Important Note

These notes were last revised before version 4 of R was released. The notes assume that ‘read.csv’ and other R functions that read data convert character variables into factors by default. This is no longer true in version 4. Character variables are not converted to factors and you must convert them explicitly before using them in regressions. Although you can perform regressions with character variable, it is poor practice because predictions on subsets of the data may be incorrect since a subset of a character variable may have different levels than the original variable. The levels, including their order, of a categorical variable are critical for the correct use of a categorical variable for most regression functions.


Probably the most important thing to do to ensure ‘reproducible analyses’ is to ’‘’never touch the raw data’’’ – assuming the raw data comes from another source: the web, a client, etc.

If you modify the data using a spreadsheet, you won’t be able to justify the changes you made and ensure that you didn’t introduce errors. When an updated version of the raw data arrives, you will have to reproduce the whole process with no confidence that you will achieve consistent results. Therefore:


as counterintuitive as that seems.

How do you change messy raw data into something you can analyze? You must do this with a script so the steps are well documented, reproducible and defensible.

This script illustrates the transformations when an updated version arrives.

# packages that may need to be installed:
install.packages('devtools', dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages('car', dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages('effects', dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages('snow', dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages('rbenchmark', dependencies = TRUE)
# install.packages('compiler', dependencies = TRUE) # no need to install, now in base

Getting started – and keeping going – with R

This is an example of an R Markdown file written in R Notebook style, i.e. as an R script. All your output from a series of R commands: the commands, the output and graphs are placed in a single HTML file. Optionally, output can also go into a pdf file or a doc file.

You can also include LaTeX in the text for the file, e.g. \(Y = X \beta + \epsilon\).

Installing two local packages

This scrips assumes that two packages available on GitHub have been installed, spida2 and p3d.

if(!require(spida2, quietly = TRUE)) devtools::install_github('gmonette/spida2')
if(!require(p3d, quietly = TRUE)) devtools::install_github('gmonette/p3d')

Importing data

Flat (rectangular) files: - Easiest way of transferring to R: Use .csv files - Main problem I’ve encountered: dates and times - Missing data codes: - Only one code in R - By default ‘NA’ in a character variable becomes missing data - Never been a problem until I had data on Namibia

Collections of hierarchical files: - Transfer individual files and use merge in R to join files

An example where everything goes wrong.

Or “how to use R’s strengths to deal with its weaknesses”

Usually, the easiest way to import a file is
as a .csv file and this works 90% of the time

Here’s an example where everything goes wrong.

# A .csv (comma-separated values) data set saved from Excel
10/19/2012 08:48,CA,"40,000.00",50,75,America
12/31/2012 14:49,NA,"10,000.00",,50,Africa
01/09/2013 23:56,UK,"35,000.00",55,NA,Europe    
file = "dataex.csv")
ex <- read.csv("dataex.csv")
ex    # Namibia is missing!

Variables have different ‘classes’ depending on values

sapply(ex, class)
mean(ex$gdp)     # not numeric
mean(ex$time)    # not a time
mean(ex$smoke, na.rm = TRUE)  # OK
mean(ex$health, na.rm = TRUE) # OK

1: Fix Namibia

ex <- read.csv("dataex.csv", na.strings = NULL) 

now only blanks count as numeric missing values, so:

ex   # 'country' is OK


sapply(ex, class) # The 'NA' for 'health' turns it into a factor
mean(ex$health, na.rm = TRUE)   # Not OK anymore

2: Fix health that is now a factor

exfix <- ex
exfix$health <- as.numeric(as.character(ex$health))
mean(exfix$health, na.rm = TRUE)

Note: ‘as.character’ is essential above

as.numeric( c("12.3","NA","2.1",NA,"1,000"))

3: Fix gdp using string substitution

  • Note the power of ‘regular expressions’ for manipulating character variables
sub(",", "", as.character(ex$gdp))  # removes commas
exfix$gdp <- as.numeric(sub(",", "", as.character(ex$gdp)))
sapply(exfix, class)

4. Fix time

x <- ex$time
print(x, quote = TRUE)

Transform to a date/time object with ‘as.POSIXct’

as.POSIXct(x)  # not in ISO format
xfix <- as.POSIXct(x, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")

To get information on these codes, get help: ?strptime

xfix          # looks nice when it prints --- but in reality
class(xfix)   # the class of an object determines how it looks when it prints

Take away its class and you see the naked object:

unclass(xfix) # seconds since Jan 1, 1970, midnight GMT

As a POSIXct object, you can do lots of things with it


What can you do with a POSIXct object

methods(class = 'POSIXct')  # finding the tools that work on a POSIXct object
methods(class = 'POSIXt')   # finding the tools that work on a POSIXt object
mean(xfix)     # mean time
format(xfix,"%d")   # day of month
round(xfix,"hours")   # round to the nearest hour
xfix + 3600       # an hour later
xfix + 3600*24*7  # a week later
diff(xfix)        # elapsed time 

To get the hour as a character, use ‘format’

format(xfix, format = "%H")

As a number:

as.numeric(format(xfix, format = "%H"))

to get the time of the day in hours accurate to the nearest minute, write a function

hour <- function(x) {
  as.numeric( format(x,"%H")) + as.numeric( format(x, "%M")) /60

Finally you have a working data frame ready for analysis

exfix$time <- xfix
exfix$hour <- hour(xfix)

Early confusion

Disparate methods to reference variables

library(effects) # to get the 'Arrests' data set

release or detention of individuals arrested for marijuana possession, Toronto 1997-2002 Source: Michael Friendly/John Fox


Using fully qualified names:

tab( Arrests$colour, Arrests$sex) # or
tab( Arrests[["colour"]], Arrests[["sex"]], pct = 1) 

Using a formula evaluated in a data set:

tab(~ colour + sex, Arrests, pct = 2, test = TRUE) %>% plot

Using the name of the variable:

with(Arrests, tab( colour, sex, pr = 2))

Some functions use different conventions for different arguments

Things you can do with R

Visualize 3D


Initialize a window

Plot3d(LE ~ CigCon + HealthExpPC | Cont, Smoking, fov = 0, phi = 0, theta = 0,
    col = c('blue','red','orange','magenta','dark cyan','green'))
k <- function(stay = TRUE) rgl.bringtotop(stay = stay)
fit.lm <- lm(LE ~ CigCon, Smoking)
Fit3d(fit.lm, lwd = 2)

Is it significant?

365 * coef(fit.lm)["CigCon"]   # Change in LE from inc. consumption by 1 cig./day

Should always look at data carefully

Id3d(pad = 1)

Controlling for continent:

Stratification because we are analyzing within ‘strata’ or groups

fit.lm.cont <- lm(LE ~ CigCon + Cont, Smoking)
Fit3d(fit.lm.cont, lwd = 2)

getting output within each continent: <- lm(LE ~ Cont/CigCon - 1, Smoking)
Fit3d(, lwd = 2)
###  Controlling for another variable
Plot3d(LE ~ CigCon + HealthExpPC | Cont, Smoking, fov = 0, phi = 0, theta = 0,
col = c('blue','red','orange','magenta','dark cyan','green'))
Id3d(pad = 1); k()

what does simple regression look like in 3d?

Fit3d(fit.lm)   # can't take HExp into account

How can we try to take HExp into account? Linear (on predictors) regression <- lm( LE ~ CigCon + HealthExpPC, Smoking)
Fit3d(, col = 'pink')
Fit3d(fit.lm, col = 'blue')

Allowing for some curvature <- lm( LE ~ CigCon + HealthExpPC + log(HealthExpPC), Smoking)
Fit3d(, col = 'cyan')
  • What happens if we use both Continent and HealthExp?
  • What happens with interactions

Estimating and visualizing complex models

library(effects)    # for the data
xqplot(Arrests)     # an exploratory
dd <- Arrests
plot( released ~ year, dd) 

can use lapply to produce a plot for each year

par(mfrow = c(2,3))
lapply( levels(dd$Year), 
       function(yy) plot( released ~ colour, main = yy, subset(dd, year == yy)))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))

Try to model probability of being released

fit <- glm(released ~ colour + year + age + sex +
          employed + citizen + checks, dd,
          family = binomial)
summary(fit)   # note how R uses 'treatment' coding by default

Year is not significant! But 1. the effect of year is not necessarily linear, and 2. dynamics of police politics make it clear that races might not have been affected the same way

Try year as a categorical variable interacting with colour

dd$Year <- factor(dd$year)
fit2i <- glm(released ~ colour * Year + age + sex +
              employed + citizen + checks, dd,
              family = binomial)
anova(fit, fit2i, test = "LRT")   # Likelihood ratio test
wald(fit2i, "Year")   # Uses regular expressions to match terms in model
wald(fit2i, "colour") 
wald(fit2i, ":")

Consider the Arrests data set: The ‘colour gap’ seems to change considerably from year to year. We will estimate the adjusted color gap each year and form year to year comparisons in the size of the color gap. In other words: 1. Is there evidence of a gap each year? 2. Is there evidence of a change in the gap each year?


Along the way we comment on Type I : sequential tests and [use anova] Type II : added last among terms respecting the PoM [use car::Anova]

library(car)       # for 'Anova' 

Suppose after some exploration and consideration we settle on this working model:

fit0 <- glm( released ~ colour * (Year * age) + checks + citizen, dd,
            family = 'binomial')
summary(fit0)   #

could we simplify by getting rid of 3-way interactions?

wald(fit0,":.*:")   # using regular expressions to test a group of terms

fit a model with 2-way interactions:

fit <- update( fit0, . ~ colour * (Year + age) + checks + citizen)

What do the coefficients and p-values tell you? 1. WHICH COEFFICIENTS CAN YOU INTERPRET? 2. AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN?

wald(fit, "colour") # overall test of colour
wald(fit, 'Year')   # note that lowest individual p-value is .03
wald(fit, ':Year')   # what does this tell you?
anova(fit, test= 'LRT')  # Type I
Anova(fit)               # Type II

Colour gap is a function of age and Year so we estimate it as a function of age and year


Note: Log odds of release: eta.hat = b0 + b1 x colourWhite + b2 x Year1998 + …. where terms are:

head( model.matrix( released ~ colour * (Year + age) + checks + citizen, dd))

log odds of release for black 18 year old in 1997 with 0 checks and citizen

L <- rbind( c(1, 0,   0,0,0,0,0,   18,  0, 1,  0,0,0,0,0, 0))
wald(fit, L)
qlogit <- function( p ) log( p/(1-p))  # p to log odds
plogit <- function( l ) 1/(1+exp(-l))  # log odds to p
ww <- wald(fit, L)

Now, let’s estimate the same thing for a ‘white’ person

L.w18.98 <- rbind( c(1, 1,   0,0,0,0,0,   18,  0, 1,  0,0,0,0,0, 0))
wald(fit, L.w18.98)
plogit( coef( wald(fit, L.w18.98)))

Estimate the difference in log odds:

L.w18.98 - L
wald(fit, L.w18.98 - L)

We would like to do this for a range of ages and each year You should be able to do it manually and will ask you to do this on exam

pred <- expand.grid( Year = levels( dd$Year),
                    age = c(18,20, 25, 40))

Use a list of expressions for each term differencing with respect to colour (White - Black)

   list( 0,
         1 ,
         0 * M(Year),
         0 * age,
         0 ,
         0 ,
         1 * M(Year),
         1 * age 
L <- Lfx(fit,
        list( 0,
              1 ,
              0 * M(Year),
              0 * age,
              0 ,
              0 ,
              1 * M(Year),
              1 * age 
wald(fit, L)
ww <- wald(fit, L)
pred <-
td(col=rainbow(4), lty = 1, lwd = 2)
xyplot( coef ~ Year, pred, groups = age, type = 'l',
       auto.key = list(columns = 4, lines = T, points = F))
panel.abline(h = 0)

xyplot( coef+I(coef + 2*se)+
         I(coef - 2*se) ~ Year|age, pred, 
       auto.key = list(columns=4), type = 'b')

change colours

gd( lty = c(1,3,3), col = c('black','dark gray','dark gray'),
   lwd = 2)
xyplot( coef+I(coef + 2*se)+
         I(coef - 2*se) ~ Year|age, pred, 
       auto.key = list(columns=4), type = 'b')

more polishing

xyplot( exp(coef)+exp(coef + 2*se)+
         exp(coef - 2*se) ~ Year|
         paste("age:",age), pred, 
       type = 'b',
       ylab = "Odds ratio of release for White relative to Black",
       panel = function(x,y,...) {
         panel.abline(h=1, lwd = 1)


  1. What would happen we had included the 3-way interaction of colourYearage ?
  2. On reflection, might it be a good idea to include it even though it isn’t significant?
  3. How this relates to the general issue of a trade-off between bias and variance in statistics.
  4. Think of better ways of presenting the results for a lay audience.

Simulation and parallel processing

Power by simulation for hierarchical data

Find power to detect treatment effect on students in classes

  • within group, within class sd = 1
  • raw effect = ‘effect size’ in the sense of Cohen

Parallel processing using Windows see and

cl <- makeCluster(4,type="SOCK") # Use the number of available cores, 

you can also use cores on other computers with which you are networked

system.time(zrn<- lapply(1:1000, function(x) mean(rnorm(100000))))
system.time(zrn<- parLapply(cl,1:1000, function(x) mean(rnorm(100000))))

parallel works on Macs and Linux:

install.packages('parallel', repos= "")
install.packages(file.choose(), repos= NULL)

Generate a sample N number of classes M students per class Exercise: extend to 3 levels


Step 1: Write a function that generates a single data set based on sample size, distribution assumptions and effect size(s) This is the step that makes you really think the model through

gen <- function(N,M,ICC,weff=0,beff=0){
  # generates a single data frame
  # N is number of classes (clusters)
  # M is number of students per class
  # ICC is the intraclass correlation for the response variable (without treatment)
  # weff is the effect size (relative to sigma) of a within-class treatment
  # beff is the effect size (relative to sigma) of a between-class treatment
  # make N and M even
  N <- round((2*N+1)/2)
  M <- round((2*M+1)/2)
  sigma2 <- 1                    # within cluster variance
  tau2 <- sigma2 * ICC/(1-ICC)   # between-cluster variance
  id <- rep(1:N,each = M)        # cluster id <- sqrt(tau2)*rnorm(N)[id] # random intercept
  eps <- sqrt(sigma2)*rnorm(N*M)  # epsilon
  # Exercise: introduce correlation but beware 
  # of order relative to treatment assignment
  dd <- data.frame( id=id)
  dd$X <- 0:1   # note how easy this is because of recycling
  dd$W <- rep(0:1, each = N*M/2)
  sig <- sqrt(sigma2)
  dd$Y <- with(dd, X*weff*sig + W*beff*sig + + eps  )

Step 2: Write a function that call the previous function, analyzes the data set and return observed p-values – or other output.

# <- function(N,M,ICC,weff=0,beff=0) {
 # generate and analyze, return p-vvalue
 fit <- try( lme( Y ~ X+W, gen(N,M,ICC,weff=weff,beff=beff), random = ~ 1 |id) )
 if( is(fit,"try-error")) return(NA)
 pvals <- as.matrix(wald(fit)[[1]]$estimate)[,'p-value']

Step 3: Write a function that does the above ‘nsim’ times and returns the proportion of p-values that are less that alpha (i.e. power) The reason for the ‘…’ will be obvious later.

# <- function(N,M,ICC,weff=0,beff=0,alpha=.05,nsim=1,...){
 # proportion of rejections at level alpha
 ret <- replicate(nsim,,M,ICC,weff,beff), simplify = FALSE)
 # Proportion of p-values less that alpha
 nmiss <- sum(
 nrep <- nsim - nmiss
 if (nrep==0) warning('no model converged')
 ret <-, ret[!])
 ret <- apply(ret<alpha, 1, mean)

Step 4: Write a function that takes its input from the rows of a data frame and appends power results as additional columns

pow <- function(dd) {
 ret <- parSapply(1:nrow(dd), function( i) {, dd[i,])
zd <- expand.grid( N = seq(10,30,10), M = 3:6,  weff = .2, beff = c(0, .2, .6))
zd$nsim <- 10
zd$alpha <- .05
zd$ICC <- .2

Step 5: Create a data frame to explore power with a modest number of simulations

zd <- expand.grid( N = seq(10,100,10), M = 3:6,  beff = 0, weff = c(0, .2, .6))
zd$nsim <- 100
zd$alpha <- .05
zd$ICC <- .2

Step 6: Explore with a modest number of simulations at first

Hours to increase simulations by factor of 10

 dout <- pow(zd)
) *10 /3600
xyplot( X ~ N | weff, dout, groups = M, type = 'b', lwd =2)
xyplot( X ~ I(M*N) | weff, dout, groups = M, type = 'b', lwd =2,xlim=c(0,100))

Speeding up loops with easy C functions

Comparing raw R, compiled R and a C function.

This is a quick way to write a loop as a C function in R. This description assumes you are using Windows. A few small changes are required for other OSs. First, install Rtools The following R code illustrates a C function, its compilation and its inclusion in an R function. ‘benchmark’ is used to compare the speed of of the raw R function, the compiled R function, the C function using a ‘double’ accumulator, and the C function using a ‘long double’ accumulator. The speed advantage of using the C function compared with the raw R function is in the order of 100. The compiled R function runs roughly twice as fast as the raw function.



Speeding up a function with a loop Arises in HOA:

Rfun <- function(t, N = 100000) {
 tmp1 <- 0
 tmp2 <- 0
 tmp3 <- 0
 for (j in N:1) {
   tmp1 <- tmp1 + 0.5*log(j*(j+1)/(j*(j+1)-2*t))
   tmp2 <- tmp2 + 1/(j*(j+1)-2*t)
   tmp3 <- tmp3 + 2/((j*(j+1)-2*t))^2
 c(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3)
Rfun( -475)
 Rfun( -475)

If this is a function that needs to be called a very large number of times, its speed could be a problem

###  Using the recent R function compiler
Rfun.comp <- cmpfun(Rfun)
 Rfun.comp( -475)
### Writing the inner loop in C (that's all the function is)

The function in C

   #include <R.h>
   #include <math.h>
   void fun(double *t, double *N, double *ret)
   double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, j;
   tmp1 = tmp2 = tmp3 = 0;
   for (j = *N; j > 0.9 ; j--) {
   tmp1 = tmp1 + 0.5*log(j*(j+1)/(j*(j+1)-2.0*t[0]));
   tmp2 = tmp2 + 1.0/(j*(j+1)-2.0*t[0]);
   tmp3 = tmp3 + 2.0/pow(((j*(j+1)-2.0*t[0])),2.0);
   ret[0] = tmp1;
   ret[1] = tmp2;
   ret[2] = tmp3;
   ret[3] = j;
   ', file = 'fun.c')
system( 'rm fun.dll')
system( "R CMD SHLIB fun.c" ) 

The ‘wrapper’ function in R

Cfun <- function(t, N = 100000){
 ret <- double(4)
 ret2 <- .C('fun', t = as.double(t), N = as.double(N),
            ret = ret)  # ret reserves memory for the returned value

Using long double as an accumulator to see what effect that has

   #include <R.h>
   #include <math.h>
   void funl(double *t, double *N, double *ret)
   long double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, j, Nl;
   tmp1 = tmp2 = tmp3 = 0;
   Nl = *N;
   for (j = Nl; j > 0.9 ; j--) {
   tmp1 = tmp1 + 0.5*log(j*(j+1)/(j*(j+1)-2.0*t[0]));
   tmp2 = tmp2 + 1.0/(j*(j+1)-2.0*t[0]);
   tmp3 = tmp3 + 2.0/pow(((j*(j+1)-2.0*t[0])),2.0);
   ret[0] = tmp1;
   ret[1] = tmp2;
   ret[2] = tmp3;
   ret[3] = j;
   ', file = 'funl.c')
system( 'rm funl.dll')
system( "R CMD SHLIB funl.c" ) 

Cfunl <- function(t, N = 100000){
 ret <- double(4)
 ret2 <- .C('funl', t = as.double(t), N = as.double(N),
            ret = ret)

Cfunlp <- function(t, N = 100000){
 ret <- double(4)
 ret2 <- .C('funl', t = as.double(t), N = as.double(N),
            ret = ret, PACKAGE = "funl")

-475 is a plausible argument for this function

Rfun( -475) - Rfun.comp( -475,1000000)
Cfun( -475) - Cfunl( -475,1000000)
Rfun( -475) - Cfunl(-475,1000000)[1:3]

benchmark( Rfun( -475), Rfun.comp(-475),Cfun(-475),Cfunl(-475), 
          Cfunlp(-475), replications=10)

benchmark( Rfun( -475,1000000), Rfun.comp(-475,1000000),Cfun(-475,1000000),Cfunl(-475,1000000), replications=1)

Counting the number of packages available

repositories <- c(
names(repositories) <- repositories     # autonymous
packs <- lapply(repositories, available.packages)
packs <- lapply(packs, rownames)
lapply(packs, head)
lapply(packs, length)
sum(sapply(packs, length))     # number of available packages
length(unique(unlist(packs)))  # number of unique package names

Crazier things you can do with R

From Programming in R

Suppose you wanted to see all examples of the use of the ‘match’ function: List all functions that use the function ‘match’

a <- lapply(search(), ls)
names(a) <- search()
a <- unlist(a)
names(a) <- a
a <- a[ sapply(a, 
              function (x) { 
                try( x <- )
              }) ]
a <- lapply(a,
b <- lapply(a, deparse)
b <- lapply(b, length)
b <- order(unlist(b))
a <- a[b]
i <- lapply(a, function(x) { length(grep("match\\(", deparse(x)))>0 })
i <- unlist(i)