wilson, Miss. Helen Alice            yes female 31.0000
  Woolner, Mr. Hugh                    yes   male      NA
  Wright, Mr. George                    no   male 62.0000
  Young, Miss. Marie Grice             yes female 36.0000
  Abelson, Mr. Samuel                   no   male 30.0000
  Abelson, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah Wi      yes female 28.0000
  Aldworth, Mr. Charles Augustus        no   male 30.0000
  Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel            no   male 18.0000
  Andrew, Mr. Frank Thomas              no   male 25.0000
  Angle, Mr. William A                  no   male 34.0000
  Angle, Mrs. William A (Florence      yes female 36.0000
  Ashby, Mr. John                       no   male 57.0000
  Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew              no   male 18.0000
  Baimbrigge, Mr. Charles Robert        no   male 23.0000
  Ball, Mrs. (Ada E Hall)              yes female 36.0000
  Banfield, Mr. Frederick James         no   male 28.0000
  Bateman, Rev. Robert James            no   male 51.0000
  Beane, Mr. Edward                    yes   male 32.0000
  Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clark      yes female 19.0000
  Beauchamp, Mr. Henry James            no   male 28.0000
  Becker, Master. Richard F            yes   male  1.0000
  Becker, Miss. Marion Louise          yes female  4.0000
  Becker, Miss. Ruth Elizabeth         yes female 12.0000
  Becker, Mrs. Allen Oliver (Nell      yes female 36.0000
  Beesley, Mr. Lawrence                yes   male 34.0000
  Bentham, Miss. Lilian W              yes female 19.0000
  Berriman, Mr. William John            no   male 23.0000
  Botsford, Mr. William Hull            no   male 26.0000
  Bowenur, Mr. Solomon                  no   male 42.0000
  Bracken, Mr. James H                  no   male 27.0000
  Brown, Miss. Amelia Mildred          yes female 24.0000
  Brown, Miss. Edith Eileen            yes female 15.0000
  Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solom       no   male 60.0000
  Brown, Mrs. Thomas William Solo      yes female 40.0000
  Bryhl, Miss. Dagmar Jenny Ingeb      yes female 20.0000
  Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid       no   male 25.0000
  Buss, Miss. Kate                     yes female 36.0000
  Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton           no   male 25.0000
  Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davi       no   male 42.0000
  Bystrom, Mrs. (Karolina)             yes female 42.0000
  Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates        yes   male  0.8333
  Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis         yes   male 26.0000
  Caldwell, Mrs. Albert Francis (      yes female 22.0000
  Cameron, Miss. Clear Annie           yes female 35.0000
  Campbell, Mr. William                 no   male      NA
  Carbines, Mr. William                 no   male 19.0000
  Carter, Mrs. Ernest Courtenay (       no female 44.0000
  Carter, Rev. Ernest Courtenay         no   male 54.0000
  Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry            no   male 52.0000
  Chapman, Mr. John Henry               no   male 37.0000
  Chapman, Mrs. John Henry (Sara        no female 29.0000
  Christy, Miss. Julie Rachel          yes female 25.0000
  Christy, Mrs. (Alice Frances)        yes female 45.0000
  Clarke, Mr. Charles Valentine         no   male 29.0000
  Clarke, Mrs. Charles V (Ada Mar      yes female 28.0000
  Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles       no   male 29.0000
  Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf            no   male 28.0000
  Collett, Mr. Sidney C Stuart         yes   male 24.0000
  Collyer, Miss. Marjorie Lottie       yes female  8.0000
  Collyer, Mr. Harvey                   no   male 31.0000
  Collyer, Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte      yes female 31.0000
  Cook, Mrs. (Selena Rogers)           yes female 22.0000
  Corbett, Mrs. Walter H (Irene C       no female 30.0000
  Corey, Mrs. Percy C (Mary Phyll       no female      NA
  Cotterill, Mr. Henry Harry            no   male 21.0000
  Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming        no   male      NA
  Davies, Master. John Morgan Jr       yes   male  8.0000
  Davies, Mr. Charles Henry             no   male 18.0000
  Davies, Mrs. John Morgan (Eliza      yes female 48.0000
  Davis, Miss. Mary                    yes female 28.0000
  de Brito, Mr. Jose Joaquim            no   male 32.0000
  Deacon, Mr. Percy William             no   male 17.0000
  del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano             no   male 29.0000
  del Carlo, Mrs. Sebastiano (Arg      yes female 24.0000
  Denbury, Mr. Herbert                  no   male 25.0000
  Dibden, Mr. William                   no   male 18.0000
  Doling, Miss. Elsie                  yes female 18.0000
  Doling, Mrs. John T (Ada Julia       yes female 34.0000
  Downton, Mr. William James            no   male 54.0000
  Drew, Master. Marshall Brines        yes   male  8.0000
  Drew, Mr. James Vivian                no   male 42.0000
  Drew, Mrs. James Vivian (Lulu T      yes female 34.0000
  Duran y More, Miss. Asuncion         yes female 27.0000
  Duran y More, Miss. Florentina       yes female 30.0000
  Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd          no   male 23.0000
  Enander, Mr. Ingvar                   no   male 21.0000
  Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas             no   male 18.0000
  Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry                 no   male 40.0000
  Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie (Elizab      yes female 29.0000
  Fillbrook, Mr. Joseph Charles         no   male 18.0000
  Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert               no   male 36.0000
  Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood Archie        no   male      NA
  Funk, Miss. Annie Clemmer             no female 38.0000
  Fynney, Mr. Joseph J                  no   male 35.0000
  Gale, Mr. Harry                       no   male 38.0000
  Gale, Mr. Shadrach                    no   male 34.0000
  Garside, Miss. Ethel                 yes female 34.0000
  Gaskell, Mr. Alfred                   no   male 16.0000
  Gavey, Mr. Lawrence                   no   male 26.0000
  Gilbert, Mr. William                  no   male 47.0000
  Giles, Mr. Edgar                      no   male 21.0000
  Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward           no   male 21.0000
  Giles, Mr. Ralph                      no   male 24.0000
  Gill, Mr. John William                no   male 24.0000
  Gillespie, Mr. William Henry          no   male 34.0000
  Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen           no   male 30.0000
  Greenberg, Mr. Samuel                 no   male 52.0000
  Hale, Mr. Reginald                    no   male 30.0000
  Hamalainen, Master. Viljo            yes   male  0.6667
  Hamalainen, Mrs. William (Anna)      yes female 24.0000
  Harbeck, Mr. William H                no   male 44.0000
  Harper, Miss. Annie Jessie Nin       yes female  6.0000
  Harper, Rev. John                     no   male 28.0000
  Harris, Mr. George                   yes   male 62.0000
  Harris, Mr. Walter                    no   male 30.0000
  Hart, Miss. Eva Miriam               yes female  7.0000
  Hart, Mr. Benjamin                    no   male 43.0000
  Hart, Mrs. Benjamin (Esther Ada      yes female 45.0000
  Herman, Miss. Alice                  yes female 24.0000
  Herman, Miss. Kate                   yes female 24.0000
  Herman, Mr. Samuel                    no   male 49.0000
  Herman, Mrs. Samuel (Jane Laver      yes female 48.0000
  Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome)      yes female 55.0000
  Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark             no   male 24.0000
  Hickman, Mr. Lewis                    no   male 32.0000
  Hickman, Mr. Stanley George           no   male 21.0000
  Hiltunen, Miss. Marta                 no female 18.0000
  Hocking, Miss. Ellen Nellie          yes female 20.0000
  Hocking, Mr. Richard George           no   male 23.0000
  Hocking, Mr. Samuel James Metca       no   male 36.0000
  Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza       yes female 54.0000
  Hodges, Mr. Henry Price               no   male 50.0000
  Hold, Mr. Stephen                     no   male 44.0000
  Hold, Mrs. Stephen (Annie Marga      yes female 29.0000
  Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr                  no   male 21.0000
  Hosono, Mr. Masabumi                 yes   male 42.0000
  Howard, Mr. Benjamin                  no   male 63.0000
  Howard, Mrs. Benjamin (Ellen Tr       no female 60.0000
  Hunt, Mr. George Henry                no   male 33.0000
  Ilett, Miss. Bertha                  yes female 17.0000
  Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel          no   male 42.0000
  Jacobsohn, Mrs. Sidney Samuel (      yes female 24.0000
  Jarvis, Mr. John Denzil               no   male 47.0000
  Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas         no   male 24.0000
  Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Wilfred          no   male 22.0000
  Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow            no   male 32.0000
  Jerwan, Mrs. Amin S (Marie Mart      yes female 23.0000
  Kantor, Mr. Sinai                     no   male 34.0000
  Kantor, Mrs. Sinai (Miriam Ster      yes female 24.0000
  Karnes, Mrs. J Frank (Claire Be       no female 22.0000
  Keane, Miss. Nora A                  yes female      NA
  Keane, Mr. Daniel                     no   male 35.0000
  Kelly, Mrs. Florence Fannie          yes female 45.0000
  Kirkland, Rev. Charles Leonard        no   male 57.0000
  Knight, Mr. Robert J                  no   male      NA
  Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Joha       no   male 31.0000
  Lahtinen, Mrs. William (Anna Sy       no female 26.0000
  Lahtinen, Rev. William                no   male 30.0000
  Lamb, Mr. John Joseph                 no   male      NA
  Laroche, Miss. Louise                yes female  1.0000
  Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie An      yes female  3.0000
  Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Le       no   male 25.0000
  Laroche, Mrs. Joseph (Juliette       yes female 22.0000
  Lehmann, Miss. Bertha                yes female 17.0000
  Leitch, Miss. Jessie Wills           yes female      NA
  Lemore, Mrs. (Amelia Milley)         yes female 34.0000
  Levy, Mr. Rene Jacques                no   male 36.0000
  Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norm       no   male 24.0000
  Lingane, Mr. John                     no   male 61.0000
  Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander          no   male 50.0000
  Louch, Mrs. Charles Alexander (      yes female 42.0000
  Mack, Mrs. (Mary)                     no female 57.0000
  Malachard, Mr. Noel                   no   male      NA
  Mallet, Master. Andre                yes   male  1.0000
  Mallet, Mr. Albert                    no   male 31.0000
  Mallet, Mrs. Albert (Antoinette      yes female 24.0000
  Mangiavacchi, Mr. Serafino Emil       no   male      NA
  Matthews, Mr. William John            no   male 30.0000
  Maybery, Mr. Frank Hubert             no   male 40.0000
  McCrae, Mr. Arthur Gordon             no   male 32.0000
  McCrie, Mr. James Matthew             no   male 30.0000
  McKane, Mr. Peter David               no   male 46.0000
  Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Viol      yes female 13.0000
  Mellinger, Mrs. (Elizabeth Anne      yes female 41.0000
  Mellors, Mr. William John            yes   male 19.0000
  Meyer, Mr. August                     no   male 39.0000
  Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian          no   male 48.0000
  Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael           no   male 70.0000
  Montvila, Rev. Juozas                 no   male 27.0000
  Moraweck, Dr. Ernest                  no   male 54.0000
  Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (Mr H        no   male 39.0000
  Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles              no   male 16.0000
  Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis             no   male 62.0000
  Nasser, Mr. Nicholas                  no   male 32.5000
  Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Ac      yes female 14.0000
  Navratil, Master. Edmond Roger       yes   male  2.0000
  Navratil, Master. Michel M           yes   male  3.0000
  Navratil, Mr. Michel (Louis M         no   male 36.5000
  Nesson, Mr. Israel                    no   male 26.0000
  Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles          no   male 19.0000
  Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas            no   male 28.0000
  Nourney, Mr. Alfred (Baron von       yes   male 20.0000
  Nye, Mrs. (Elizabeth Ramell)         yes female 29.0000
  Otter, Mr. Richard                    no   male 39.0000
  Oxenham, Mr. Percy Thomas            yes   male 22.0000
  Padro y Manent, Mr. Julian           yes   male      NA
  Pain, Dr. Alfred                      no   male 23.0000
  Pallas y Castello, Mr. Emilio        yes   male 29.0000
  Parker, Mr. Clifford Richard          no   male 28.0000
  Parkes, Mr. Francis Frank             no   male      NA
  Parrish, Mrs. (Lutie Davis)          yes female 50.0000
  Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William       no   male 19.0000
  Pernot, Mr. Rene                      no   male      NA
  Peruschitz, Rev. Joseph Maria         no   male 41.0000
  Phillips, Miss. Alice Frances L      yes female 21.0000
  Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence (      yes female 19.0000
  Phillips, Mr. Escott Robert           no   male 43.0000
  Pinsky, Mrs. (Rosa)                  yes female 32.0000
  Ponesell, Mr. Martin                  no   male 34.0000
  Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio Ilario G      yes   male 30.0000
  Pulbaum, Mr. Franz                    no   male 27.0000
  Quick, Miss. Phyllis May             yes female  2.0000
  Quick, Miss. Winifred Vera           yes female  8.0000
  Quick, Mrs. Frederick Charles (      yes female 33.0000
  Reeves, Mr. David                     no   male 36.0000
  Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry               no   male 34.0000
  Renouf, Mrs. Peter Henry (Lilli      yes female 30.0000
  Reynaldo, Ms. Encarnacion            yes female 28.0000
  Richard, Mr. Emile                    no   male 23.0000
  Richards, Master. George Sibley      yes   male  0.8333
  Richards, Master. William Rowe       yes   male  3.0000
  Richards, Mrs. Sidney (Emily Ho      yes female 24.0000
  Ridsdale, Miss. Lucy                 yes female 50.0000
  Rogers, Mr. Reginald Harry            no   male 19.0000
  Rugg, Miss. Emily                    yes female 21.0000
  Schmidt, Mr. August                   no   male 26.0000
  Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick       no   male 25.0000
  Sharp, Mr. Percival James R           no   male 27.0000
  Shelley, Mrs. William (Imanita       yes female 25.0000
  Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina        yes female 18.0000
  Sincock, Miss. Maude                 yes female 20.0000
  Sinkkonen, Miss. Anna                yes female 30.0000
  Sjostedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf             no   male 59.0000
  Slayter, Miss. Hilda Mary            yes female 30.0000
  Slemen, Mr. Richard James             no   male 35.0000
  Smith, Miss. Marion Elsie            yes female 40.0000
  Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden        no   male 25.0000
  Stanton, Mr. Samuel Ward              no   male 41.0000
  Stokes, Mr. Philip Joseph             no   male 25.0000
  Swane, Mr. George                     no   male 18.5000
  Sweet, Mr. George Frederick           no   male 14.0000
  Toomey, Miss. Ellen                  yes female 50.0000
  Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron          no   male 23.0000
  Trout, Mrs. William H (Jessie L      yes female 28.0000
  Troutt, Miss. Edwina Celia Win       yes female 27.0000
  Turpin, Mr. William John Robert       no   male 29.0000
  Turpin, Mrs. William John Rober       no female 27.0000
  Veal, Mr. James                       no   male 40.0000
  Walcroft, Miss. Nellie               yes female 31.0000
  Ware, Mr. John James                  no   male 30.0000
  Ware, Mr. William Jeffery             no   male 23.0000
  Ware, Mrs. John James (Florence      yes female 31.0000
  Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings            no   male      NA
  Watt, Miss. Bertha J                 yes female 12.0000
  Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth Be       yes female 40.0000
  Webber, Miss. Susan                  yes female 32.5000
  Weisz, Mr. Leopold                    no   male 27.0000
  Weisz, Mrs. Leopold (Mathilde F      yes female 29.0000
  Wells, Master. Ralph Lester          yes   male  2.0000
  Wells, Miss. Joan                    yes female  4.0000
  Wells, Mrs. Arthur Henry (Addi       yes female 29.0000
  West, Miss. Barbara J                yes female  0.9167
  West, Miss. Constance Mirium         yes female  5.0000
  West, Mr. Edwy Arthur                 no   male 36.0000
  West, Mrs. Edwy Arthur (Ada Mar      yes female 33.0000
  Wheadon, Mr. Edward H                 no   male 66.0000
  Wheeler, Mr. Edwin Frederick          no   male      NA
  Wilhelms, Mr. Charles                yes   male 31.0000
  Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene         yes   male      NA
  Wright, Miss. Marion                 yes female 26.0000
  Yrois, Miss. Henriette (Mrs Ha        no female 24.0000
  Abbing, Mr. Anthony                   no   male 42.0000
  Abbott, Master. Eugene Joseph         no   male 13.0000
  Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward           no   male 16.0000
  Abbott, Mrs. Stanton (Rosa Hunt      yes female 35.0000
  Abelseth, Miss. Karen Marie          yes female 16.0000
  Abelseth, Mr. Olaus Jorgensen        yes   male 25.0000
  Abrahamsson, Mr. Abraham August      yes   male 20.0000
  Abrahim, Mrs. Joseph (Sophie Ha      yes female 18.0000
  Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin        no   male 30.0000
  Adams, Mr. John                       no   male 26.0000
  Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Pers       no female 40.0000
  Aks, Master. Philip Frank            yes   male  0.8333
  Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen)           yes female 18.0000
  Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem          yes   male 26.0000
  Alexander, Mr. William                no   male 26.0000
  Alhomaki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf           no   male 20.0000
  Ali, Mr. Ahmed                        no   male 24.0000
  Ali, Mr. William                      no   male 25.0000
  Allen, Mr. William Henry              no   male 35.0000
  Allum, Mr. Owen George                no   male 18.0000
  Andersen, Mr. Albert Karvin           no   male 32.0000
  Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Ch      yes female 19.0000
  Andersson, Master. Sigvard Hara       no   male  4.0000
  Andersson, Miss. Ebba Iris Alfr       no female  6.0000
  Andersson, Miss. Ellis Anna Mar       no female  2.0000
  Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra      yes female 17.0000
  Andersson, Miss. Ida Augusta Ma       no female 38.0000
  Andersson, Miss. Ingeborg Const       no female  9.0000
  Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabe       no female 11.0000
  Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan           no   male 39.0000
  Andersson, Mr. August Edvard (       yes   male 27.0000
  Andersson, Mr. Johan Samuel           no   male 26.0000
  Andersson, Mrs. Anders Johan (A       no female 39.0000
  Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin            no   male 20.0000
  Angheloff, Mr. Minko                  no   male 26.0000
  Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef             no   male 25.0000
  Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Jos       no female 18.0000
  Aronsson, Mr. Ernst Axel Algot        no   male 24.0000
  Asim, Mr. Adola                       no   male 35.0000
  Asplund, Master. Carl Edgar           no   male  5.0000
  Asplund, Master. Clarence Gusta       no   male  9.0000
  Asplund, Master. Edvin Rojj Fel      yes   male  3.0000
  Asplund, Master. Filip Oscar          no   male 13.0000
  Asplund, Miss. Lillian Gertrud       yes female  5.0000
  Asplund, Mr. Carl Oscar Vilhelm       no   male 40.0000
  Asplund, Mr. Johan Charles           yes   male 23.0000
  Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma      yes female 38.0000
  Assaf Khalil, Mrs. Mariana (Mi       yes female 45.0000
  Assaf, Mr. Gerios                     no   male 21.0000
  Assam, Mr. Ali                        no   male 23.0000
  Attalah, Miss. Malake                 no female 17.0000
  Attalah, Mr. Sleiman                  no   male 30.0000
  Augustsson, Mr. Albert                no   male 23.0000
  Ayoub, Miss. Banoura                 yes female 13.0000
  Baccos, Mr. Raffull                   no   male 20.0000
  Backstrom, Mr. Karl Alfred            no   male 32.0000
  Backstrom, Mrs. Karl Alfred (Ma      yes female 33.0000
  Baclini, Miss. Eugenie               yes female  0.7500
  Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara        yes female  0.7500
  Baclini, Miss. Marie Catherine       yes female  5.0000
  Baclini, Mrs. Solomon (Latifa Q      yes female 24.0000
  Badman, Miss. Emily Louisa           yes female 18.0000
  Badt, Mr. Mohamed                     no   male 40.0000
  Balkic, Mr. Cerin                     no   male 26.0000
  Barah, Mr. Hanna Assi                yes   male 20.0000
  Barbara, Miss. Saiide                 no female 18.0000
  Barbara, Mrs. (Catherine David)       no female 45.0000
  Barry, Miss. Julia                    no female 27.0000
  Barton, Mr. David John                no   male 22.0000
  Beavan, Mr. William Thomas            no   male 19.0000
  Bengtsson, Mr. John Viktor            no   male 26.0000
  Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven          no   male 22.0000
  Betros, Master. Seman                 no   male      NA
  Betros, Mr. Tannous                   no   male 20.0000
  Bing, Mr. Lee                        yes   male 32.0000
  Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Mons       no   male 21.0000
  Bjorklund, Mr. Ernst Herbert          no   male 18.0000
  Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho             no   male 26.0000
  Boulos, Master. Akar                  no   male  6.0000
  Boulos, Miss. Nourelain               no female  9.0000
  Boulos, Mr. Hanna                     no   male      NA
  Boulos, Mrs. Joseph (Sultana)         no female      NA
  Bourke, Miss. Mary                    no female      NA
  Bourke, Mr. John                      no   male 40.0000
  Bourke, Mrs. John (Catherine)         no female 32.0000
  Bowen, Mr. David John Dai             no   male 21.0000
  Bradley, Miss. Bridget Delia         yes female 22.0000
  Braf, Miss. Elin Ester Maria          no female 20.0000
  Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard             no   male 29.0000
  Braund, Mr. Owen Harris               no   male 22.0000
  Brobeck, Mr. Karl Rudolf              no   male 22.0000
  Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred       no   male 35.0000
  Buckley, Miss. Katherine              no female 18.5000
  Buckley, Mr. Daniel                  yes   male 21.0000
  Burke, Mr. Jeremiah                   no   male 19.0000
  Burns, Miss. Mary Delia               no female 18.0000
  Cacic, Miss. Manda                    no female 21.0000
  Cacic, Miss. Marija                   no female 30.0000
  Cacic, Mr. Jego Grga                  no   male 18.0000
  Cacic, Mr. Luka                       no   male 38.0000
  Calic, Mr. Jovo                       no   male 17.0000
  Calic, Mr. Petar                      no   male 17.0000
  Canavan, Miss. Mary                   no female 21.0000
  Canavan, Mr. Patrick                  no   male 21.0000
  Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles              no   male 21.0000
  Caram, Mr. Joseph                     no   male      NA
  Caram, Mrs. Joseph (Maria Elias       no female      NA
  Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid          no   male 28.0000
  Carlsson, Mr. Carl Robert             no   male 24.0000
  Carr, Miss. Helen Ellen              yes female 16.0000
  Carr, Miss. Jeannie                   no female 37.0000
  Carver, Mr. Alfred John               no   male 28.0000
  Celotti, Mr. Francesco                no   male 24.0000
  Charters, Mr. David                   no   male 21.0000
  Chip, Mr. Chang                      yes   male 32.0000
  Christmann, Mr. Emil                  no   male 29.0000
  Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos           no   male 26.0000
  Chronopoulos, Mr. Demetrios           no   male 18.0000
  Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandeo        no   male 20.0000
  Cohen, Mr. Gurshon Gus               yes   male 18.0000
  Colbert, Mr. Patrick                  no   male 24.0000
  Coleff, Mr. Peju                      no   male 36.0000
  Coleff, Mr. Satio                     no   male 24.0000
  Conlon, Mr. Thomas Henry              no   male 31.0000
  Connaghton, Mr. Michael               no   male 31.0000
  Connolly, Miss. Kate (A)             yes female 22.0000
  Connolly, Miss. Kate (B)              no female 30.0000
  Connors, Mr. Patrick                  no   male 70.5000
  Cook, Mr. Jacob                       no   male 43.0000
  Cor, Mr. Bartol                       no   male 35.0000
  Cor, Mr. Ivan                         no   male 27.0000
  Cor, Mr. Liudevit                     no   male 19.0000
  Corn, Mr. Harry                       no   male 30.0000
  Coutts, Master. Eden Leslie Ne       yes   male  9.0000
  Coutts, Master. William Loch W       yes   male  3.0000
  Coutts, Mrs. William (Winnie M       yes female 36.0000
  Coxon, Mr. Daniel                     no   male 59.0000
  Crease, Mr. Ernest James              no   male 19.0000
  Cribb, Miss. Laura Alice             yes female 17.0000
  Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield              no   male 44.0000
  Culumovic, Mr. Jeso                   no   male 17.0000
  Daher, Mr. Shedid                     no   male 22.5000
  Dahl, Mr. Karl Edwart                yes   male 45.0000
  Dahlberg, Miss. Gerda Ulrika          no female 22.0000
  Dakic, Mr. Branko                     no   male 19.0000
  Daly, Miss. Margaret Marcella        yes female 30.0000
  Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick             yes   male 29.0000
  Danbom, Master. Gilbert Sigvard       no   male  0.3333
  Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert             no   male 34.0000
  Danbom, Mrs. Ernst Gilbert (Ann       no female 28.0000
  Danoff, Mr. Yoto                      no   male 27.0000
  Dantcheff, Mr. Ristiu                 no   male 25.0000
  Davies, Mr. Alfred J                  no   male 24.0000
  Davies, Mr. Evan                      no   male 22.0000
  Davies, Mr. John Samuel               no   male 21.0000
  Davies, Mr. Joseph                    no   male 17.0000
  Davison, Mr. Thomas Henry             no   male      NA
  Davison, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Mar      yes female      NA
  de Messemaeker, Mr. Guillaume J      yes   male 36.5000
  de Messemaeker, Mrs. Guillaume       yes female 36.0000
  de Mulder, Mr. Theodore              yes   male 30.0000
  de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons             no   male 16.0000
  Dean, Master. Bertram Vere           yes   male  1.0000
  Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys M       yes female  0.1667
  Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank               no   male 26.0000
  Dean, Mrs. Bertram (Eva Georget      yes female 33.0000
  Delalic, Mr. Redjo                    no   male 25.0000
  Demetri, Mr. Marinko                  no   male      NA
  Denkoff, Mr. Mitto                    no   male      NA
  Dennis, Mr. Samuel                    no   male 22.0000
  Dennis, Mr. William                   no   male 36.0000
  Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia        yes female 19.0000
  Dika, Mr. Mirko                       no   male 17.0000
  Dimic, Mr. Jovan                      no   male 42.0000
  Dintcheff, Mr. Valtcho                no   male 43.0000
  Doharr, Mr. Tannous                   no   male      NA
  Dooley, Mr. Patrick                   no   male 32.0000
  Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur           yes   male 19.0000
  Dowdell, Miss. Elizabeth             yes female 30.0000
  Doyle, Miss. Elizabeth                no female 24.0000
  Drapkin, Miss. Jennie                yes female 23.0000
  Drazenoic, Mr. Jozef                  no   male 33.0000
  Duane, Mr. Frank                      no   male 65.0000
  Duquemin, Mr. Joseph                 yes   male 24.0000
  Dyker, Mr. Adolf Fredrik              no   male 23.0000
  Dyker, Mrs. Adolf Fredrik (Anna      yes female 22.0000
  Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar        no   male 18.0000
  Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus                no   male 16.0000
  Ekstrom, Mr. Johan                    no   male 45.0000
  Elias, Mr. Dibo                       no   male      NA
  Elias, Mr. Joseph                     no   male 39.0000
  Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr                  no   male 17.0000
  Elias, Mr. Tannous                    no   male 15.0000
  Elsbury, Mr. William James            no   male 47.0000
  Emanuel, Miss. Virginia Ethel        yes female  5.0000
  Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab               no   male      NA
  Everett, Mr. Thomas James             no   male 40.5000
  Farrell, Mr. James                    no   male 40.5000
  Finoli, Mr. Luigi                    yes   male      NA
  Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander       no   male 18.0000
  Fleming, Miss. Honora                 no female      NA
  Flynn, Mr. James                      no   male      NA
  Flynn, Mr. John                       no   male      NA
  Foley, Mr. Joseph                     no   male 26.0000
  Foley, Mr. William                    no   male      NA
  Foo, Mr. Choong                      yes   male      NA
  Ford, Miss. Doolina Margaret D        no female 21.0000
  Ford, Miss. Robina Maggie Ruby        no female  9.0000
  Ford, Mr. Arthur                      no   male      NA
  Ford, Mr. Edward Watson               no   male 18.0000
  Ford, Mr. William Neal                no   male 16.0000
  Ford, Mrs. Edward (Margaret Ann       no female 48.0000
  Fox, Mr. Patrick                      no   male      NA
  Franklin, Mr. Charles (Charles        no   male      NA
  Gallagher, Mr. Martin                 no   male 25.0000
  Garfirth, Mr. John                    no   male      NA
  Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio                no   male      NA
  Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer                 no   male 22.0000
  Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine Katie       yes female 16.0000
  Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha             yes female      NA
  Goldsmith, Master. Frank John W      yes   male  9.0000
  Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John             no   male 33.0000
  Goldsmith, Mr. Nathan                 no   male 41.0000
  Goldsmith, Mrs. Frank John (Emi      yes female 31.0000
  Goncalves, Mr. Manuel Estanslas       no   male 38.0000
  Goodwin, Master. Harold Victor        no   male  9.0000
  Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonard       no   male  1.0000
  Goodwin, Master. William Freder       no   male 11.0000
  Goodwin, Miss. Jessie Allis           no female 10.0000
  Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy            no female 16.0000
  Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward           no   male 14.0000
  Goodwin, Mr. Charles Frederick        no   male 40.0000
  Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick (August       no female 43.0000
  Green, Mr. George Henry               no   male 51.0000
  Gronnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielse       no   male 32.0000
  Guest, Mr. Robert                     no   male      NA
  Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian         no   male 20.0000
  Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm        no   male 37.0000
  Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger          no   male 28.0000
  Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon           no   male 19.0000
  Haas, Miss. Aloisia                   no female 24.0000
  Hagardon, Miss. Kate                  no female 17.0000
  Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen       no   male      NA
  Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Rei       no   male      NA
  Hakkarainen, Mr. Pekka Pietari        no   male 28.0000
  Hakkarainen, Mrs. Pekka Pietari      yes female 24.0000
  Hampe, Mr. Leon                       no   male 20.0000
  Hanna, Mr. Mansour                    no   male 23.5000
  Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter               no   male 41.0000
  Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul               no   male 26.0000
  Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard           no   male 21.0000
  Hansen, Mrs. Claus Peter (Jenni      yes female 45.0000
  Harknett, Miss. Alice Phoebe          no female      NA
  Harmer, Mr. Abraham (David Lish       no   male 25.0000
  Hart, Mr. Henry                       no   male      NA
  Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N              no   male 11.0000
  Healy, Miss. Hanora Nora             yes female      NA
  Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid              yes   male 27.0000
  Hee, Mr. Ling                        yes   male      NA
  Hegarty, Miss. Hanora Nora            no female 18.0000
  Heikkinen, Miss. Laina               yes female 26.0000
  Heininen, Miss. Wendla Maria          no female 23.0000
  Hellstrom, Miss. Hilda Maria         yes female 22.0000
  Hendekovic, Mr. Ignjac                no   male 28.0000
  Henriksson, Miss. Jenny Lovisa        no female 28.0000
  Henry, Miss. Delia                    no female      NA
  Hirvonen, Miss. Hildur E             yes female  2.0000
  Hirvonen, Mrs. Alexander (Helga      yes female 22.0000
  Holm, Mr. John Fredrik Alexande       no   male 43.0000
  Holthen, Mr. Johan Martin             no   male 28.0000
  Honkanen, Miss. Eliina               yes female 27.0000
  Horgan, Mr. John                      no   male      NA
  Howard, Miss. May Elizabeth          yes female      NA
  Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nico       no   male 42.0000
  Hyman, Mr. Abraham                   yes   male      NA
  Ibrahim Shawah, Mr. Yousseff          no   male 30.0000
  Ilieff, Mr. Ylio                      no   male      NA
  Ilmakangas, Miss. Ida Livija          no female 27.0000
  Ilmakangas, Miss. Pieta Sofia         no female 25.0000
  Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio                    no   male      NA
  Jalsevac, Mr. Ivan                   yes   male 29.0000
  Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof               yes   male 21.0000
  Jardin, Mr. Jose Neto                 no   male      NA
  Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder                no   male 20.0000
  Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder               no   male 48.0000
  Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz             no   male 17.0000
  Jermyn, Miss. Annie                  yes female      NA
  Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr. Ber      yes   male      NA
  Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred            no   male 34.0000
  Johansson Palmquist, Mr. Oskar       yes   male 26.0000
  Johansson, Mr. Erik                   no   male 22.0000
  Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel            no   male 33.0000
  Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan             no   male 31.0000
  Johansson, Mr. Nils                   no   male 29.0000
  Johnson, Master. Harold Theodor      yes   male  4.0000
  Johnson, Miss. Eleanor Ileen         yes female  1.0000
  Johnson, Mr. Alfred                   no   male 49.0000
  Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim          no   male 33.0000
  Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr       no   male 19.0000
  Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabet      yes female 27.0000
  Johnston, Master. William Arthu       no   male      NA
  Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen       no female      NA
  Johnston, Mr. Andrew G                no   male      NA
  Johnston, Mrs. Andrew G (Elizab       no female      NA
  Jonkoff, Mr. Lalio                    no   male 23.0000
  Jonsson, Mr. Carl                    yes   male 32.0000
  Jonsson, Mr. Nils Hilding             no   male 27.0000
  Jussila, Miss. Katriina               no female 20.0000
  Jussila, Miss. Mari Aina              no female 21.0000
  Jussila, Mr. Eiriik                  yes   male 32.0000
  Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland            no   male 17.0000
  Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen        no   male 21.0000
  Karaic, Mr. Milan                     no   male 30.0000
  Karlsson, Mr. Einar Gervasius        yes   male 21.0000
  Karlsson, Mr. Julius Konrad Eug       no   male 33.0000
  Karlsson, Mr. Nils August             no   male 22.0000
  Karun, Miss. Manca                   yes female  4.0000
  Karun, Mr. Franz                     yes   male 39.0000
  Kassem, Mr. Fared                     no   male      NA
  Katavelas, Mr. Vassilios (Cata        no   male 18.5000
  Keane, Mr. Andrew Andy                no   male      NA
  Keefe, Mr. Arthur                     no   male      NA
  Kelly, Miss. Anna Katherine An       yes female      NA
  Kelly, Miss. Mary                    yes female      NA
  Kelly, Mr. James (A)                  no   male 34.5000
  Kelly, Mr. James (B)                  no   male 44.0000
  Kennedy, Mr. John                    yes   male      NA
  Khalil, Mr. Betros                    no   male      NA
  Khalil, Mrs. Betros (Zahie Mar        no female      NA
  Kiernan, Mr. John                     no   male      NA
  Kiernan, Mr. Philip                   no   male      NA
  Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas J               no   male      NA
  Kink, Miss. Maria                     no female 22.0000
  Kink, Mr. Vincenz                     no   male 26.0000
  Kink-Heilmann, Miss. Luise Gret      yes female  4.0000
  Kink-Heilmann, Mr. Anton             yes   male 29.0000
  Kink-Heilmann, Mrs. Anton (Luis      yes female 26.0000
  Klasen, Miss. Gertrud Emilia          no female  1.0000
  Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin                no   male 18.0000
  Klasen, Mrs. (Hulda Kristina Eu       no female 36.0000
  Kraeff, Mr. Theodor                   no   male      NA
  Krekorian, Mr. Neshan                yes   male 25.0000
  Lahoud, Mr. Sarkis                    no   male      NA
  Laitinen, Miss. Kristina Sofia        no female 37.0000
  Laleff, Mr. Kristo                    no   male      NA
  Lam, Mr. Ali                         yes   male      NA
  Lam, Mr. Len                          no   male      NA
  Landergren, Miss. Aurora Adelia      yes female 22.0000
  Lane, Mr. Patrick                     no   male      NA
  Lang, Mr. Fang                       yes   male 26.0000
  Larsson, Mr. August Viktor            no   male 29.0000
  Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin              no   male 29.0000
  Larsson-Rondberg, Mr. Edvard A        no   male 22.0000
  Leeni, Mr. Fahim (Philip Zenni       yes   male 22.0000
  Lefebre, Master. Henry Forbes         no   male      NA
  Lefebre, Miss. Ida                    no female      NA
  Lefebre, Miss. Jeannie                no female      NA
  Lefebre, Miss. Mathilde               no female      NA
  Lefebre, Mrs. Frank (Frances)         no female      NA
  Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf            no   male 32.0000
  Lemberopolous, Mr. Peter L            no   male 34.5000
  Lennon, Miss. Mary                    no female      NA
  Lennon, Mr. Denis                     no   male      NA
  Leonard, Mr. Lionel                   no   male 36.0000
  Lester, Mr. James                     no   male 39.0000
  Lievens, Mr. Rene Aime                no   male 24.0000
  Lindahl, Miss. Agda Thorilda Vi       no female 25.0000
  Lindblom, Miss. Augusta Charlot       no female 45.0000
  Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson         no   male 36.0000
  Lindell, Mrs. Edvard Bengtsson        no female 30.0000
  Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William          yes   male 20.0000
  Linehan, Mr. Michael                  no   male      NA
  Ling, Mr. Lee                         no   male 28.0000
  Lithman, Mr. Simon                    no   male      NA
  Lobb, Mr. William Arthur              no   male 30.0000
  Lobb, Mrs. William Arthur (Cord       no female 26.0000
  Lockyer, Mr. Edward                   no   male      NA
  Lovell, Mr. John Hall (Henry)         no   male 20.5000
  Lulic, Mr. Nikola                    yes   male 27.0000
  Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson           no   male 51.0000
  Lundin, Miss. Olga Elida             yes female 23.0000
  Lundstrom, Mr. Thure Edvin           yes   male 32.0000
  Lyntakoff, Mr. Stanko                 no   male      NA
  MacKay, Mr. George William            no   male      NA
  Madigan, Miss. Margaret Maggie       yes female      NA
  Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne            yes   male 24.0000
  Maenpaa, Mr. Matti Alexanteri         no   male 22.0000
  Mahon, Miss. Bridget Delia            no female      NA
  Mahon, Mr. John                       no   male      NA
  Maisner, Mr. Simon                    no   male      NA
  Makinen, Mr. Kalle Edvard             no   male 29.0000
  Mamee, Mr. Hanna                     yes   male      NA
  Mangan, Miss. Mary                    no female 30.5000
  Mannion, Miss. Margareth             yes female      NA
  Mardirosian, Mr. Sarkis               no   male      NA
  Markoff, Mr. Marin                    no   male 35.0000
  Markun, Mr. Johann                    no   male 33.0000
  Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima              yes female      NA
  Matinoff, Mr. Nicola                  no   male      NA
  McCarthy, Miss. Catherine Kati       yes female      NA
  McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph         yes   male      NA
  McCoy, Miss. Agnes                   yes female      NA
  McCoy, Miss. Alicia                  yes female      NA
  McCoy, Mr. Bernard                   yes   male      NA
  McDermott, Miss. Brigdet Delia       yes female      NA
  McEvoy, Mr. Michael                   no   male      NA
  McGovern, Miss. Mary                 yes female      NA
  McGowan, Miss. Anna Annie            yes female 15.0000
  McGowan, Miss. Katherine              no female 35.0000
  McMahon, Mr. Martin                   no   male      NA
  McNamee, Mr. Neal                     no   male 24.0000
  McNamee, Mrs. Neal (Eileen O'Le       no female 19.0000
  McNeill, Miss. Bridget                no female      NA
  Meanwell, Miss. (Marion Ogden)        no female      NA
  Meek, Mrs. Thomas (Annie Louise       no female      NA
  Meo, Mr. Alfonzo                      no   male 55.5000
  Mernagh, Mr. Robert                   no   male      NA
  Midtsjo, Mr. Karl Albert             yes   male 21.0000
  Miles, Mr. Frank                      no   male      NA
  Mineff, Mr. Ivan                      no   male 24.0000
  Minkoff, Mr. Lazar                    no   male 21.0000
  Mionoff, Mr. Stoytcho                 no   male 28.0000
  Mitkoff, Mr. Mito                     no   male      NA
  Mockler, Miss. Helen Mary Elli       yes female      NA
  Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen               no   male 25.0000
  Moor, Master. Meier                  yes   male  6.0000
  Moor, Mrs. (Beila)                   yes female 27.0000
  Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles            no   male      NA
  Moran, Miss. Bertha                  yes female      NA
  Moran, Mr. Daniel J                   no   male      NA
  Moran, Mr. James                      no   male      NA
  Morley, Mr. William                   no   male 34.0000
  Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan              no   male      NA
  Moss, Mr. Albert Johan               yes   male      NA
  Moubarek, Master. Gerios             yes   male      NA
  Moubarek, Master. Halim Gonios       yes   male      NA
  Moubarek, Mrs. George (Omine A       yes female      NA
  Moussa, Mrs. (Mantoura Boulos)       yes female      NA
  Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim              no   male      NA
  Mullens, Miss. Katherine Katie       yes female      NA
  Mulvihill, Miss. Bertha E            yes female 24.0000
  Murdlin, Mr. Joseph                   no   male      NA
  Murphy, Miss. Katherine Kate         yes female      NA
  Murphy, Miss. Margaret Jane          yes female      NA
  Murphy, Miss. Nora                   yes female      NA
  Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver       no   male 18.0000
  Naidenoff, Mr. Penko                  no   male 22.0000
  Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie Jane       yes female 15.0000
  Nakid, Miss. Maria (Mary)            yes female  1.0000
  Nakid, Mr. Sahid                     yes   male 20.0000
  Nakid, Mrs. Said (Waika Mary         yes female 19.0000
  Nancarrow, Mr. William Henry          no   male 33.0000
  Nankoff, Mr. Minko                    no   male      NA
  Nasr, Mr. Mustafa                     no   male      NA
  Naughton, Miss. Hannah                no female      NA
  Nenkoff, Mr. Christo                  no   male      NA
  Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias         yes   male 12.0000
  Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila          yes female 14.0000
  Nieminen, Miss. Manta Josefina        no female 29.0000
  Niklasson, Mr. Samuel                 no   male 28.0000
  Nilsson, Miss. Berta Olivia          yes female 18.0000
  Nilsson, Miss. Helmina Josefina      yes female 26.0000
  Nilsson, Mr. August Ferdinand         no   male 21.0000
  Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Aijo        no   male 41.0000
  Niskanen, Mr. Juha                   yes   male 39.0000
  Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater          no   male 21.0000
  Novel, Mr. Mansouer                   no   male 28.5000
  Nysten, Miss. Anna Sofia             yes female 22.0000
  Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen             no   male 61.0000
  O'Brien, Mr. Thomas                   no   male      NA
  O'Brien, Mr. Timothy                  no   male      NA
  O'Brien, Mrs. Thomas (Johanna        yes female      NA
  O'Connell, Mr. Patrick D              no   male      NA
  O'Connor, Mr. Maurice                 no   male      NA
  O'Connor, Mr. Patrick                 no   male      NA
  Odahl, Mr. Nils Martin                no   male 23.0000
  O'Donoghue, Ms. Bridget               no female      NA
  O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget            yes female      NA
  O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen Nellie          yes female      NA
  Ohman, Miss. Velin                   yes female 22.0000
  O'Keefe, Mr. Patrick                 yes   male      NA
  O'Leary, Miss. Hanora Norah          yes female      NA
  Olsen, Master. Artur Karl            yes   male  9.0000
  Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido              no   male 28.0000
  Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andrea       no   male 42.0000
  Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin                 no   male      NA
  Olsson, Miss. Elina                   no female 31.0000
  Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Goransso       no   male 28.0000
  Olsson, Mr. Oscar Wilhelm            yes   male 32.0000
  Olsvigen, Mr. Thor Anderson           no   male 20.0000
  Oreskovic, Miss. Jelka                no female 23.0000
  Oreskovic, Miss. Marija               no female 20.0000
  Oreskovic, Mr. Luka                   no   male 20.0000
  Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon                   no   male 16.0000
  Osman, Mrs. Mara                     yes female 31.0000
  O'Sullivan, Miss. Bridget Mary        no female      NA
  Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard        no   male  2.0000
  Palsson, Master. Paul Folke           no   male  6.0000
  Palsson, Miss. Stina Viola            no female  3.0000
  Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira         no female  8.0000
  Palsson, Mrs. Nils (Alma Cornel       no female 29.0000
  Panula, Master. Eino Viljami          no   male  1.0000
  Panula, Master. Juha Niilo            no   male  7.0000
  Panula, Master. Urho Abraham          no   male  2.0000
  Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid             no   male 16.0000
  Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold              no   male 14.0000
  Panula, Mrs. Juha (Maria Emilia       no female 41.0000
  Pasic, Mr. Jakob                      no   male 21.0000
  Patchett, Mr. George                  no   male 19.0000
  Paulner, Mr. Uscher                   no   male      NA
  Pavlovic, Mr. Stefo                   no   male 32.0000
  Peacock, Master. Alfred Edward        no   male  0.7500
  Peacock, Miss. Treasteall             no female  3.0000
  Peacock, Mrs. Benjamin (Edith N       no female 26.0000
  Pearce, Mr. Ernest                    no   male      NA
  Pedersen, Mr. Olaf                    no   male      NA
  Peduzzi, Mr. Joseph                   no   male      NA
  Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard                 no   male 21.0000
  Peltomaki, Mr. Nikolai Johannes       no   male 25.0000
  Perkin, Mr. John Henry                no   male 22.0000
  Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik             yes   male 25.0000
  Peter, Master. Michael J             yes   male      NA
  Peter, Miss. Anna                    yes female      NA
  Peter, Mrs. Catherine (Catherin      yes female      NA
  Peters, Miss. Katie                   no female      NA
  Petersen, Mr. Marius                  no   male 24.0000
  Petranec, Miss. Matilda               no female 28.0000
  Petroff, Mr. Nedelio                  no   male 19.0000
  Petroff, Mr. Pastcho (Pentcho         no   male      NA
  Petterson, Mr. Johan Emil             no   male 25.0000
  Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia       no female 18.0000
  Pickard, Mr. Berk (Berk Trembis      yes   male 32.0000
  Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil                no   male      NA
  Pokrnic, Mr. Mate                     no   male 17.0000
  Pokrnic, Mr. Tome                     no   male 24.0000
  Radeff, Mr. Alexander                 no   male      NA
  Rasmussen, Mrs. (Lena Jacobsen        no female      NA
  Razi, Mr. Raihed                      no   male      NA
  Reed, Mr. James George                no   male      NA
  Rekic, Mr. Tido                       no   male 38.0000
  Reynolds, Mr. Harold J                no   male 21.0000
  Rice, Master. Albert                  no   male 10.0000
  Rice, Master. Arthur                  no   male  4.0000
  Rice, Master. Eric                    no   male  7.0000
  Rice, Master. Eugene                  no   male  2.0000
  Rice, Master. George Hugh             no   male  8.0000
  Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret No       no female 39.0000
  Riihivouri, Miss. Susanna Juhan       no female 22.0000
  Rintamaki, Mr. Matti                  no   male 35.0000
  Riordan, Miss. Johanna Hannah        yes female      NA
  Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard              no   male      NA
  Risien, Mrs. Samuel (Emma)            no female      NA
  Robins, Mr. Alexander A               no   male 50.0000
  Robins, Mrs. Alexander A (Grace       no female 47.0000
  Rogers, Mr. William John              no   male      NA
  Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust            no   male      NA
  Rosblom, Miss. Salli Helena           no female  2.0000
  Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard           no   male 18.0000
  Rosblom, Mrs. Viktor (Helena Wi       no female 41.0000
  Roth, Miss. Sarah A                  yes female      NA
  Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry              no   male 50.0000
  Rush, Mr. Alfred George John          no   male 16.0000
  Ryan, Mr. Edward                     yes   male      NA
  Ryan, Mr. Patrick                     no   male      NA
  Saad, Mr. Amin                        no   male      NA
  Saad, Mr. Khalil                      no   male 25.0000
  Saade, Mr. Jean Nassr                 no   male      NA
  Sadlier, Mr. Matthew                  no   male      NA
  Sadowitz, Mr. Harry                   no   male      NA
  Saether, Mr. Simon Sivertsen          no   male 38.5000
  Sage, Master. Thomas Henry            no   male      NA
  Sage, Master. William Henry           no   male 14.5000
  Sage, Miss. Ada                       no female      NA
  Sage, Miss. Constance Gladys          no female      NA
  Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith Doll        no female      NA
  Sage, Miss. Stella Anna               no female      NA
  Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen              no   male      NA
  Sage, Mr. Frederick                   no   male      NA
  Sage, Mr. George John Jr              no   male      NA
  Sage, Mr. John George                 no   male      NA
  Sage, Mrs. John (Annie Bullen)        no female      NA
  Salander, Mr. Karl Johan              no   male 24.0000
  Salkjelsvik, Miss. Anna Kristin      yes female 21.0000
  Salonen, Mr. Johan Werner             no   male 39.0000
  Samaan, Mr. Elias                     no   male      NA
  Samaan, Mr. Hanna                     no   male      NA
  Samaan, Mr. Youssef                   no   male      NA
  Sandstrom, Miss. Beatrice Irene      yes female  1.0000
  Sandstrom, Mrs. Hjalmar (Agnes       yes female 24.0000
  Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut      yes female  4.0000
  Sap, Mr. Julius                      yes   male 25.0000
  Saundercock, Mr. William Henry        no   male 20.0000
  Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles         no   male 24.5000
  Scanlan, Mr. James                    no   male      NA
  Sdycoff, Mr. Todor                    no   male      NA
  Shaughnessy, Mr. Patrick              no   male      NA
  Sheerlinck, Mr. Jan Baptist          yes   male 29.0000
  Shellard, Mr. Frederick William       no   male      NA
  Shine, Miss. Ellen Natalia           yes female      NA
  Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph           no   male      NA
  Simmons, Mr. John                     no   male      NA
  Sirayanian, Mr. Orsen                 no   male 22.0000
  Sirota, Mr. Maurice                   no   male      NA
  Sivic, Mr. Husein                     no   male 40.0000
  Sivola, Mr. Antti Wilhelm             no   male 21.0000
  Sjoblom, Miss. Anna Sofia            yes female 18.0000
  Skoog, Master. Harald                 no   male  4.0000
  Skoog, Master. Karl Thorsten          no   male 10.0000
  Skoog, Miss. Mabel                    no female  9.0000
  Skoog, Miss. Margit Elizabeth         no female  2.0000
  Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm                    no   male 40.0000
  Skoog, Mrs. William (Anna Bernh       no female 45.0000
  Slabenoff, Mr. Petco                  no   male      NA
  Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis         no   male      NA
  Smiljanic, Mr. Mile                   no   male      NA
  Smith, Mr. Thomas                     no   male      NA
  Smyth, Miss. Julia                   yes female      NA
  Soholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauri       no   male 19.0000
  Somerton, Mr. Francis William         no   male 30.0000
  Spector, Mr. Woolf                    no   male      NA
  Spinner, Mr. Henry John               no   male 32.0000
  Staneff, Mr. Ivan                     no   male      NA
  Stankovic, Mr. Ivan                   no   male 33.0000
  Stanley, Miss. Amy Zillah Elsie      yes female 23.0000
  Stanley, Mr. Edward Roland            no   male 21.0000
  Storey, Mr. Thomas                    no   male 60.5000
  Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia                  no   male 19.0000
  Strandberg, Miss. Ida Sofia           no female 22.0000
  Stranden, Mr. Juho                   yes   male 31.0000
  Strilic, Mr. Ivan                     no   male 27.0000
  Strom, Miss. Telma Matilda            no female  2.0000
  Strom, Mrs. Wilhelm (Elna Matil       no female 29.0000
  Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis       yes   male 16.0000
  Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian            yes   male 44.0000
  Sutehall, Mr. Henry Jr                no   male 25.0000
  Svensson, Mr. Johan                   no   male 74.0000
  Svensson, Mr. Johan Cervin           yes   male 14.0000
  Svensson, Mr. Olof                    no   male 24.0000
  Tenglin, Mr. Gunnar Isidor           yes   male 25.0000
  Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard          no   male 34.0000
  Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander      yes   male  0.4167
  Thomas, Mr. Charles P                 no   male      NA
  Thomas, Mr. John                      no   male      NA
  Thomas, Mr. Tannous                   no   male      NA
  Thomas, Mrs. Alexander (Thamine      yes female 16.0000
  Thomson, Mr. Alexander Morrison       no   male      NA
  Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival            no   male      NA
  Thorneycroft, Mrs. Percival (Fl      yes female      NA
  Tikkanen, Mr. Juho                    no   male 32.0000
  Tobin, Mr. Roger                      no   male      NA
  Todoroff, Mr. Lalio                   no   male      NA
  Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage            no   male 30.5000
  Torber, Mr. Ernst William             no   male 44.0000
  Torfa, Mr. Assad                      no   male      NA
  Tornquist, Mr. William Henry         yes   male 25.0000
  Toufik, Mr. Nakli                     no   male      NA
  Touma, Master. Georges Youssef       yes   male  7.0000
  Touma, Miss. Maria Youssef           yes female  9.0000
  Touma, Mrs. Darwis (Hanne Youss      yes female 29.0000
  Turcin, Mr. Stjepan                   no   male 36.0000
  Turja, Miss. Anna Sofia              yes female 18.0000
  Turkula, Mrs. (Hedwig)               yes female 63.0000
  van Billiard, Master. James Wil       no   male      NA
  van Billiard, Master. Walter Jo       no   male 11.5000
  van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler       no   male 40.5000
  Van Impe, Miss. Catharina             no female 10.0000
  Van Impe, Mr. Jean Baptiste           no   male 36.0000
  Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (R       no female 30.0000
  van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon           no   male      NA
  Vande Velde, Mr. Johannes Josep       no   male 33.0000
  Vande Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel        no   male 28.0000
  Vanden Steen, Mr. Leo Peter           no   male 28.0000
  Vander Cruyssen, Mr. Victor           no   male 47.0000
  Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Ma       no female 18.0000
  Vander Planke, Mr. Julius             no   male 31.0000
  Vander Planke, Mr. Leo Edmondus       no   male 16.0000
  Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Eme       no female 31.0000
  Vartanian, Mr. David                 yes   male 22.0000
  Vendel, Mr. Olof Edvin                no   male 20.0000
  Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Ado       no female 14.0000
  Vovk, Mr. Janko                       no   male 22.0000
  Waelens, Mr. Achille                  no   male 22.0000
  Ware, Mr. Frederick                   no   male      NA
  Warren, Mr. Charles William           no   male      NA
  Webber, Mr. James                     no   male      NA
  Wenzel, Mr. Linhart                   no   male 32.5000
  Whabee, Mrs. George Joseph (Sha      yes female 38.0000
  Widegren, Mr. Carl/Charles Pete       no   male 51.0000
  Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred             no   male 18.0000
  Wiklund, Mr. Karl Johan               no   male 21.0000
  Wilkes, Mrs. James (Ellen Needs      yes female 47.0000
  Willer, Mr. Aaron (Abi Weller         no   male      NA
  Willey, Mr. Edward                    no   male      NA
  Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh Harr        no   male      NA
  Williams, Mr. Leslie                  no   male 28.5000
  Windelov, Mr. Einar                   no   male 21.0000
  Wirz, Mr. Albert                      no   male 27.0000
  Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe                no   male      NA
  Wittevrongel, Mr. Camille             no   male 36.0000
  Yasbeck, Mr. Antoni                   no   male 27.0000
  Yasbeck, Mrs. Antoni (Selini Al      yes female 15.0000
  Youseff, Mr. Gerious                  no   male 45.5000
  Yousif, Mr. Wazli                     no   male      NA
  Yousseff, Mr. Gerious                 no   male      NA
  Zabour, Miss. Hileni                  no female 14.5000
  Zabour, Miss. Thamine                 no female      NA
  Zakarian, Mr. Mapriededer             no   male 26.5000
  Zakarian, Mr. Ortin                   no   male 27.0000
  Zimmerman, Mr. Leo                    no   male 29.0000
  Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton              1st
  Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor             1st
  Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine               1st
  Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Crei            1st
  Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessi            1st
  Anderson, Mr. Harry                        1st
  Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodos            1st
  Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr                     1st
  Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Cha            1st
  Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon                    1st
  Astor, Col. John Jacob                     1st
  Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madelei            1st
  Aubart, Mme. Leontine Pauline              1st
  Barber, Miss. Ellen Nellie                 1st
  Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry W            1st
  Baumann, Mr. John D                        1st
  Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond                   1st
  Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLa            1st
  Bazzani, Miss. Albina                      1st
  Beattie, Mr. Thomson                       1st
  Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard              1st
  Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard             1st
  Behr, Mr. Karl Howell                      1st
  Bidois, Miss. Rosalie                      1st
  Bird, Miss. Ellen                          1st
  Birnbaum, Mr. Jakob                        1st
  Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H                    1st
  Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen            1st
  Bissette, Miss. Amelia                     1st
  Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mau            1st
  Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart               1st
  Blank, Mr. Henry                           1st
  Bonnell, Miss. Caroline                    1st
  Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth                   1st
  Borebank, Mr. John James                   1st
  Bowen, Miss. Grace Scott                   1st
  Bowerman, Miss. Elsie Edith                1st
  Bradley, Mr. George (George Ar             1st
  Brady, Mr. John Bertram                    1st
  Brandeis, Mr. Emil                         1st
  Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson                  1st
  Brown, Mrs. James Joseph (Marga            1st
  Brown, Mrs. John Murray (Caroli            1st
  Bucknell, Mrs. William Robert (            1st
  Burns, Miss. Elizabeth Margaret            1st
  Butt, Major. Archibald Willingh            1st
  Cairns, Mr. Alexander                      1st
  Calderhead, Mr. Edward Penningt            1st
  Candee, Mrs. Edward (Helen Chur            1st
  Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Marti            1st
  Cardeza, Mrs. James Warburton M            1st
  Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof                   1st
  Carrau, Mr. Francisco M                    1st
  Carrau, Mr. Jose Pedro                     1st
  Carter, Master. William Thornto            1st
  Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk                  1st
  Carter, Mr. William Ernest                 1st
  Carter, Mrs. William Ernest (Lu            1st
  Case, Mr. Howard Brown                     1st
  Cassebeer, Mrs. Henry Arthur Jr            1st
  Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William              1st
  Cavendish, Mrs. Tyrell William             1st
  Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller                1st
  Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert Fuller (C            1st
  Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell              1st
  Chambers, Mrs. Norman Campbell             1st
  Chaudanson, Miss. Victorine                1st
  Cherry, Miss. Gladys                       1st
  Chevre, Mr. Paul Romaine                   1st
  Chibnall, Mrs. (Edith Martha Bo            1st
  Chisholm, Mr. Roderick Robert C            1st
  Clark, Mr. Walter Miller                   1st
  Clark, Mrs. Walter Miller (Virg            1st
  Cleaver, Miss. Alice                       1st
  Clifford, Mr. George Quincy                1st
  Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy                 1st
  Compton, Miss. Sara Rebecca                1st
  Compton, Mr. Alexander Taylor J            1st
  Compton, Mrs. Alexander Taylor             1st
  Cornell, Mrs. Robert Clifford (            1st
  Crafton, Mr. John Bertram                  1st
  Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford               1st
  Crosby, Miss. Harriet R                    1st
  Crosby, Mrs. Edward Gifford (Ca            1st
  Cumings, Mr. John Bradley                  1st
  Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Flo            1st
  Daly, Mr. Peter Denis                      1st
  Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams                1st
  Daniels, Miss. Sarah                       1st
  Davidson, Mr. Thornton                     1st
  Davidson, Mrs. Thornton (Orian             1st
  Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian                    1st
  Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera             1st
  Dodge, Dr. Washington                      1st
  Dodge, Master. Washington                  1st
  Dodge, Mrs. Washington (Ruth Vi            1st
  Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald                 1st
  Douglas, Mrs. Frederick Charles            1st
  Douglas, Mrs. Walter Donald (Ma            1st
  Duff Gordon, Lady. (Lucille Chr            1st
  Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund             1st
  Dulles, Mr. William Crothers               1st
  Earnshaw, Mrs. Boulton (Olive P            1st
  Endres, Miss. Caroline Louise              1st
  Eustis, Miss. Elizabeth Mussey             1st
  Evans, Miss. Edith Corse                   1st
  Farthing, Mr. John                         1st
  Flegenheim, Mrs. Alfred (Antoin            1st
  Fleming, Miss. Margaret                    1st
  Flynn, Mr. John Irwin (Irving              1st
  Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall            1st
  Fortune, Miss. Alice Elizabeth             1st
  Fortune, Miss. Ethel Flora                 1st
  Fortune, Miss. Mabel Helen                 1st
  Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander             1st
  Fortune, Mr. Mark                          1st
  Fortune, Mrs. Mark (Mary McDoug            1st
  Francatelli, Miss. Laura Mabel             1st
  Franklin, Mr. Thomas Parham                1st
  Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William              1st
  Frauenthal, Mr. Isaac Gerald               1st
  Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry William             1st
  Frolicher, Miss. Hedwig Margari            1st
  Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillia            1st
  Frolicher-Stehli, Mrs. Maxmilli            1st
  Fry, Mr. Richard                           1st
  Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath                1st
  Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (L            1st
  Gee, Mr. Arthur H                          1st
  Geiger, Miss. Amalie                       1st
  Gibson, Miss. Dorothy Winifred             1st
  Gibson, Mrs. Leonard (Pauline C            1st
  Giglio, Mr. Victor                         1st
  Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L                   1st
  Goldenberg, Mrs. Samuel L (Edwi            1st
  Goldschmidt, Mr. George B                  1st
  Gracie, Col. Archibald IV                  1st
  Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith               1st
  Graham, Mr. George Edward                  1st
  Graham, Mrs. William Thompson (            1st
  Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram            1st
  Greenfield, Mrs. Leo David (Bla            1st
  Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin                   1st
  Harder, Mr. George Achilles                1st
  Harder, Mrs. George Achilles (D            1st
  Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper                  1st
  Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper (Myn            1st
  Harrington, Mr. Charles H                  1st
  Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt                1st
  Harris, Mrs. Henry Birkhardt (I            1st
  Harrison, Mr. William                      1st
  Hassab, Mr. Hammad                         1st
  Hawksford, Mr. Walter James                1st
  Hays, Miss. Margaret Bechstein             1st
  Hays, Mr. Charles Melville                 1st
  Hays, Mrs. Charles Melville (Cl            1st
  Head, Mr. Christopher                      1st
  Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry                1st
  Hipkins, Mr. William Edward                1st
  Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude               1st
  Hippach, Mrs. Louis Albert (Ida            1st
  Hogeboom, Mrs. John C (Anna And            1st
  Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar             1st
  Holverson, Mrs. Alexander Oskar            1st
  Homer, Mr. Harry (Mr E Haven)              1st
  Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield               1st
  Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher                   1st
  Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick Maxfield (            1st
  Icard, Miss. Amelie                        1st
  Isham, Miss. Ann Elizabeth                 1st
  Ismay, Mr. Joseph Bruce                    1st
  Jones, Mr. Charles Cresson                 1st
  Julian, Mr. Henry Forbes                   1st
  Keeping, Mr. Edwin                         1st
  Kent, Mr. Edward Austin                    1st
  Kenyon, Mr. Frederick R                    1st
  Kenyon, Mrs. Frederick R (Mario            1st
  Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr               1st
  Kimball, Mrs. Edwin Nelson Jr (            1st
  Klaber, Mr. Herman                         1st
  Kreuchen, Miss. Emilie                     1st
  Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham)                1st
  LeRoy, Miss. Bertha                        1st
  Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J                     1st
  Lewy, Mr. Ervin G                          1st
  Lindeberg-Lind, Mr. Erik Gustaf            1st
  Lindstrom, Mrs. Carl Johan (Sig            1st
  Lines, Miss. Mary Conover                  1st
  Lines, Mrs. Ernest H (Elizabeth            1st
  Long, Mr. Milton Clyde                     1st
  Longley, Miss. Gretchen Fiske              1st
  Loring, Mr. Joseph Holland                 1st
  Lurette, Miss. Elise                       1st
  Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexand            1st
  Maguire, Mr. John Edward                   1st
  Maioni, Miss. Roberta                      1st
  Marechal, Mr. Pierre                       1st
  Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner                  1st
  Marvin, Mrs. Daniel Warner (Mar            1st
  Mayne, Mlle. Berthe Antonine (             1st
  McCaffry, Mr. Thomas Francis               1st
  McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J                    1st
  McGough, Mr. James Robert                  1st
  Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph                    1st
  Meyer, Mrs. Edgar Joseph (Leila            1st
  Millet, Mr. Francis Davis                  1st
  Minahan, Dr. William Edward                1st
  Minahan, Miss. Daisy E                     1st
  Minahan, Mrs. William Edward (L            1st
  Mock, Mr. Philipp Edmund                   1st
  Molson, Mr. Harry Markland                 1st
  Moore, Mr. Clarence Bloomfield             1st
  Natsch, Mr. Charles H                      1st
  Newell, Miss. Madeleine                    1st
  Newell, Miss. Marjorie                     1st
  Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster                 1st
  Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny               1st
  Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest               1st
  Oliva y Ocana, Dona. Fermina               1st
  Omont, Mr. Alfred Fernand                  1st
  Ostby, Miss. Helene Ragnhild               1st
  Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius             1st
  Ovies y Rodriguez, Mr. Servando            1st
  Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh              1st
  Partner, Mr. Austen                        1st
  Payne, Mr. Vivian Ponsonby                 1st
  Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton                  1st
  Pears, Mrs. Thomas (Edith Wearn            1st
  Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victo            1st
  Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Vict            1st
  Perreault, Miss. Anne                      1st
  Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey             1st
  Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain             1st
  Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Al            1st
  Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John George            1st
  Rheims, Mr. George Alexander Lu            1st
  Ringhini, Mr. Sante                        1st
  Robbins, Mr. Victor                        1st
  Robert, Mrs. Edward Scott (Elis            1st
  Roebling, Mr. Washington August            1st
  Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallace (             1st
  Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe                      1st
  Rosenbaum, Miss. Edith Louise              1st
  Rosenshine, Mr. George (Mr Geo             1st
  Ross, Mr. John Hugo                        1st
  Rothes, the Countess. of (Lucy             1st
  Rothschild, Mr. Martin                     1st
  Rothschild, Mrs. Martin (Elizab            1st
  Rowe, Mr. Alfred G                         1st
  Ryerson, Master. John Borie                1st
  Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie                 1st
  Ryerson, Miss. Susan Parker Su             1st
  Ryerson, Mr. Arthur Larned                 1st
  Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur Larned (Em            1st
  Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe                      1st
  Sagesser, Mlle. Emma                       1st
  Salomon, Mr. Abraham L                     1st
  Schabert, Mrs. Paul (Emma Mock)            1st
  Serepeca, Miss. Augusta                    1st
  Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber                1st
  Shutes, Miss. Elizabeth W                  1st
  Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victo            1st
  Silvey, Mr. William Baird                  1st
  Silvey, Mrs. William Baird (Ali            1st
  Simonius-Blumer, Col. Oberst Al            1st
  Sloper, Mr. William Thompson               1st
  Smart, Mr. John Montgomery                 1st
  Smith, Mr. James Clinch                    1st
  Smith, Mr. Lucien Philip                   1st
  Smith, Mr. Richard William                 1st
  Smith, Mrs. Lucien Philip (Mary            1st
  Snyder, Mr. John Pillsbury                 1st
  Snyder, Mrs. John Pillsbury (Ne            1st
  Spedden, Master. Robert Douglas            1st
  Spedden, Mr. Frederic Oakley               1st
  Spedden, Mrs. Frederic Oakley (            1st
  Spencer, Mr. William Augustus              1st
  Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus             1st
  Stahelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max                  1st
  Stead, Mr. William Thomas                  1st
  Stengel, Mr. Charles Emil Henry            1st
  Stengel, Mrs. Charles Emil Henr            1st
  Stephenson, Mrs. Walter Bertram            1st
  Stewart, Mr. Albert A                      1st
  Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Mart            1st
  Straus, Mr. Isidor                         1st
  Straus, Mrs. Isidor (Rosalie Id            1st
  Sutton, Mr. Frederick                      1st
  Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel (Mar            1st
  Taussig, Miss. Ruth                        1st
  Taussig, Mr. Emil                          1st
  Taussig, Mrs. Emil (Tillie Mand            1st
  Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley                   1st
  Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Zebley (Juli            1st
  Thayer, Mr. John Borland                   1st
  Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr                1st
  Thayer, Mrs. John Borland (Mari            1st
  Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle             1st
  Tucker, Mr. Gilbert Milligan Jr            1st
  Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E                   1st
  Van der hoef, Mr. Wyckoff                  1st
  Walker, Mr. William Anderson               1st
  Ward, Miss. Anna                           1st
  Warren, Mr. Frank Manley                   1st
  Warren, Mrs. Frank Manley (Anna            1st
  Weir, Col. John                            1st
  White, Mr. Percival Wayland                1st
  White, Mr. Richard Frasar                  1st
  White, Mrs. John Stuart (Ella H            1st
  Wick, Miss. Mary Natalie                   1st
  Wick, Mr. George Dennick                   1st
  Wick, Mrs. George Dennick (Mary            1st
  Widener, Mr. George Dunton                 1st
  Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins                  1st
  Widener, Mrs. George Dunton (El            1st
  Willard, Miss. Constance                   1st
  Williams, Mr. Charles Duane                1st
  Williams, Mr. Richard Norris II            1st
  Williams-Lambert, Mr. Fletcher             1st
  Wilson, Miss. Helen Alice                  1st
  Woolner, Mr. Hugh                          1st
  Wright, Mr. George                         1st
  Young, Miss. Marie Grice                   1st
  Abelson, Mr. Samuel                        2nd
  Abelson, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah Wi            2nd
  Aldworth, Mr. Charles Augustus             2nd
  Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel                 2nd
  Andrew, Mr. Frank Thomas                   2nd
  Angle, Mr. William A                       2nd
  Angle, Mrs. William A (Florence            2nd
  Ashby, Mr. John                            2nd
  Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew                   2nd
  Baimbrigge, Mr. Charles Robert             2nd
  Ball, Mrs. (Ada E Hall)                    2nd
  Banfield, Mr. Frederick James              2nd
  Bateman, Rev. Robert James                 2nd
  Beane, Mr. Edward                          2nd
  Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clark            2nd
  Beauchamp, Mr. Henry James                 2nd
  Becker, Master. Richard F                  2nd
  Becker, Miss. Marion Louise                2nd
  Becker, Miss. Ruth Elizabeth               2nd
  Becker, Mrs. Allen Oliver (Nell            2nd
  Beesley, Mr. Lawrence                      2nd
  Bentham, Miss. Lilian W                    2nd
  Berriman, Mr. William John                 2nd
  Botsford, Mr. William Hull                 2nd
  Bowenur, Mr. Solomon                       2nd
  Bracken, Mr. James H                       2nd
  Brown, Miss. Amelia Mildred                2nd
  Brown, Miss. Edith Eileen                  2nd
  Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solom            2nd
  Brown, Mrs. Thomas William Solo            2nd
  Bryhl, Miss. Dagmar Jenny Ingeb            2nd
  Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid            2nd
  Buss, Miss. Kate                           2nd
  Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton                2nd
  Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davi            2nd
  Bystrom, Mrs. (Karolina)                   2nd
  Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates              2nd
  Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis               2nd
  Caldwell, Mrs. Albert Francis (            2nd
  Cameron, Miss. Clear Annie                 2nd
  Campbell, Mr. William                      2nd
  Carbines, Mr. William                      2nd
  Carter, Mrs. Ernest Courtenay (            2nd
  Carter, Rev. Ernest Courtenay              2nd
  Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry                 2nd
  Chapman, Mr. John Henry                    2nd
  Chapman, Mrs. John Henry (Sara             2nd
  Christy, Miss. Julie Rachel                2nd
  Christy, Mrs. (Alice Frances)              2nd
  Clarke, Mr. Charles Valentine              2nd
  Clarke, Mrs. Charles V (Ada Mar            2nd
  Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles            2nd
  Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf                 2nd
  Collett, Mr. Sidney C Stuart               2nd
  Collyer, Miss. Marjorie Lottie             2nd
  Collyer, Mr. Harvey                        2nd
  Collyer, Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte            2nd
  Cook, Mrs. (Selena Rogers)                 2nd
  Corbett, Mrs. Walter H (Irene C            2nd
  Corey, Mrs. Percy C (Mary Phyll            2nd
  Cotterill, Mr. Henry Harry                 2nd
  Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming             2nd
  Davies, Master. John Morgan Jr             2nd
  Davies, Mr. Charles Henry                  2nd
  Davies, Mrs. John Morgan (Eliza            2nd
  Davis, Miss. Mary                          2nd
  de Brito, Mr. Jose Joaquim                 2nd
  Deacon, Mr. Percy William                  2nd
  del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano                  2nd
  del Carlo, Mrs. Sebastiano (Arg            2nd
  Denbury, Mr. Herbert                       2nd
  Dibden, Mr. William                        2nd
  Doling, Miss. Elsie                        2nd
  Doling, Mrs. John T (Ada Julia             2nd
  Downton, Mr. William James                 2nd
  Drew, Master. Marshall Brines              2nd
  Drew, Mr. James Vivian                     2nd
  Drew, Mrs. James Vivian (Lulu T            2nd
  Duran y More, Miss. Asuncion               2nd
  Duran y More, Miss. Florentina             2nd
  Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd               2nd
  Enander, Mr. Ingvar                        2nd
  Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas                  2nd
  Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry                      2nd
  Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie (Elizab            2nd
  Fillbrook, Mr. Joseph Charles              2nd
  Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert                    2nd
  Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood Archie             2nd
  Funk, Miss. Annie Clemmer                  2nd
  Fynney, Mr. Joseph J                       2nd
  Gale, Mr. Harry                            2nd
  Gale, Mr. Shadrach                         2nd
  Garside, Miss. Ethel                       2nd
  Gaskell, Mr. Alfred                        2nd
  Gavey, Mr. Lawrence                        2nd
  Gilbert, Mr. William                       2nd
  Giles, Mr. Edgar                           2nd
  Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward                2nd
  Giles, Mr. Ralph                           2nd
  Gill, Mr. John William                     2nd
  Gillespie, Mr. William Henry               2nd
  Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen                2nd
  Greenberg, Mr. Samuel                      2nd
  Hale, Mr. Reginald                         2nd
  Hamalainen, Master. Viljo                  2nd
  Hamalainen, Mrs. William (Anna)            2nd
  Harbeck, Mr. William H                     2nd
  Harper, Miss. Annie Jessie Nin             2nd
  Harper, Rev. John                          2nd
  Harris, Mr. George                         2nd
  Harris, Mr. Walter                         2nd
  Hart, Miss. Eva Miriam                     2nd
  Hart, Mr. Benjamin                         2nd
  Hart, Mrs. Benjamin (Esther Ada            2nd
  Herman, Miss. Alice                        2nd
  Herman, Miss. Kate                         2nd
  Herman, Mr. Samuel                         2nd
  Herman, Mrs. Samuel (Jane Laver            2nd
  Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome)            2nd
  Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark                  2nd
  Hickman, Mr. Lewis                         2nd
  Hickman, Mr. Stanley George                2nd
  Hiltunen, Miss. Marta                      2nd
  Hocking, Miss. Ellen Nellie                2nd
  Hocking, Mr. Richard George                2nd
  Hocking, Mr. Samuel James Metca            2nd
  Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza             2nd
  Hodges, Mr. Henry Price                    2nd
  Hold, Mr. Stephen                          2nd
  Hold, Mrs. Stephen (Annie Marga            2nd
  Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr                       2nd
  Hosono, Mr. Masabumi                       2nd
  Howard, Mr. Benjamin                       2nd
  Howard, Mrs. Benjamin (Ellen Tr            2nd
  Hunt, Mr. George Henry                     2nd
  Ilett, Miss. Bertha                        2nd
  Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel               2nd
  Jacobsohn, Mrs. Sidney Samuel (            2nd
  Jarvis, Mr. John Denzil                    2nd
  Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas              2nd
  Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Wilfred               2nd
  Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow                 2nd
  Jerwan, Mrs. Amin S (Marie Mart            2nd
  Kantor, Mr. Sinai                          2nd
  Kantor, Mrs. Sinai (Miriam Ster            2nd
  Karnes, Mrs. J Frank (Claire Be            2nd
  Keane, Miss. Nora A                        2nd
  Keane, Mr. Daniel                          2nd
  Kelly, Mrs. Florence Fannie                2nd
  Kirkland, Rev. Charles Leonard             2nd
  Knight, Mr. Robert J                       2nd
  Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Joha            2nd
  Lahtinen, Mrs. William (Anna Sy            2nd
  Lahtinen, Rev. William                     2nd
  Lamb, Mr. John Joseph                      2nd
  Laroche, Miss. Louise                      2nd
  Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie An            2nd
  Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Le            2nd
  Laroche, Mrs. Joseph (Juliette             2nd
  Lehmann, Miss. Bertha                      2nd
  Leitch, Miss. Jessie Wills                 2nd
  Lemore, Mrs. (Amelia Milley)               2nd
  Levy, Mr. Rene Jacques                     2nd
  Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norm            2nd
  Lingane, Mr. John                          2nd
  Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander               2nd
  Louch, Mrs. Charles Alexander (            2nd
  Mack, Mrs. (Mary)                          2nd
  Malachard, Mr. Noel                        2nd
  Mallet, Master. Andre                      2nd
  Mallet, Mr. Albert                         2nd
  Mallet, Mrs. Albert (Antoinette            2nd
  Mangiavacchi, Mr. Serafino Emil            2nd
  Matthews, Mr. William John                 2nd
  Maybery, Mr. Frank Hubert                  2nd
  McCrae, Mr. Arthur Gordon                  2nd
  McCrie, Mr. James Matthew                  2nd
  McKane, Mr. Peter David                    2nd
  Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Viol            2nd
  Mellinger, Mrs. (Elizabeth Anne            2nd
  Mellors, Mr. William John                  2nd
  Meyer, Mr. August                          2nd
  Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian               2nd
  Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael                2nd
  Montvila, Rev. Juozas                      2nd
  Moraweck, Dr. Ernest                       2nd
  Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (Mr H             2nd
  Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles                   2nd
  Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis                  2nd
  Nasser, Mr. Nicholas                       2nd
  Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Ac            2nd
  Navratil, Master. Edmond Roger             2nd
  Navratil, Master. Michel M                 2nd
  Navratil, Mr. Michel (Louis M              2nd
  Nesson, Mr. Israel                         2nd
  Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles               2nd
  Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas                 2nd
  Nourney, Mr. Alfred (Baron von             2nd
  Nye, Mrs. (Elizabeth Ramell)               2nd
  Otter, Mr. Richard                         2nd
  Oxenham, Mr. Percy Thomas                  2nd
  Padro y Manent, Mr. Julian                 2nd
  Pain, Dr. Alfred                           2nd
  Pallas y Castello, Mr. Emilio              2nd
  Parker, Mr. Clifford Richard               2nd
  Parkes, Mr. Francis Frank                  2nd
  Parrish, Mrs. (Lutie Davis)                2nd
  Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William            2nd
  Pernot, Mr. Rene                           2nd
  Peruschitz, Rev. Joseph Maria              2nd
  Phillips, Miss. Alice Frances L            2nd
  Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence (            2nd
  Phillips, Mr. Escott Robert                2nd
  Pinsky, Mrs. (Rosa)                        2nd
  Ponesell, Mr. Martin                       2nd
  Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio Ilario G            2nd
  Pulbaum, Mr. Franz                         2nd
  Quick, Miss. Phyllis May                   2nd
  Quick, Miss. Winifred Vera                 2nd
  Quick, Mrs. Frederick Charles (            2nd
  Reeves, Mr. David                          2nd
  Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry                    2nd
  Renouf, Mrs. Peter Henry (Lilli            2nd
  Reynaldo, Ms. Encarnacion                  2nd
  Richard, Mr. Emile                         2nd
  Richards, Master. George Sibley            2nd
  Richards, Master. William Rowe             2nd
  Richards, Mrs. Sidney (Emily Ho            2nd
  Ridsdale, Miss. Lucy                       2nd
  Rogers, Mr. Reginald Harry                 2nd
  Rugg, Miss. Emily                          2nd
  Schmidt, Mr. August                        2nd
  Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick            2nd
  Sharp, Mr. Percival James R                2nd
  Shelley, Mrs. William (Imanita             2nd
  Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina              2nd
  Sincock, Miss. Maude                       2nd
  Sinkkonen, Miss. Anna                      2nd
  Sjostedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf                  2nd
  Slayter, Miss. Hilda Mary                  2nd
  Slemen, Mr. Richard James                  2nd
  Smith, Miss. Marion Elsie                  2nd
  Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden             2nd
  Stanton, Mr. Samuel Ward                   2nd
  Stokes, Mr. Philip Joseph                  2nd
  Swane, Mr. George                          2nd
  Sweet, Mr. George Frederick                2nd
  Toomey, Miss. Ellen                        2nd
  Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron               2nd
  Trout, Mrs. William H (Jessie L            2nd
  Troutt, Miss. Edwina Celia Win             2nd
  Turpin, Mr. William John Robert            2nd
  Turpin, Mrs. William John Rober            2nd
  Veal, Mr. James                            2nd
  Walcroft, Miss. Nellie                     2nd
  Ware, Mr. John James                       2nd
  Ware, Mr. William Jeffery                  2nd
  Ware, Mrs. John James (Florence            2nd
  Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings                 2nd
  Watt, Miss. Bertha J                       2nd
  Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth Be             2nd
  Webber, Miss. Susan                        2nd
  Weisz, Mr. Leopold                         2nd
  Weisz, Mrs. Leopold (Mathilde F            2nd
  Wells, Master. Ralph Lester                2nd
  Wells, Miss. Joan                          2nd
  Wells, Mrs. Arthur Henry (Addi             2nd
  West, Miss. Barbara J                      2nd
  West, Miss. Constance Mirium               2nd
  West, Mr. Edwy Arthur                      2nd
  West, Mrs. Edwy Arthur (Ada Mar            2nd
  Wheadon, Mr. Edward H                      2nd
  Wheeler, Mr. Edwin Frederick               2nd
  Wilhelms, Mr. Charles                      2nd
  Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene               2nd
  Wright, Miss. Marion                       2nd
  Yrois, Miss. Henriette (Mrs Ha             2nd
  Abbing, Mr. Anthony                        3rd
  Abbott, Master. Eugene Joseph              3rd
  Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward                3rd
  Abbott, Mrs. Stanton (Rosa Hunt            3rd
  Abelseth, Miss. Karen Marie                3rd
  Abelseth, Mr. Olaus Jorgensen              3rd
  Abrahamsson, Mr. Abraham August            3rd
  Abrahim, Mrs. Joseph (Sophie Ha            3rd
  Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin             3rd
  Adams, Mr. John                            3rd
  Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Pers            3rd
  Aks, Master. Philip Frank                  3rd
  Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen)                 3rd
  Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem                3rd
  Alexander, Mr. William                     3rd
  Alhomaki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf                3rd
  Ali, Mr. Ahmed                             3rd
  Ali, Mr. William                           3rd
  Allen, Mr. William Henry                   3rd
  Allum, Mr. Owen George                     3rd
  Andersen, Mr. Albert Karvin                3rd
  Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Ch            3rd
  Andersson, Master. Sigvard Hara            3rd
  Andersson, Miss. Ebba Iris Alfr            3rd
  Andersson, Miss. Ellis Anna Mar            3rd
  Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra            3rd
  Andersson, Miss. Ida Augusta Ma            3rd
  Andersson, Miss. Ingeborg Const            3rd
  Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabe            3rd
  Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan                3rd
  Andersson, Mr. August Edvard (             3rd
  Andersson, Mr. Johan Samuel                3rd
  Andersson, Mrs. Anders Johan (A            3rd
  Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin                 3rd
  Angheloff, Mr. Minko                       3rd
  Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef                  3rd
  Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Jos            3rd
  Aronsson, Mr. Ernst Axel Algot             3rd
  Asim, Mr. Adola                            3rd
  Asplund, Master. Carl Edgar                3rd
  Asplund, Master. Clarence Gusta            3rd
  Asplund, Master. Edvin Rojj Fel            3rd
  Asplund, Master. Filip Oscar               3rd
  Asplund, Miss. Lillian Gertrud             3rd
  Asplund, Mr. Carl Oscar Vilhelm            3rd
  Asplund, Mr. Johan Charles                 3rd
  Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma            3rd
  Assaf Khalil, Mrs. Mariana (Mi             3rd
  Assaf, Mr. Gerios                          3rd
  Assam, Mr. Ali                             3rd
  Attalah, Miss. Malake                      3rd
  Attalah, Mr. Sleiman                       3rd
  Augustsson, Mr. Albert                     3rd
  Ayoub, Miss. Banoura                       3rd
  Baccos, Mr. Raffull                        3rd
  Backstrom, Mr. Karl Alfred                 3rd
  Backstrom, Mrs. Karl Alfred (Ma            3rd
  Baclini, Miss. Eugenie                     3rd
  Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara              3rd
  Baclini, Miss. Marie Catherine             3rd
  Baclini, Mrs. Solomon (Latifa Q            3rd
  Badman, Miss. Emily Louisa                 3rd
  Badt, Mr. Mohamed                          3rd
  Balkic, Mr. Cerin                          3rd
  Barah, Mr. Hanna Assi                      3rd
  Barbara, Miss. Saiide                      3rd
  Barbara, Mrs. (Catherine David)            3rd
  Barry, Miss. Julia                         3rd
  Barton, Mr. David John                     3rd
  Beavan, Mr. William Thomas                 3rd
  Bengtsson, Mr. John Viktor                 3rd
  Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven               3rd
  Betros, Master. Seman                      3rd
  Betros, Mr. Tannous                        3rd
  Bing, Mr. Lee                              3rd
  Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Mons            3rd
  Bjorklund, Mr. Ernst Herbert               3rd
  Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho                  3rd
  Boulos, Master. Akar                       3rd
  Boulos, Miss. Nourelain                    3rd
  Boulos, Mr. Hanna                          3rd
  Boulos, Mrs. Joseph (Sultana)              3rd
  Bourke, Miss. Mary                         3rd
  Bourke, Mr. John                           3rd
  Bourke, Mrs. John (Catherine)              3rd
  Bowen, Mr. David John Dai                  3rd
  Bradley, Miss. Bridget Delia               3rd
  Braf, Miss. Elin Ester Maria               3rd
  Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard                  3rd
  Braund, Mr. Owen Harris                    3rd
  Brobeck, Mr. Karl Rudolf                   3rd
  Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred            3rd
  Buckley, Miss. Katherine                   3rd
  Buckley, Mr. Daniel                        3rd
  Burke, Mr. Jeremiah                        3rd
  Burns, Miss. Mary Delia                    3rd
  Cacic, Miss. Manda                         3rd
  Cacic, Miss. Marija                        3rd
  Cacic, Mr. Jego Grga                       3rd
  Cacic, Mr. Luka                            3rd
  Calic, Mr. Jovo                            3rd
  Calic, Mr. Petar                           3rd
  Canavan, Miss. Mary                        3rd
  Canavan, Mr. Patrick                       3rd
  Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles                   3rd
  Caram, Mr. Joseph                          3rd
  Caram, Mrs. Joseph (Maria Elias            3rd
  Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid               3rd
  Carlsson, Mr. Carl Robert                  3rd
  Carr, Miss. Helen Ellen                    3rd
  Carr, Miss. Jeannie                        3rd
  Carver, Mr. Alfred John                    3rd
  Celotti, Mr. Francesco                     3rd
  Charters, Mr. David                        3rd
  Chip, Mr. Chang                            3rd
  Christmann, Mr. Emil                       3rd
  Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos                3rd
  Chronopoulos, Mr. Demetrios                3rd
  Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandeo             3rd
  Cohen, Mr. Gurshon Gus                     3rd
  Colbert, Mr. Patrick                       3rd
  Coleff, Mr. Peju                           3rd
  Coleff, Mr. Satio                          3rd
  Conlon, Mr. Thomas Henry                   3rd
  Connaghton, Mr. Michael                    3rd
  Connolly, Miss. Kate (A)                   3rd
  Connolly, Miss. Kate (B)                   3rd
  Connors, Mr. Patrick                       3rd
  Cook, Mr. Jacob                            3rd
  Cor, Mr. Bartol                            3rd
  Cor, Mr. Ivan                              3rd
  Cor, Mr. Liudevit                          3rd
  Corn, Mr. Harry                            3rd
  Coutts, Master. Eden Leslie Ne             3rd
  Coutts, Master. William Loch W             3rd
  Coutts, Mrs. William (Winnie M             3rd
  Coxon, Mr. Daniel                          3rd
  Crease, Mr. Ernest James                   3rd
  Cribb, Miss. Laura Alice                   3rd
  Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield                   3rd
  Culumovic, Mr. Jeso                        3rd
  Daher, Mr. Shedid                          3rd
  Dahl, Mr. Karl Edwart                      3rd
  Dahlberg, Miss. Gerda Ulrika               3rd
  Dakic, Mr. Branko                          3rd
  Daly, Miss. Margaret Marcella              3rd
  Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick                   3rd
  Danbom, Master. Gilbert Sigvard            3rd
  Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert                  3rd
  Danbom, Mrs. Ernst Gilbert (Ann            3rd
  Danoff, Mr. Yoto                           3rd
  Dantcheff, Mr. Ristiu                      3rd
  Davies, Mr. Alfred J                       3rd
  Davies, Mr. Evan                           3rd
  Davies, Mr. John Samuel                    3rd
  Davies, Mr. Joseph                         3rd
  Davison, Mr. Thomas Henry                  3rd
  Davison, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Mar            3rd
  de Messemaeker, Mr. Guillaume J            3rd
  de Messemaeker, Mrs. Guillaume             3rd
  de Mulder, Mr. Theodore                    3rd
  de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons                  3rd
  Dean, Master. Bertram Vere                 3rd
  Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys M             3rd
  Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank                    3rd
  Dean, Mrs. Bertram (Eva Georget            3rd
  Delalic, Mr. Redjo                         3rd
  Demetri, Mr. Marinko                       3rd
  Denkoff, Mr. Mitto                         3rd
  Dennis, Mr. Samuel                         3rd
  Dennis, Mr. William                        3rd
  Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia              3rd
  Dika, Mr. Mirko                            3rd
  Dimic, Mr. Jovan                           3rd
  Dintcheff, Mr. Valtcho                     3rd
  Doharr, Mr. Tannous                        3rd
  Dooley, Mr. Patrick                        3rd
  Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur                 3rd
  Dowdell, Miss. Elizabeth                   3rd
  Doyle, Miss. Elizabeth                     3rd
  Drapkin, Miss. Jennie                      3rd
  Drazenoic, Mr. Jozef                       3rd
  Duane, Mr. Frank                           3rd
  Duquemin, Mr. Joseph                       3rd
  Dyker, Mr. Adolf Fredrik                   3rd
  Dyker, Mrs. Adolf Fredrik (Anna            3rd
  Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar             3rd
  Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus                     3rd
  Ekstrom, Mr. Johan                         3rd
  Elias, Mr. Dibo                            3rd
  Elias, Mr. Joseph                          3rd
  Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr                       3rd
  Elias, Mr. Tannous                         3rd
  Elsbury, Mr. William James                 3rd
  Emanuel, Miss. Virginia Ethel              3rd
  Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab                    3rd
  Everett, Mr. Thomas James                  3rd
  Farrell, Mr. James                         3rd
  Finoli, Mr. Luigi                          3rd
  Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander            3rd
  Fleming, Miss. Honora                      3rd
  Flynn, Mr. James                           3rd
  Flynn, Mr. John                            3rd
  Foley, Mr. Joseph                          3rd
  Foley, Mr. William                         3rd
  Foo, Mr. Choong                            3rd
  Ford, Miss. Doolina Margaret D             3rd
  Ford, Miss. Robina Maggie Ruby             3rd
  Ford, Mr. Arthur                           3rd
  Ford, Mr. Edward Watson                    3rd
  Ford, Mr. William Neal                     3rd
  Ford, Mrs. Edward (Margaret Ann            3rd
  Fox, Mr. Patrick                           3rd
  Franklin, Mr. Charles (Charles             3rd
  Gallagher, Mr. Martin                      3rd
  Garfirth, Mr. John                         3rd
  Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio                     3rd
  Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer                      3rd
  Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine Katie             3rd
  Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha                   3rd
  Goldsmith, Master. Frank John W            3rd
  Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John                  3rd
  Goldsmith, Mr. Nathan                      3rd
  Goldsmith, Mrs. Frank John (Emi            3rd
  Goncalves, Mr. Manuel Estanslas            3rd
  Goodwin, Master. Harold Victor             3rd
  Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonard            3rd
  Goodwin, Master. William Freder            3rd
  Goodwin, Miss. Jessie Allis                3rd
  Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy                 3rd
  Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward                3rd
  Goodwin, Mr. Charles Frederick             3rd
  Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick (August            3rd
  Green, Mr. George Henry                    3rd
  Gronnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielse            3rd
  Guest, Mr. Robert                          3rd
  Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian              3rd
  Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm             3rd
  Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger               3rd
  Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon                3rd
  Haas, Miss. Aloisia                        3rd
  Hagardon, Miss. Kate                       3rd
  Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen            3rd
  Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Rei            3rd
  Hakkarainen, Mr. Pekka Pietari             3rd
  Hakkarainen, Mrs. Pekka Pietari            3rd
  Hampe, Mr. Leon                            3rd
  Hanna, Mr. Mansour                         3rd
  Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter                    3rd
  Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul                    3rd
  Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard                3rd
  Hansen, Mrs. Claus Peter (Jenni            3rd
  Harknett, Miss. Alice Phoebe               3rd
  Harmer, Mr. Abraham (David Lish            3rd
  Hart, Mr. Henry                            3rd
  Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N                   3rd
  Healy, Miss. Hanora Nora                   3rd
  Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid                    3rd
  Hee, Mr. Ling                              3rd
  Hegarty, Miss. Hanora Nora                 3rd
  Heikkinen, Miss. Laina                     3rd
  Heininen, Miss. Wendla Maria               3rd
  Hellstrom, Miss. Hilda Maria               3rd
  Hendekovic, Mr. Ignjac                     3rd
  Henriksson, Miss. Jenny Lovisa             3rd
  Henry, Miss. Delia                         3rd
  Hirvonen, Miss. Hildur E                   3rd
  Hirvonen, Mrs. Alexander (Helga            3rd
  Holm, Mr. John Fredrik Alexande            3rd
  Holthen, Mr. Johan Martin                  3rd
  Honkanen, Miss. Eliina                     3rd
  Horgan, Mr. John                           3rd
  Howard, Miss. May Elizabeth                3rd
  Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nico            3rd
  Hyman, Mr. Abraham                         3rd
  Ibrahim Shawah, Mr. Yousseff               3rd
  Ilieff, Mr. Ylio                           3rd
  Ilmakangas, Miss. Ida Livija               3rd
  Ilmakangas, Miss. Pieta Sofia              3rd
  Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio                         3rd
  Jalsevac, Mr. Ivan                         3rd
  Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof                     3rd
  Jardin, Mr. Jose Neto                      3rd
  Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder                     3rd
  Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder                    3rd
  Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz                  3rd
  Jermyn, Miss. Annie                        3rd
  Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr. Ber            3rd
  Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred                 3rd
  Johansson Palmquist, Mr. Oskar             3rd
  Johansson, Mr. Erik                        3rd
  Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel                 3rd
  Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan                  3rd
  Johansson, Mr. Nils                        3rd
  Johnson, Master. Harold Theodor            3rd
  Johnson, Miss. Eleanor Ileen               3rd
  Johnson, Mr. Alfred                        3rd
  Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim               3rd
  Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr            3rd
  Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabet            3rd
  Johnston, Master. William Arthu            3rd
  Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen            3rd
  Johnston, Mr. Andrew G                     3rd
  Johnston, Mrs. Andrew G (Elizab            3rd
  Jonkoff, Mr. Lalio                         3rd
  Jonsson, Mr. Carl                          3rd
  Jonsson, Mr. Nils Hilding                  3rd
  Jussila, Miss. Katriina                    3rd
  Jussila, Miss. Mari Aina                   3rd
  Jussila, Mr. Eiriik                        3rd
  Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland                 3rd
  Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen             3rd
  Karaic, Mr. Milan                          3rd
  Karlsson, Mr. Einar Gervasius              3rd
  Karlsson, Mr. Julius Konrad Eug            3rd
  Karlsson, Mr. Nils August                  3rd
  Karun, Miss. Manca                         3rd
  Karun, Mr. Franz                           3rd
  Kassem, Mr. Fared                          3rd
  Katavelas, Mr. Vassilios (Cata             3rd
  Keane, Mr. Andrew Andy                     3rd
  Keefe, Mr. Arthur                          3rd
  Kelly, Miss. Anna Katherine An             3rd
  Kelly, Miss. Mary                          3rd
  Kelly, Mr. James (A)                       3rd
  Kelly, Mr. James (B)                       3rd
  Kennedy, Mr. John                          3rd
  Khalil, Mr. Betros                         3rd
  Khalil, Mrs. Betros (Zahie Mar             3rd
  Kiernan, Mr. John                          3rd
  Kiernan, Mr. Philip                        3rd
  Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas J                    3rd
  Kink, Miss. Maria                          3rd
  Kink, Mr. Vincenz                          3rd
  Kink-Heilmann, Miss. Luise Gret            3rd
  Kink-Heilmann, Mr. Anton                   3rd
  Kink-Heilmann, Mrs. Anton (Luis            3rd
  Klasen, Miss. Gertrud Emilia               3rd
  Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin                     3rd
  Klasen, Mrs. (Hulda Kristina Eu            3rd
  Kraeff, Mr. Theodor                        3rd
  Krekorian, Mr. Neshan                      3rd
  Lahoud, Mr. Sarkis                         3rd
  Laitinen, Miss. Kristina Sofia             3rd
  Laleff, Mr. Kristo                         3rd
  Lam, Mr. Ali                               3rd
  Lam, Mr. Len                               3rd
  Landergren, Miss. Aurora Adelia            3rd
  Lane, Mr. Patrick                          3rd
  Lang, Mr. Fang                             3rd
  Larsson, Mr. August Viktor                 3rd
  Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin                   3rd
  Larsson-Rondberg, Mr. Edvard A             3rd
  Leeni, Mr. Fahim (Philip Zenni             3rd
  Lefebre, Master. Henry Forbes              3rd
  Lefebre, Miss. Ida                         3rd
  Lefebre, Miss. Jeannie                     3rd
  Lefebre, Miss. Mathilde                    3rd
  Lefebre, Mrs. Frank (Frances)              3rd
  Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf                 3rd
  Lemberopolous, Mr. Peter L                 3rd
  Lennon, Miss. Mary                         3rd
  Lennon, Mr. Denis                          3rd
  Leonard, Mr. Lionel                        3rd
  Lester, Mr. James                          3rd
  Lievens, Mr. Rene Aime                     3rd
  Lindahl, Miss. Agda Thorilda Vi            3rd
  Lindblom, Miss. Augusta Charlot            3rd
  Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson              3rd
  Lindell, Mrs. Edvard Bengtsson             3rd
  Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William                3rd
  Linehan, Mr. Michael                       3rd
  Ling, Mr. Lee                              3rd
  Lithman, Mr. Simon                         3rd
  Lobb, Mr. William Arthur                   3rd
  Lobb, Mrs. William Arthur (Cord            3rd
  Lockyer, Mr. Edward                        3rd
  Lovell, Mr. John Hall (Henry)              3rd
  Lulic, Mr. Nikola                          3rd
  Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson                3rd
  Lundin, Miss. Olga Elida                   3rd
  Lundstrom, Mr. Thure Edvin                 3rd
  Lyntakoff, Mr. Stanko                      3rd
  MacKay, Mr. George William                 3rd
  Madigan, Miss. Margaret Maggie             3rd
  Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne                  3rd
  Maenpaa, Mr. Matti Alexanteri              3rd
  Mahon, Miss. Bridget Delia                 3rd
  Mahon, Mr. John                            3rd
  Maisner, Mr. Simon                         3rd
  Makinen, Mr. Kalle Edvard                  3rd
  Mamee, Mr. Hanna                           3rd
  Mangan, Miss. Mary                         3rd
  Mannion, Miss. Margareth                   3rd
  Mardirosian, Mr. Sarkis                    3rd
  Markoff, Mr. Marin                         3rd
  Markun, Mr. Johann                         3rd
  Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima                    3rd
  Matinoff, Mr. Nicola                       3rd
  McCarthy, Miss. Catherine Kati             3rd
  McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph               3rd
  McCoy, Miss. Agnes                         3rd
  McCoy, Miss. Alicia                        3rd
  McCoy, Mr. Bernard                         3rd
  McDermott, Miss. Brigdet Delia             3rd
  McEvoy, Mr. Michael                        3rd
  McGovern, Miss. Mary                       3rd
  McGowan, Miss. Anna Annie                  3rd
  McGowan, Miss. Katherine                   3rd
  McMahon, Mr. Martin                        3rd
  McNamee, Mr. Neal                          3rd
  McNamee, Mrs. Neal (Eileen O'Le            3rd
  McNeill, Miss. Bridget                     3rd
  Meanwell, Miss. (Marion Ogden)             3rd
  Meek, Mrs. Thomas (Annie Louise            3rd
  Meo, Mr. Alfonzo                           3rd
  Mernagh, Mr. Robert                        3rd
  Midtsjo, Mr. Karl Albert                   3rd
  Miles, Mr. Frank                           3rd
  Mineff, Mr. Ivan                           3rd
  Minkoff, Mr. Lazar                         3rd
  Mionoff, Mr. Stoytcho                      3rd
  Mitkoff, Mr. Mito                          3rd
  Mockler, Miss. Helen Mary Elli             3rd
  Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen                    3rd
  Moor, Master. Meier                        3rd
  Moor, Mrs. (Beila)                         3rd
  Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles                 3rd
  Moran, Miss. Bertha                        3rd
  Moran, Mr. Daniel J                        3rd
  Moran, Mr. James                           3rd
  Morley, Mr. William                        3rd
  Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan                   3rd
  Moss, Mr. Albert Johan                     3rd
  Moubarek, Master. Gerios                   3rd
  Moubarek, Master. Halim Gonios             3rd
  Moubarek, Mrs. George (Omine A             3rd
  Moussa, Mrs. (Mantoura Boulos)             3rd
  Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim                   3rd
  Mullens, Miss. Katherine Katie             3rd
  Mulvihill, Miss. Bertha E                  3rd
  Murdlin, Mr. Joseph                        3rd
  Murphy, Miss. Katherine Kate               3rd
  Murphy, Miss. Margaret Jane                3rd
  Murphy, Miss. Nora                         3rd
  Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver            3rd
  Naidenoff, Mr. Penko                       3rd
  Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie Jane             3rd
  Nakid, Miss. Maria (Mary)                  3rd
  Nakid, Mr. Sahid                           3rd
  Nakid, Mrs. Said (Waika Mary               3rd
  Nancarrow, Mr. William Henry               3rd
  Nankoff, Mr. Minko                         3rd
  Nasr, Mr. Mustafa                          3rd
  Naughton, Miss. Hannah                     3rd
  Nenkoff, Mr. Christo                       3rd
  Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias               3rd
  Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila                3rd
  Nieminen, Miss. Manta Josefina             3rd
  Niklasson, Mr. Samuel                      3rd
  Nilsson, Miss. Berta Olivia                3rd
  Nilsson, Miss. Helmina Josefina            3rd
  Nilsson, Mr. August Ferdinand              3rd
  Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Aijo             3rd
  Niskanen, Mr. Juha                         3rd
  Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater               3rd
  Novel, Mr. Mansouer                        3rd
  Nysten, Miss. Anna Sofia                   3rd
  Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen                  3rd
  O'Brien, Mr. Thomas                        3rd
  O'Brien, Mr. Timothy                       3rd
  O'Brien, Mrs. Thomas (Johanna              3rd
  O'Connell, Mr. Patrick D                   3rd
  O'Connor, Mr. Maurice                      3rd
  O'Connor, Mr. Patrick                      3rd
  Odahl, Mr. Nils Martin                     3rd
  O'Donoghue, Ms. Bridget                    3rd
  O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget                  3rd
  O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen Nellie                3rd
  Ohman, Miss. Velin                         3rd
  O'Keefe, Mr. Patrick                       3rd
  O'Leary, Miss. Hanora Norah                3rd
  Olsen, Master. Artur Karl                  3rd
  Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido                   3rd
  Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andrea            3rd
  Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin                      3rd
  Olsson, Miss. Elina                        3rd
  Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Goransso            3rd
  Olsson, Mr. Oscar Wilhelm                  3rd
  Olsvigen, Mr. Thor Anderson                3rd
  Oreskovic, Miss. Jelka                     3rd
  Oreskovic, Miss. Marija                    3rd
  Oreskovic, Mr. Luka                        3rd
  Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon                        3rd
  Osman, Mrs. Mara                           3rd
  O'Sullivan, Miss. Bridget Mary             3rd
  Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard             3rd
  Palsson, Master. Paul Folke                3rd
  Palsson, Miss. Stina Viola                 3rd
  Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira              3rd
  Palsson, Mrs. Nils (Alma Cornel            3rd
  Panula, Master. Eino Viljami               3rd
  Panula, Master. Juha Niilo                 3rd
  Panula, Master. Urho Abraham               3rd
  Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid                  3rd
  Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold                   3rd
  Panula, Mrs. Juha (Maria Emilia            3rd
  Pasic, Mr. Jakob                           3rd
  Patchett, Mr. George                       3rd
  Paulner, Mr. Uscher                        3rd
  Pavlovic, Mr. Stefo                        3rd
  Peacock, Master. Alfred Edward             3rd
  Peacock, Miss. Treasteall                  3rd
  Peacock, Mrs. Benjamin (Edith N            3rd
  Pearce, Mr. Ernest                         3rd
  Pedersen, Mr. Olaf                         3rd
  Peduzzi, Mr. Joseph                        3rd
  Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard                      3rd
  Peltomaki, Mr. Nikolai Johannes            3rd
  Perkin, Mr. John Henry                     3rd
  Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik                   3rd
  Peter, Master. Michael J                   3rd
  Peter, Miss. Anna                          3rd
  Peter, Mrs. Catherine (Catherin            3rd
  Peters, Miss. Katie                        3rd
  Petersen, Mr. Marius                       3rd
  Petranec, Miss. Matilda                    3rd
  Petroff, Mr. Nedelio                       3rd
  Petroff, Mr. Pastcho (Pentcho              3rd
  Petterson, Mr. Johan Emil                  3rd
  Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia            3rd
  Pickard, Mr. Berk (Berk Trembis            3rd
  Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil                     3rd
  Pokrnic, Mr. Mate                          3rd
  Pokrnic, Mr. Tome                          3rd
  Radeff, Mr. Alexander                      3rd
  Rasmussen, Mrs. (Lena Jacobsen             3rd
  Razi, Mr. Raihed                           3rd
  Reed, Mr. James George                     3rd
  Rekic, Mr. Tido                            3rd
  Reynolds, Mr. Harold J                     3rd
  Rice, Master. Albert                       3rd
  Rice, Master. Arthur                       3rd
  Rice, Master. Eric                         3rd
  Rice, Master. Eugene                       3rd
  Rice, Master. George Hugh                  3rd
  Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret No            3rd
  Riihivouri, Miss. Susanna Juhan            3rd
  Rintamaki, Mr. Matti                       3rd
  Riordan, Miss. Johanna Hannah              3rd
  Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard                   3rd
  Risien, Mrs. Samuel (Emma)                 3rd
  Robins, Mr. Alexander A                    3rd
  Robins, Mrs. Alexander A (Grace            3rd
  Rogers, Mr. William John                   3rd
  Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust                 3rd
  Rosblom, Miss. Salli Helena                3rd
  Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard                3rd
  Rosblom, Mrs. Viktor (Helena Wi            3rd
  Roth, Miss. Sarah A                        3rd
  Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry                   3rd
  Rush, Mr. Alfred George John               3rd
  Ryan, Mr. Edward                           3rd
  Ryan, Mr. Patrick                          3rd
  Saad, Mr. Amin                             3rd
  Saad, Mr. Khalil                           3rd
  Saade, Mr. Jean Nassr                      3rd
  Sadlier, Mr. Matthew                       3rd
  Sadowitz, Mr. Harry                        3rd
  Saether, Mr. Simon Sivertsen               3rd
  Sage, Master. Thomas Henry                 3rd
  Sage, Master. William Henry                3rd
  Sage, Miss. Ada                            3rd
  Sage, Miss. Constance Gladys               3rd
  Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith Doll             3rd
  Sage, Miss. Stella Anna                    3rd
  Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen                   3rd
  Sage, Mr. Frederick                        3rd
  Sage, Mr. George John Jr                   3rd
  Sage, Mr. John George                      3rd
  Sage, Mrs. John (Annie Bullen)             3rd
  Salander, Mr. Karl Johan                   3rd
  Salkjelsvik, Miss. Anna Kristin            3rd
  Salonen, Mr. Johan Werner                  3rd
  Samaan, Mr. Elias                          3rd
  Samaan, Mr. Hanna                          3rd
  Samaan, Mr. Youssef                        3rd
  Sandstrom, Miss. Beatrice Irene            3rd
  Sandstrom, Mrs. Hjalmar (Agnes             3rd
  Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut            3rd
  Sap, Mr. Julius                            3rd
  Saundercock, Mr. William Henry             3rd
  Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles              3rd
  Scanlan, Mr. James                         3rd
  Sdycoff, Mr. Todor                         3rd
  Shaughnessy, Mr. Patrick                   3rd
  Sheerlinck, Mr. Jan Baptist                3rd
  Shellard, Mr. Frederick William            3rd
  Shine, Miss. Ellen Natalia                 3rd
  Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph                3rd
  Simmons, Mr. John                          3rd
  Sirayanian, Mr. Orsen                      3rd
  Sirota, Mr. Maurice                        3rd
  Sivic, Mr. Husein                          3rd
  Sivola, Mr. Antti Wilhelm                  3rd
  Sjoblom, Miss. Anna Sofia                  3rd
  Skoog, Master. Harald                      3rd
  Skoog, Master. Karl Thorsten               3rd
  Skoog, Miss. Mabel                         3rd
  Skoog, Miss. Margit Elizabeth              3rd
  Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm                         3rd
  Skoog, Mrs. William (Anna Bernh            3rd
  Slabenoff, Mr. Petco                       3rd
  Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis              3rd
  Smiljanic, Mr. Mile                        3rd
  Smith, Mr. Thomas                          3rd
  Smyth, Miss. Julia                         3rd
  Soholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauri            3rd
  Somerton, Mr. Francis William              3rd
  Spector, Mr. Woolf                         3rd
  Spinner, Mr. Henry John                    3rd
  Staneff, Mr. Ivan                          3rd
  Stankovic, Mr. Ivan                        3rd
  Stanley, Miss. Amy Zillah Elsie            3rd
  Stanley, Mr. Edward Roland                 3rd
  Storey, Mr. Thomas                         3rd
  Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia                       3rd
  Strandberg, Miss. Ida Sofia                3rd
  Stranden, Mr. Juho                         3rd
  Strilic, Mr. Ivan                          3rd
  Strom, Miss. Telma Matilda                 3rd
  Strom, Mrs. Wilhelm (Elna Matil            3rd
  Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis             3rd
  Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian                  3rd
  Sutehall, Mr. Henry Jr                     3rd
  Svensson, Mr. Johan                        3rd
  Svensson, Mr. Johan Cervin                 3rd
  Svensson, Mr. Olof                         3rd
  Tenglin, Mr. Gunnar Isidor                 3rd
  Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard               3rd
  Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander            3rd
  Thomas, Mr. Charles P                      3rd
  Thomas, Mr. John                           3rd
  Thomas, Mr. Tannous                        3rd
  Thomas, Mrs. Alexander (Thamine            3rd
  Thomson, Mr. Alexander Morrison            3rd
  Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival                 3rd
  Thorneycroft, Mrs. Percival (Fl            3rd
  Tikkanen, Mr. Juho                         3rd
  Tobin, Mr. Roger                           3rd
  Todoroff, Mr. Lalio                        3rd
  Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage                 3rd
  Torber, Mr. Ernst William                  3rd
  Torfa, Mr. Assad                           3rd
  Tornquist, Mr. William Henry               3rd
  Toufik, Mr. Nakli                          3rd
  Touma, Master. Georges Youssef             3rd
  Touma, Miss. Maria Youssef                 3rd
  Touma, Mrs. Darwis (Hanne Youss            3rd
  Turcin, Mr. Stjepan                        3rd
  Turja, Miss. Anna Sofia                    3rd
  Turkula, Mrs. (Hedwig)                     3rd
  van Billiard, Master. James Wil            3rd
  van Billiard, Master. Walter Jo            3rd
  van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler            3rd
  Van Impe, Miss. Catharina                  3rd
  Van Impe, Mr. Jean Baptiste                3rd
  Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (R            3rd
  van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon                3rd
  Vande Velde, Mr. Johannes Josep            3rd
  Vande Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel             3rd
  Vanden Steen, Mr. Leo Peter                3rd
  Vander Cruyssen, Mr. Victor                3rd
  Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Ma            3rd
  Vander Planke, Mr. Julius                  3rd
  Vander Planke, Mr. Leo Edmondus            3rd
  Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Eme            3rd
  Vartanian, Mr. David                       3rd
  Vendel, Mr. Olof Edvin                     3rd
  Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Ado            3rd
  Vovk, Mr. Janko                            3rd
  Waelens, Mr. Achille                       3rd
  Ware, Mr. Frederick                        3rd
  Warren, Mr. Charles William                3rd
  Webber, Mr. James                          3rd
  Wenzel, Mr. Linhart                        3rd
  Whabee, Mrs. George Joseph (Sha            3rd
  Widegren, Mr. Carl/Charles Pete            3rd
  Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred                  3rd
  Wiklund, Mr. Karl Johan                    3rd
  Wilkes, Mrs. James (Ellen Needs            3rd
  Willer, Mr. Aaron (Abi Weller              3rd
  Willey, Mr. Edward                         3rd
  Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh Harr             3rd
  Williams, Mr. Leslie                       3rd
  Windelov, Mr. Einar                        3rd
  Wirz, Mr. Albert                           3rd
  Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe                     3rd
  Wittevrongel, Mr. Camille                  3rd
  Yasbeck, Mr. Antoni                        3rd
  Yasbeck, Mrs. Antoni (Selini Al            3rd
  Youseff, Mr. Gerious                       3rd
  Yousif, Mr. Wazli                          3rd
  Yousseff, Mr. Gerious                      3rd
  Zabour, Miss. Hileni                       3rd
  Zabour, Miss. Thamine                      3rd
  Zakarian, Mr. Mapriededer                  3rd
  Zakarian, Mr. Ortin                        3rd
  Zimmerman, Mr. Leo                         3rd
g<- getAnywhere
  A single object matching 'Titanic' was found
  It was found in the following places
  with value
  , , Age = Child, Survived = No
  Class  Male Female
    1st     0      0
    2nd     0      0
    3rd    35     17
    Crew    0      0
  , , Age = Adult, Survived = No
  Class  Male Female
    1st   118      4
    2nd   154     13
    3rd   387     89
    Crew  670      3
  , , Age = Child, Survived = Yes
  Class  Male Female
    1st     5      1
    2nd    11     13
    3rd    13     14
    Crew    0      0
  , , Age = Adult, Survived = Yes
  Class  Male Female
    1st    57    140
    2nd    14     80
    3rd    75     76
    Crew  192     20


A table can be a vector, matrix or array with class table. For many purposes it works like a vector, matrix or array

  , , Age = Child, Survived = No
  Class  Male Female
    1st     0      0
    2nd     0      0
    3rd    35     17
    Crew    0      0
  , , Age = Adult, Survived = No
  Class  Male Female
    1st   118      4
    2nd   154     13
    3rd   387     89
    Crew  670      3
  , , Age = Child, Survived = Yes
  Class  Male Female
    1st     5      1
    2nd    11     13
    3rd    13     14
    Crew    0      0
  , , Age = Adult, Survived = Yes
  Class  Male Female
    1st    57    140
    2nd    14     80
    3rd    75     76
    Crew  192     20
Titanic.df <- # full 
  32 x 5 data.frame (27 rows omitted)
     Class    Sex   Age Survived Freq
       [f]    [f]   [f]      [f]  [n]
  1   1st  Male   Child      No     0
  2   2nd  Male   Child      No     0
  3   3rd  Male   Child      No    35
  . . .                                   
  31  3rd  Female Adult      Yes   76
  32  Crew Female Adult      Yes   20
Titanic.surv <- towide(Titanic.df, timevar = 'Survived', idvar = )
  Error in `[.data.frame`(data, , idvar): undefined columns selected
  [1] "table"
tt <- array(1:240,c(2,3,4,5,2))
dimnames(tt) <- list(
  Error in barchart(tt): could not find function "barchart"
# remove(list=objects()) # not run in case you have other things you don't want to lose

1.13 Reading inline and basic reshaping with spida2: towide and tolong

dd <- read.csv(strip.white = T, text=
sex    ,prog      ,year     ,age   ,pass
male   ,a         ,1        ,18    ,yes
male   ,a         ,1        ,18    ,yes
male   ,b         ,2        ,19    ,yes
female   ,a         ,1        ,19  ,no
male   ,a         ,1        ,20    ,no
female   ,a         ,3        ,21  ,no
male   ,b         ,1        ,22    ,yes
male   ,a         ,2        ,23    ,yes
female   ,a         ,1        ,24  ,no
male   ,b         ,1        ,25    ,no
male   ,a         ,3        ,26    ,yes
        sex prog year age pass
  1    male    a    1  18  yes
  2    male    a    1  18  yes
  3    male    b    2  19  yes
  4  female    a    1  19   no
  5    male    a    1  20   no
  6  female    a    3  21   no
  7    male    b    1  22  yes
  8    male    a    2  23  yes
  9  female    a    1  24   no
  10   male    b    1  25   no
  11   male    a    3  26  yes

1.14 Long form to wide form

towide(dd, timevar = 'pass', idvar = c('prog','year')) # sex treated as timevar
    prog year sex_yes age_yes sex_no age_no
  1    a    1    male      18 female     19
  2    a    2    male      23   <NA>     NA
  3    a    3    male      26 female     21
  4    b    1    male      22   male     25
  5    b    2    male      19   <NA>     NA
towide(dd, timevar = 'pass', idvar = c('prog'))
    prog sex_yes year_yes age_yes sex_no year_no age_no
  1    a    male        1      18 female       1     19
  2    b    male        2      19   male       1     25
towide(dd, idvar = c('prog'), timevar = 'pass')
    prog sex_yes year_yes age_yes sex_no year_no age_no
  1    a    male        1      18 female       1     19
  2    b    male        2      19   male       1     25
towide(dd, idvar = c('sex','prog','year'), timevar = 'pass')
       sex prog year age_yes age_no
  1 female    a    1      NA     19
  2 female    a    3      NA     21
  3   male    a    1      18     20
  4   male    a    2      23     NA
  5   male    a    3      26     NA
  6   male    b    1      22     25
  7   male    b    2      19     NA

## Aggregating data ####

up(dd, ~ sex+prog+year)
                sex prog year Freq
  female/a/1 female    a    1    2
  female/a/3 female    a    3    1
  male/a/1     male    a    1    3
  male/a/2     male    a    2    1
  male/a/3     male    a    3    1
  male/b/1     male    b    1    2
  male/b/2     male    b    2    1
up(dd, ~ sex+prog+year, agg = ~ age)
                sex prog year Freq      age
  female/a/1 female    a    1    2 21.50000
  female/a/3 female    a    3    1 21.00000
  male/a/1     male    a    1    3 18.66667
  male/a/2     male    a    2    1 23.00000
  male/a/3     male    a    3    1 26.00000
  male/b/1     male    b    1    2 23.50000
  male/b/2     male    b    2    1 19.00000
up(dd, ~ sex+prog+year, agg = ~ age, FUN = sum)
                sex prog year Freq      age
  female/a/1 female    a    1    2 21.50000
  female/a/3 female    a    3    1 21.00000
  male/a/1     male    a    1    3 18.66667
  male/a/2     male    a    2    1 23.00000
  male/a/3     male    a    3    1 26.00000
  male/b/1     male    b    1    2 23.50000
  male/b/2     male    b    2    1 19.00000
dl <- read.csv(strip.white = T, text =
id, time, val, invar
    id time val  invar
  1  1    1   1   male
  2  1    1   2   male
  3  1    2   3   male
  4  1    3   4   male
  5  2    2   5 female
  6  2    4   6 female
  7  3    1   7   male
  8  3    2   8   male
  9  3    3   9   male
towide(dl, idvar = 'id',timevar='time') # repeated value is silently dropped
    id val_1 val_2 val_3 val_4  invar
  1  1     1     3     4    NA   male
  2  2    NA     5    NA     6 female
  3  3     7     8     9    NA   male
towide(dd, idvar = c('sex','prog','year'), timevar = 'pass')
       sex prog year age_yes age_no
  1 female    a    1      NA     19
  2 female    a    3      NA     21
  3   male    a    1      18     20
  4   male    a    2      23     NA
  5   male    a    3      26     NA
  6   male    b    1      22     25
  7   male    b    2      19     NA

More on reshaping, etc. later